1 Year Special

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Yeah, I know what I said before. Just read the author's note and I'll explain this whole debacle!


Lennon stirred as the fog of sleep began to clear and subtle things came to her. The soft light filtering in through the window, the rise and fall of Kade's chest beneath her head, the weight of his arm around her and a small, quiet voice. She rolled over to find the time and Kade moved with her, pulling her close against his chest. Again, the little voice called.

"Babe," Lennon mumbled, gently patting Kade's arm.

"Mmmm," he mumbled in his sleep.

"I think I hear Teddy," she said.

"I'll get him," Kade said.

"I can," she offered.

She began to pull back the blankets but Kade moved faster.

"No, I got him," he said.

He stumbled out of the room, still half asleep. Lennon snuggled back under the blankets and closed her eyes. A moment later she heard Kade's soft footsteps on the wood floor accompanied by a light and high, "Dada, dada."

"Dada loves you," Kade said softly.

Lennon opened her eyes to find Kade climbing back into bed, Teddy wrapped up in his arms. The moment Teddy hit the mattress he crawled over to Lennon and sat.

"Mama, mama," he said happily, his tiny hand reaching for her face.

Lennon smiled at the little face that held her's and Kade's features. He had Kade's dark eyes and hair and her smile and cheeks. He was the best of them combined.

"Hi baby," she said, pulling him close and attacking his face with kisses.

Teddy's giggle filled the room as he tried to wriggle free and Kade and Lennon couldn't help but laugh along.

"Who's a big boy?!" Lennon asked.

Teddy pounded his chest proudly.

"Who's the birthday boy?" Kade asked.

He grabbed Teddy and lifted him into the air. Teddy screamed with delight as Kade lifted him up and down. Lennon grabbed a small truck from the bedside table and Teddy was lost in playing it the second she handed it to him.

"I can't believe he is already one," Kade said.

Lennon shifted her gaze from Teddy to Kade and smiled at the love in Kade's eyes as he looked at their son.

"Me either," she agreed.

They fell silent as they watched Teddy play.

"The last two weeks of tour didn't feel the same without you guys," Kade said, reaching for her hand.

"It felt weird without you here," she said. "After living on the tour bus for the last couple of months the house felt too big."

"The bus felt too big without you two."

Lennon smiled.

"But now that you are home, the house feels just right."

"Are you calling me fat?"

Lennon pretended to hesitate and Kade scoffed.

"Please, you know I kept up with Noah's workouts on tour and he was working extra hard to impress a special someone."

"Yes. His seven step plan. He might have mentioned something about that."

"Really?" Kade asked sarcastically.  "Because that's all I heard about, all tour long."

Lennon laughed.

"He seems convinced it's going to work," she said.

"I tried to explain to him that you can't make someone fall for you with a seven step plan but he wouldn't listen."

"He'll figure it out eventually."

"Yeah. I'm just happy you two are back to being my roommates instead of him. It's definitely an upgrade."

"Even the six am wake up calls?" Lennon asked.

"Teddy is a much more welcomed alarm then a drunk Noah."

Teddy looked up at the sound of his name and crawled over to Kade.

"Dada, dada," he said, lightly tapping Kade's chest.

"Plus, Teddy takes up way less room then Noah when he crawls into bed with me," he joked.

Lennon chuckled and snuggled closer to her boys. Teddy remained content between his parents for a moment before he began to wriggle free and move towards the edge of the bed.

"How about birthday pancakes for the birthday boy?" Kade said.

He helped Teddy to the floor and followed the small, toddling figure around the bed.

"Are the pancakes for you or Teddy?" Lennon asked, climbing out of the bed.

"For Teddy."

"He'll eat half a pancake. Who is going to eat the rest?"

"I think I can give him a hand with that."

"Do you really think you need pancakes?" Lennon jokingly asked.

"I don't know. You tell me," Kade asked, lifting up his shirt to flash her his six pack.

"Woohoo! Take it off!" Lennon shouted.

"Len, for Teddy's sake, please keep your fangirling under control."

Lennon laughed as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I never fangirl over you," she said.

"I know. You just wanted an excuse to see my abs."

