Chapter five

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Tudi scoffed. " And you're the pipsqueak who's gonna stop me? It doesn't matter how super effective you are against me. I'll kill you. Hope you go to the distortion world." Tudi growled as he swiftly walked closer to Churro. Churro in which returned his growl with a glare.

" Churro! You can't just-" Paarthurnax began before Tudi grabbed Churro by the throat. Churro struggles in his claws. Most of the squad shuffles around and doesn't do a thing. Paarthurnax sighs and face palms. " Cowards." He groans.

Out of the halls, a swiftly body of water smooshes Tudi, knocking him over. A Dewott stood over him, triumphantly. A stereo played from the hallway and a Blastoise strutted out with sunglasses on.

" Are those Eon's, Spout?" A Primarina asked, flipped over mouth. A hoodie was hiding his face, but Churro could still see it. He wasn't blind. A young female Pikachu facepalms and walks up to Tudi. " Seriously, guys? Are we all that much of cowards? This new recruit needs our help. Let's make sure that Tudi gets captured today." She said. Churro landed on his feet.

He brushed himself off, wincing when he got to his scar. " Yeah!" Most of the pokemon said. " I'll think about it." Spout joked. The Primarina smacked her. " You're never going to get a girlfriend." Spout told him.

" I don't want one. Get your own girlfriend." The Primarina sassed. " Are you transgender?" A random starter asked. " Guys, we have bigger problems." Churro said as he slammed a Leaf Blade against a sadistic Tudi.

Tudi yelped as he fell over, struggling
To get up. He was lying on his quills. " Quick! Arrest him! It's never been this easy to capture him before! He's not aided by anyone this time thank arceus!" Paarthurnax roared.

Immediately, the Primarina grabbed him by his claws and attempted to arrest him. Tudi kicked him across the room. The Primarina cried out in pain. Tudi struggled to get up still. " The only way to capture him now is to make him faint." Churro explains.

He used Leaf Blade. " He's right. Everyone use a move that will affect this outlaw. We must capture Tudi at all costs." Paarthurnax ordered as he used Flameflower. Tudi laughed. " I have better defense than your most defensive Pokémon. You can't make me faint." He said, sticking a poison sting into an Chikorita's side. He screamed and fell over in pain.

He was poisoned. " Watch out for the poison attacks." Paarthurnax warned a bit too late. Over half the Pokémon who were brave enough backed away so they wouldn't be poisoned. Tudi struggled again and again. Churro bravely used Slam. Tudi was paralyzed.

The Pikachu next to him, who he figured out was named Lightning, used Iron Tail. Tudi ignored the pain, but Churro could tell he looked as if he was going to throw up. Or maybe he was going to curl up. Was that a defense curl?

No. It was a pain curl. Very different from a defense curl. Tudi tried to get up once more. " Fucking annoying quills." He grumbled as he kicks and thrashes about. " Tudi, you are under arrest." Lightning told him. " Naw." He said, grunting as he tried to get up. " Take this, then. Enjoy some water in your face." Spout said, cannons pointed at Tudi.

She used Hydro Pump. She shot him with a huge amount of water. Tudi slammed into a wall because of the water. That stabilized him. He stood up on his feet, stumbling. He almost fell over, but then he used Metal Claw and ran at Paarthurnax. He ran his claws down one of his wings.

Paarthurnax managed to burn him before he got far with the metal claw. Paarthurnax held him in place. It was like a wrestling match. Churro decided to get into the action himself.

He sprung on top of Tudi's face. He shot an Energy Ball at him while holding on to him. Tudi cried out in pain and stumbled back and tripped over the Dewott. The outlaw banged his head against the hard ground.

His eyes swirled after that. He had fainted. " Did you just make Tudi faint?" Lightning asked in awe. Churro just looked at the Sandslash on the ground. He shrugged. " He was overconfident in himself. He was bound to lose at some point." Churro said with a shrug.

" And you have a scar. You shouldn't have been able to do that." Eule said. " I have the ability overgrow. It's nothing. I tried taking on a fully grown Charizard." Churro commented with another shrug. He didn't see the big deal about it.

He literally has defeated tons of Pokémon without trying. He knew how strong he was. He just never expected to get a scar because of his challenges.

" I told you I could take on a Pokémon with a scar. Now stop looking at it. It's stupid." Churro stated, embarrassed as he placed his tail around himself in order to keep the other Pokémon from staring at it.

" Okay, it's decided. You are in. But might want to consider to let that scar heal before you continue to work for us." Paarthurnax told him as he checked his wing to make sure it wasn't broken. It wasn't, but it had a slash mark on it. It wasn't enough for a scar like Churro's, but it would take a while to heal itself.

Churro grumbles, " Of course." Then he kicks at the ground. " Strangers over worry about everything." " Before you go back to the hospital wing to heal up, I want you to meet some very important members of the squad." Paarthurnax insisted as he drew his tail around Churro and made his way over to the Dewott, Spout, and Primarina.

" I want you to meet a water team that formed up. This is Pip." He began, indicating towards the Primarina. " That's Parker." Paarthurnax introduced, claws pointing at the Dewott. " And that is Spout."

Churro looked up at him in confusion. Why does he want me to know about this. " What's this about?" He asked. " I was hoping you would join up with a grass type team. What do you say?" Paarthurnax asked him.

Churro thought about it for a little bit. He opened his mouth in order to speak. " I think," he began as he thought about it a little too less than he needed to.

Authors note: Lightning also belongs to Pikagirl1527

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