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"I'm hungry!!"

Kris groaned as he felt his sister tug on the back of his hood to get his attention.

"Kris I have to pee!"

"For Thor's sake Valka you should have went when we were still home!" Kris snapped. "Can't you hold it in?"

"No! And you know I'm terrible at that!" His sister whined.

"I regret taking you with me." Kris muttered to himself.

The group had been flying North for a few hours, knowing Skyla would go the the mother coldest part of the world to create a nest. Of course like all long trips, the younger children were being downright annoying with asking repeatedly if they were close to their destination, they were bored, they we're hungry, and they had to use the bathroom.

"I have to pee!!" Kris heard Hiccup yell from behind where he was clinging to Dagra.

"If you wet your trousers right now I will turn this dragon back, drop you back with our mother and make you scrub the saddle until it doesn't smell like pee!" The Defender princess snapped and Kris heard her Skrill growl in agreement.

"Maybe we should stop?" River suggested. "I see an island up ahead, we can stop there for a while so we can rest our dragons, eat and relieve ourselves."

"River's right, we should rest." Nana agreed. "We can't exhaust our dragons like this and risk the little ones soiling their trousers and the saddle."

"Can't repeat the incident that happened on the trip to Itchy Armpit." Elia agreed and turned to give her brother a look. "Right, Kris?"

"Just strike me down now Thor, I'm begging you..." Kris muttered as the other teens groaned. "Oh come on, I was only two! I was still getting the hang of not using diapers!"

"You wet your pants and made dad's saddle stink!" Elia shot back. "And it smelled worst because he recently waxed it!"

"Please stop embarrassing me!" Kris yelled and clamped his hands over his ears. Chiller snorted and sent a glare at the two older siblings before proceeding to move to the front of the group where River and her Nadder were at.

"They're so embarrassing, why can't they ever shut up?" River said with a shake of her head when Kris removed his hands from his ears. "Like seriously, ever since they were little they didn't know how to control what they say."

"Dad says he was like that, but I hate it when they bring up embarrassing moments involving me." Kris said with a huff. "Mum said one used to wet the bed until she was five, yet you don't see me bringing it up when we worried about Valka when she couldn't stop getting the bed!"

"I don't wet it anymore!" Valka declared angrily. "I'm telling mommy when we see her!"

"You're being a Tattle Rat."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."


They found an island to rest on, the older teens keeping an eye on the younger ones as they rushed into the trees and bushes to do their business while the dragons laid out on the sand panting and trying to regain their strength. Kris kept glancing at the horizon where they were heading, wondering if his mother and upcoming sibling was alright.

"I just hope they're alright, she's never done this before." Dagra said as she approached Kris. "But I'm sure your mother won't have any problem popping out the little egg."

"We don't even know if the baby is going to be an egg." Kris pointed out. "It could be human but with dragon parts for all we know."

"Right, or it could be an egg and a baby human is hatched from it."

"Storm is coming." River commented as she approached them, gesturing to the dark clouds. "We're heading north, might get worst when it hits us."

"Should we stay here then for the night?" Kris asked and his cousin gave a nod.

"At least to wait it out, last thing we need is one of the group separating because of a huge gust of wind."

As the younger siblings came back from their bathroom break, they were happy to have some more time to rest or explore the island with their siblings dragons accompanying them. They managed to find a large cave big enough to hold all of them and their dragons when the storm started to come in.

"I miss mommy." Erette said softly to her siblings as they all huddled together for warmth. "IS she ever coming back Nana?"

"Of course she is, mum always came back whenever she left with the dragons during their egg laying season, remember? She would go to help Toothless keep an eye on them?" Nana said as she hugged her baby sister to her chest. "And she always made sure never to stay away too long because she knew she had to come home and see us again."

"Daddy's gonna be so mad when he finds out what we did." Valka muttered as Ursa shot her a look. "It's true! He's gonna be mad because we didn't listen to him!"

"But he'll stop being mad when we come home with our mother and new baby brother or sister." Kris pointed out and gave a yawn. "We should sleep, we have to wait out the storm so we can keep looking for them."

"Good idea. Now all of you, go the fuck to sleep." Elia said and gave a yelp of pain when her twin smacked her shoulder.

"No swearing in front of Erette!" Nana hissed as Ursa and Valka removed their hands from the puzzled toddler's ears. "Do you want to get your mouth washed out with saddle soap for swearing in front of her?"

"You're all so weird!" Dagra yelled from her side of the cave. "Just go to sleep already!"

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