Chapter 4- Way More Different

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Adrien's POV

It has been a few hours since I had put my plan into action and here I am in the classroom, being interrogated by my friend, Nino.

"Dude, are you sure this would work? I mean, you could have just meet her without making this stuff." He whispered.

"But Nino, what other choice do I have? I'm scared to talk to her." I said, checking my bag if the 'red box' is there. It was there.

"And besides, I'll only give her three clues. After that, she would have met me by then." I added.

Nino sighed. "But what if your plan fails? What if she doesn't want to do all of this?"

I looked at Nino with a serious face. "Nino, I've known Marinette for months. She is an intelligent, kind and a courageous girl. I'm sure she would be up for it." I said as I took out my tablet, getting ready for the test. "And besides, she is way different than the other girls I've met."

Nino roleed his eyes and sighed for like the tenth time today. "I hope so dude. I hate it when your hopes are crushed."

At lunch, I followed Marinette and I saw her talking to Alya. I can hear everything that they say.

"Alya, what do you think that means? Find someone who says that love can conquer hate?" I hear Marinette say.

Alya closed her locker. "Well that quote seemed familiar though. Are you sure you don't know anyone who had said that?"

Marinette began thinking for a bit and her eyes widened. "Aha! I think I know someone. Come with me, Alya." She said and began walking away, with Alya trailing behind her.

They had eat lunch with their friends as I was sitting in a table that is far from them. I took a sip of my apple juice and began eating a price of my croissant. For some reason, I keep on looking at Marinette. Maybe because I really like her.

Nino began looking at me weirdly. "Dude, you okay? You seemed to be spacing out for awhile." He said, munching on his blueberry muffin.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Nino chuckled. "Dude, eversince you start liking Marinette, you became more happier than ever."

I smiled dreamily. "I guess so, Nino. Is this love?" I asked.

Nino scratched his neck. "Well if you're willing to do anything for that person, then it is love."

Marinette's POV

After Alya and I had lunch, we went outside the canteen to look for Rose. Rose is the only person that I know that believes in that quote. As Alya and I are walking, we saw Rose at her locker, designing it with hearts and flowers.

"Uh hey Rose. Do you know a person who is behind this?" I said, showing her the note.

Rose shook her head. "Nope but He wants to give you this." She said, handing me another red envelope and ran away.

Alya smiled. "I guess you have another one."

I groaned. "Argh! Seriously? This is making my brain dry."

I opened the red envelope and took the paper inside. I saw the formal writing again but this time, there are only a few things written on the paper.

So I guess you have passed clue #1. Easy, wasn't it? Anyways here's your clue #2

So now it feels like you have weight more than a ton,
I'm really sorry for being such a pest
But now, you have to seek a person,
Who is willing to do anything, especially for her guest

After I had read the clue # 2, my mind felt heavy. This clue is really confusing and who is he referring this time. I began to think again. But since it was really hard... I think I should ask Alya.

"Hey Alya, who do you think he's referring to?" I asked.

She had said nothing and took the paper. She began reading the note and she frowned after reading it. "Argh! It's so hard Mari. There are a lot of people who he can be referring to. I mean a lot of people are willing to do everything..."

Alya's last sentence made me think. "What did you just said?" I asked her.

"A lot of people are willing to do everything."

Because of that, I began to think of a certain person. "Alya, I think I know who it is. Not all people can do anything for someone."

Alya looked at me, confused. "Who is it?"

I smiled in victory. "It must be Sabrina. She is willing to do anything especially for Chloe."

Because of that, we began walking again, in search for that girl.

As we were walking towards the school's entrance, we saw Chloe and Sabrina, talking to each other. We approached them and they stopped. They became quiet as I  began asking.

"Hey Sabrina. Are you the one writing these poems?" I asked as Sabrina was searching something in her pocket.

She shook her head. "No and I'm not good at those. By the way here's a note for you." She said as she gave me an envelope.

I began reading it.

You're really smart Mari. I can't believe you found out who I was referring to. Anyways I hope you can pass this one.

This girl that I'm referring
She's tough, awesome but she's not that outstanding
She is great in valuing anything
Especially when timing is everything

I look at the note in disbelief. "I hope that this will end soon." I said to myself.

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