"Of course," she said, kissing him and picking up Teddy. "Pancakes?"

"Pancakes!" Kade cheered.


"Did Teddy finally go to sleep?" Lennon asked, two hours later when Kade came back into the kitchen.

She was looking through a large pile of mail on the counter. Kade came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"He went right down. He didn't even want a song," he said. "He just kept trying to get to his crib."

Lennon smiled at the disappointment in Kade's voice.

"He was tired from his big morning. It's a lot of work being the birthday boy," she said.

"I know. I just missed him."

"He missed you too. We both did."

"Oh yeah?" he asked, his voice perking up.

"Yeah," Lennon answered.

He turned her around and lifted her up onto the counter.

"How much?" he asked, his hands resting on her waist.

Lennon wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Way too much for being apart for only two weeks," she said, when she finally pulled away.

Kade smiled.

"Same. It's annoying how much I love you two."

"Well, I am adorable and we do make a pretty cute kid."

"We do. Wanna try for another one?" Kade asked playfully.

Lennon chuckled as he kissed her but she pulled away a moment later.

"The second kid is gonna have to wait," she said.

"Why?" he asked, leaning in to kiss her.

"Because Faith is going to be here any minute and you have six months of touring that you need to unpack."

"That can wait."

"Like it did last time?" Lennon asked, fixing him with a skeptical look.

"I did unpack," he argued.

"After two months."

"Living out of suitcases isn't so bad."

"It is when those suitcases are taking up half of my room."


The doorbell cut off Kade's argument and he gave Lennon a pouty look.

"Just tell Faith to come back later," he said.

"I can't," Lennon said.

She pushed him back and hopped off the counter.

"I'm sure you haven't noticed but our house is a bit of a mess," she said.

Kade looked around and Lennon could tell it was the first time he was seeing the piles of laundry, boxes of fan presents and piles of mail cluttering their kitchen, dining room and family room.

"I feel like Faith and I have been working nonstop for the last two weeks and we still haven't made a real dent."

Kade wrapped an arm around Lennon's waist as he followed her to the door.

"Plus, the contractor is coming tomorrow to finalize the plans for the recording studio and then the work crew will be here first thing next week," she said. "I would like a small amount of order before the construction turns our house into chaos."

"I love it when you talk details to me," Kade said.

Lennon stopped and turned.

"You just love me all the time," she said.

"That is true."

She smiled and kissed him before turning to open the door.

"Faith, how are you?" she asked as her assistant stepped into the house.

"Spectacular. Kade, it's good to see you," Faith said.

"You too," Kade said, managing to hide his annoyance. "How's the place in the city treating you?"

"Great. Everyone in the building is so nice. Thanks again for letting me crash there."

"Of course," Lennon said. "You were the one willing to jump back and forth between LA and Boston with us. It was the least we could do."

"I'm glad someone is using the apartment," Kade said. "I've had it for almost ten years and barely spent any time there."

"I'm happy to be of service," Faith said. "And Boston is growing on me."

"I knew it would. Plus, Noah loves it here," Kade said.

Lennon rolled her eyes while Faith pursed her lips.

"You were just going to unpack," Lennon said, turning to Kade and giving him a gentle push.

"I'm pretty sure we were doing something else," he said playfully.

Lennon pushed him harder and got him moving towards the stairs.

"Go unpack," she said. "So we can start laundry."

"Fine. I'm going. I'm going," he said.

He paused on the bottom step.

"I think I'll add these pjs to the laundry pile," he said quietly. "Wanna come help me undress?"

Lennon couldn't help but laugh.

"Kade Matthews," she said.

"The offer has no expiration, just in case you get bored down here," he said.

He grinned as he turned and climbed the stairs.


"Alright, I think that takes care of most of the paperwork" Lennon said.

She and Faith had been stationed at the couch for an hour and a half and her legs were starting to go numb. She stood and stretched.

"Want something to drink?" she asked.

"Yes," Faith said, following Lennon into the kitchen.

Lennon spotted the time and frowned.

"That's strange. I thought Teddy would be up by now but I haven't heard him. Have you?" she asked.

