Chapter 3- The Bad Girl Gone Good

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Marinette's POV

I woke up on my desk, feeling a bit drowsy. I opened my eyes and my room seemed more brighter than earlier. "What time is it?" I said as I opened my phone revealing the time.

"School starts in," As I saw the time, I immediately panicked. "An hour ago!!!"

I rushed to the bathroom and got dressed. I went to the dining area where I snatched a slice of bread from the plate. I munched it in my mouth as I bid goodbye to mom and dad.

I got to school in a minute and I rushed upstairs where my classroom is located. The classroom was empty which means that everyone is at the canteen, taking their recess. Great! I had missed the first period.

I left the classroom and head down at the crowdy place. I was the last in line but luckily the canteen lady was fast in serving people. I immediately got my tray which consists of pudding, an egg sandwich, a cinnamon roll and a small box of apple juice. I began to walk to the table where Alya was.

As I was walking, someone had tripped me using her foot. I grunt at the moment my body fell on the floor. The food that I was holding fell on the floor as well. I looked up and it was Lila. What have I even done to her?

She and her friends laughed at the sight before them - me on the floor and my clothes covered in pudding. It was a good thing that Chloe was not with them or else, this would have gone worse.

I tried standing up but the stickiness of the pudding gave me a hard time. As I was struggling to get up, someone was already lecturing Lila. I looked up once again and it was Chloe. The girl who had bullied me for the past 4 years.

"Lila! This is too much. I think you should stop what you're doing. It is very immature." Chloe said and this made Lila gasped in surprise.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to you Chloe?" Lila said as she crossed her arms. "This is so not like you."

"I don't care what you think but get lost. Get away from my sight!" Chloe said as she pointed to the canteen door.

As Lila and her friends are heading to their own table, Chloe reached out her hand and helped me up. I think she has a good heart after all.

"Come and follow me to the comfort room." She said and began walking, leaving me quite speechless.

"Hey Chloe, Wait up!" I said and ran after her.

After a few minutes of chasing Chloe, we had finally arrived at comfort room which was empty at the moment. Chloe placed her bag on the table and opened it, taking a plastic out of it. She gave it to me and I looked inside. It was a plastic bag with some clothes.

"Change your outfit before the next period starts." She said and I immediately went inside one of the cubicles.

After a few minutes, I went outside of the cubicle, feeling new because of the clothes that Chloe had lend me. A white blouse, dark pink skirt and a baby pink cardigan. I looked at myself in the mirror and I feel so different.

Chloe smiled in amazement. "To be honest, you should wear those kinds of clothes. It fits you."

I smiled at her as she was finished fixing her ponytail. "Thanks Chloe." I said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Before I go, here read this. Someone gave it to me and said I should give it to you. And If I give it, he'll give me a new set of makeup in return." She said, handing me a red envelope.

"Who was it from?" I asked.

"Sorry, can't tell." With that, Chloe left the comfort room.

As I heard the bell rang, I went back to my classroom and sat beside Alya, who was staring at me from head to toe. "Mari, is that you?" She whisper to me.

Since the teacher wasn't here yet, I decided to talk to her. "Yeah. Me in different clothing."

Alya gave me a huge grin. "What happened? I didn't see you at the canteen."

I chuckled. "To be honest, you'll never believe what just happened. Chloe gave me these." I said making Alya's eyes grew in surprise. "Chloe? As in the girl who bullied you for four years?"

I nodded. "She even defended me in front of Lila Rossi." I said making Alya more surprise.

"Oh my gosh girl! I think the bad girl had gone good." She said, making me chuckle.

My expression changed. "But then, she gave me this envelope. I haven't read it yet." I said, showing Alya the red envelope.

Alya smiled. "Read it, Mari."

With that, I opened the envelope, revealing a note written in a formal writing.

Hey there, Mari. I just wanted to tell you that I really want to see you, talk to you even. Anyways I hope that you follow my clues and at the end of your quest, you'll find out who I am.
This is your first clue.

Another day is starting
A new chapter is unfolding
You finding out who I am
And of course finding out the feelings that I have

Since life is not easy
This quest of yours might be a little confusing
If you really want to know your fate
Then go to someone that says 'love can conquer hate'

Because of what I had just read, my mind became confused. "So this might be from a secret admirer of yours." Alya concluded.

I sighed. "You know, Alya, if this person wants to meet me so badly, then he could just meet me without making clues." I said.

Alya rolled her eyes. "But girl, this way would be more fun."

I rolled my eyes this time. "Alright fine. I'll do this."

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