Chapter four

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The Absol stumbled. He grumbles something under his breath. He then runs off. Churro tilts his head. " What was that about?" He asked.

Eon only puts him back on his body and runs in the direction of the starter squad once more. Churro shrugged. None of my business. Though that Absol might be dangerous. He thought as he hung on to Eon.

Eon halted and sniffed the air. He dashed a different direction before completely stopping in front of a building. He slid Churro off his back. " We're here! Though you might want to take it easy on your stomach." Eon said, indicating to his scar.

Churro only nodded. " I can't make any promises." He stated. He reached for the doorknob. This is it. He thought as he turned it. The starter Squad.

Usually you would have to turn in an application or something, but Churro didn't think that was necessary. He was already stronger than all his classmates back at school.

He was forcibly dismissed from school. He distinctly remember a shiny? A green spotted Togepi there. She was way older than the rest. Shaking off his thoughts, Churro saw that he had opened the door.

He walked in. Several fully evolved Pokémon were looking at him. " Who's that?" A shiny Blastoise asked, before being handed a sheet of paper. " Uh, guys. We have to go now! Reported signs of Tudi somewhere near a school." She said, before almost trampling over Churro.

The other two Pokémon followed. Churro looked into the eyes of a Primarina with a hood on for a minute. He seemed to glare at him. Then he left.

A Decidueye walked over to Churro. " Hello." The Decidueye greeted. Churro only waved. " You here to join the squad?" He asked, looking down at Churro. " Yep!" Churro exclaimed.

The Decidueye glanced at him suspiciously before, indicating him to follow the older starter. Churro shrugged. He followed, tail trying to hide the scar he got.

The Decidueye knocked on a door. " Sir, it's me." He said. " Who?" A raspy voice asked in a deep, yet loud enough rumble. " Eule." The Decidueye said. An indication from the Pokémon inside made Eule open the door slowly at first before he swung it open with his wings.

" Sir, we need to address a...aah...recruit." Eule stated. Eule moved out of the way, and Churro's eyes widened. Before him was one of the very same species that clawed him, deeming him his scar.

" What?!" A black charizard asked, leaning forward in an apparent seat to look down upon Churro. This guy runs this operation? Churro asked himself, blankly staring at the black Charizard's muscles.

The Charizard has smoke coming out of his nose. " What new recruit?" Charizard asked. " This little Treecko came out of nowhere. He wants to join the squad." Eule explains.

The black Charizard's gaze skims Churro. " You have a scar." The Charizard notes. " It's nothing." He addresses. " So you want to join the squad? You haven't exactly filled out a form..." the Charizard began. " But maybe I'll let you after that scar heals itself some more. Looks pretty red." The Charizard states.

" I can battle with it." Churro stated. " I don't want to risk it." The Charizard responds. " For now, you will go into the recovery room. Heal up. Then we'll talk." The Charizard said. " But-" Churro began.

" Recovery room. Then we'll talk. My name is Paarturnax." The Charizard introduced, indicating him to go to the room. Churro folded his arms. " I'm Churro." He introduces briefly before turning tail and running into the white room.

Churro grumbles to himself as he sits down. Not long afterward he heard a scream. His imaginary ears pricked. He immediately got up. He dashed outside the room, searching for the source of the distressed and probably in pain pokemon.

A laugh filled the air. Churro looked to the source, expecting it to be that Absol again. But it wasn't. Instead flames gathered around two Pokémon with mean looks on their face.

Huh? He asked in his head. The first one was a yellow-gold Fox with nine tails, who happened to be the source of all the flames. The Ninetale's eyes glowed with fury, a wicked grin across her features as she seemed to burn down the Squad.

" W-What?!" Half of the Pokémon in the squad asked. " I thought..." one Pokémon began and a huge chatter began. " Calm down!" Paarthurnax roared, making his way through the clutter of Pokémon.

He faced a spiky backed yellow-and-brown mouse. The mouse had huge claws and clawed feet. It looked like a monster. A true monster. The Sandslash only smirked with the biggest grin Churro had ever seen.

Churro curled his paws. Practically every Pokémon has heard about him. Tudi. And his sidekick, Tisa. Paarthurnax snorted smoke into Tudi's face. " Haven't you done enough damage? It's not my fault Witness left." Paarthurnax growled. Tudi coughed.

" Gross. Control your weak smoke." Tudi responded. " This isn't about Witness you ugly assed bitch." Tisa growled, flames coming out of her mouth somehow as she spoke.

" Wait, but didn't..." Churro began. " Yes. It was a lie. Last we heard she left, but we thought maybe she had returned." Paarthurnax stated. Tudi laughed. " This is priceless. You're all so helpless without Pip, Spout, and Parker. And that...that was just the distraction. Lassie can sure stir up gossip." He stated.

Churro already hated him. He wanted to Leaf Blade him right down the middle and serve him up on a wooden platter. Not silver. The jerk didn't deserve that.

Most of the squad seemed to be shaking in fear or glaring. " Now, where were we? Oh yeah, in the middle of destroying bitches." Tudi stated, agilely slashing a nearby Pikachu with his claws. Something fell out of the Pikachu's stomach. Churro almost barfed.

It was the Pikachu's intestines, and the darn idiot was still holding it. The Pikachu looked up at Tudi before falling to the ground, dead. That was it. Churro thinks.

He stomped over to the villains, bravery welling inside him as he said, " You're gonna regret killing that Pikachu." " Oh really?" Tudi asked, interested like a velociraptor with prey, turning around to meet Churro's glare.

Authors note: Paarthurnax belongs to Pikagirl1527 not me

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