Chapter three

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Eon and Churro continued to trek through the area. They didn't speak a lick since their conversation earlier. Churro's arms were crossed, a seemingly grumpy look on his face.

Eon seemed to have his head bobbing to some imaginary song he was listening to. In fact he was moving his head around in circles with his eyes closed like he was in some circle of life movie.

Churro just wanted his scar to heal already. It was already embarrassing just to look at the reminder of his failed save at the Flabebe village.

If only he wasn't so headstrong and brave. It got him this horrid scar. His head looked down at Eon's fur. He hated this. He just wish he never wanted to help Pokémon.

It would be better off for his brother if he just left and got destroyed by the Charizard instead of Eon rescuing him like he did.

Then again it wasn't his fault the Charizard was a bitch about being so powerful. " Whatcha thinking about?" Eon asked, startling him. " None of your business." Churro snapped, looking away to not have to look into Eon's amber eyes.

Eon blinked at him. " Maybe not. I make it my business. Tell me. I have the power of psychic ability you should tell me. Is something wrong?" He asked.

Churro shook his head. " I'm fine. Just bring me to the Starter squad." He insisted. The sooner the better. Churro thought.

Eon paused. " What is it?" Churro asked him. " Is it a bad guy?!" He asked overly excited. " That's going to be your downfall. Don't get excited." Eon states. " Don't you get excited about battle?" Churro asked him.

" No. I solve the problem as calmly as I can. Yes I do get excited, but that doesn't mean I should be headstrong about defeating opponents." Eon states.

" How could you know that? You're one year younger than me." Churro states with a sort of brag to his voice. Eon just sighed. " I've had more experience in the field." Eon states.

" You've got any proof?" Churro demanded, holding out his hand and curled his fingers in as if beckoning him to hand him some evidence. " Nerp!" Eon exclaimed.

" Then you haven't." Churro said. Eon just laughed. " I have. I don't have the evidence, but I've seen things even you wouldn't see. I met many Pokémon. I'm friends with all different sorts of Pokémon. I think. It's hard to tell when one is sticking their middle paw finger in the air." Eon states.

Eon got in a defensive position. " Shh." He suddenly says. " They're close." Churro rolled his eyes. " Sure, sure." He sarcastically said. An Absol padded forward.

" Greetings ugly." He growled at Churro. " Do I know you?" Churro asked him, eye brow raised. The Absol only chuckled. " So this is your new pet, my son?" He taunted. He padded closer, a glare in his eyes.

Eon only calmly looked at him. Churro's heart raced. He wanted to destroy this Absol. He had no idea who he was, but he deserved to die for calling him ugly.

Eon held out a paw to stop Churro from his rage. " Don't." He said. Churro only growled. Absol laughed. " He's not my pet, father. Can't you leave us alone?" Eon asked.

The Absol laughed violently. " You're hilarious, son. I will never. You've become an idiot. I came to mock that. And your new toy has a scar on his stomach. Stop this pathetic-ness. You're a disgrace to me. My daughter too. You're both a disgrace. You both know of me and you didn't join me. You're an insult that's what you are." The Absol said.

Eon just smiled. " I love what I've become. You're the one I feel sorry for. Running away from the Squad all this time. You're an outlaw. A Marauder." Eon states, using a word that was new to Churro.

What's a marauder? He wonders. Absol just snorts. " You're a slut now. That's what you are." Absol said. " Define slut then. Because I don't think you're using that word correctly." Eon states. Eon didn't seem to be insulted by this Absol at all.

In fact the only thing his gaze was showing was pity. Pity. This Umbreon is weird. Churro thought as he faced the Absol. " But let's not talk about all this. You have two options: either join me in my conquest to take over the world, or die! You and your little starter toy there." Absol insulted.

" I take the option where I live and I'm not forced to be something I'm not." Eon commented. He flashed a challenging look at his apparent father. A glare was on his father.

"So be it." Absol Growled, using Dark Pulse. Eon countered with his own Dark Pulse. Finally! Churro thought with anticipation. Though he didn't shudder, he was waiting for this a while.

He put his paws closer together after unfolding his arms. " Take this!" The Treecko exclaimed as his Energy Ball was prepared. He jumped and tossed the ball at the Absol.

The Absol got hit in the face. He growled at Churro. " You're just begging to die!" He exclaimed, white light emitting off him as he tried to slam into the gecko.

Churro's body glowed white as he dodged the Quick Attack with his own. Eon has disappeared to who knows where. I'll be fine. He thought. I can take this Absol on no problem.

The Absol smirked. " Oh please. A stupid starter like you stands no chance against me." He bragged. Churro folded his arms.

" I'd like to see you try, weakling." Churro flashed at him. Absol smirked. His body suddenly disappeared. He only managed to glimpse the Absol gripping a pendant before the Absol disappeared.

When the Absol finally was located, he was coming at him with wings, his tail and fur looking totally different. What the fuck happened to him? Churro asked.

The Absol was aiming a Night Slash at Churro's stomach. There was no time for Churro to protect it and prevent it from oozing more blood. That was when Eon popped out, and smacked the dickens out of the Absol.

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