Faith shook her head.

"I'll be right back," Lennon said, heading for the stairs.

She listened intently as she climbed and as she neared the top she could just make out soft voices coming from her's and Kade's bedroom. She quietly opened the door and found Kade and Teddy on the floor, a pile of trucks and blocks between them. She smiled and watched as Kade built up a tower of blocks and Teddy knocked them over with a truck. Teddy giggled as the blocks fell.

"Uh oh!" Kade said.

He reached out and tickled Teddy's round belly and the little boy burst into laughter. Lennon laughed and both boys looked up at her.

"I thought it was awfully quiet," she said, joining them on the ground.

"When he got up I thought I would give you and Faith some space," Kade said.

"Thanks. I'm sure that was really hard for you," she joked.

"Pure torture," Kade said, smiling at Teddy.

"Faith and I just reached a stopping point so let's get packed up and head to your parents. People will be arriving soon for the party."

Twenty minutes later, the group of four was walking the short distance down the block to Kade's parents house. Teddy held onto Lennon and Kade's hand as he walked, excitement in his every step.

"Baboo, baboo," he repeated in his high little voice.

"Yes, we'll see uncle Robbie," Kade said.

"Are all your family and friends going to make it to the party?" Faith asked casually.

Kade gave Lennon the smallest look before answering.

"A majority of them," he said. "Rue said they might be running a little late. Noah is such a good uncle he is flying in especially for this party."

"That's nice," Faith said in a neutral tone.

Lennon and Kade exchanged smiles.

Teddy let go of Kade and Lennon's hands when they reached Kade's parents house and ran for the front door. When it opened, he cried out in happiness and ran to Kade's mother.

"Nana! Nana!" he sang as she picked him up.

"Hey mom," Kade said, giving her a hug.

"How are you darling?" she asked. "When did you get in?"

"Last night," he said.

"You must be exhausted," she said.

He shrugged.

"It's not that bad, but I will take some coffee."

"Me too," Faith said.

The whole group moved to the kitchen and Teddy let out another cry of joy when he spotted Robbie.

"Baboo!" he said, trying to break free from Kade's mother's arms and get to Robbie.

"Where's my favorite nephew?" Robbie asked.

He took Teddy and zoomed him around the kitchen, making sound effects.

"He is your only nephew," Kade said.

"For all we know," Robbie said. "You did have some crazy days bro."

"Robert!" his mother said.

They all laughed as Robbie left the kitchen, Teddy hoisted high on his shoulders.

"I think that's the last we'll see of Teddy for a while," Lennon said.

"Maybe I should try to steal him back," Kade said.

Before he could make an attempt the front door opened and they could hear Gwen and her kids arriving.

"Where's Teddy?" Sammy called out.

"I wanna play with him first," Cece said.

Kade looked at Lennon with a pout.

"I'm not going to get him back, am I?" he asked.

"No, sorry," she said.

Gwen and the kids were the beginning of the party as the rest of family continued to show up in a steady stream. Rue and Gage showed up with their son Finley just as the family was getting ready to eat. Finley was only two months older then Teddy, and both boys were excited to see each other.

Noah showed up just in time for cake and Lennon and Kade watched as he made his round of hellos before he parked himself next to Faith and didn't move for the rest of the party.

A few hours later when Rue mentioned it was time for Finley's nap, Lennon looked around, realizing she had a little person who would also be extremely tired and in need of a nap. She searched all over the house, calling for Teddy, but couldn't find him. As she began to ask around, she realized Kade was also missing and had a pretty good idea where they were.

She was quiet as she crept down the stairs to the basement and smiled when she saw Kade passed out on the couch, Teddy asleep on his chest. Both of their mouths were slightly open and in that moment they looked almost identical. Lennon crept closer and pulled out her phone to snap a picture. She watched them for a moment, so in the love with the sight, before she started to creep back towards the stairs.

"Don't go," Kade whispered sleepily.

Lennon looked back to find his eyes partially open. He patted the spot next to him and she moved towards the couch. She was careful not to disturb Teddy as she cuddled into Kade.

"You two look so adorable," she said.

"That's all thanks to Teddy."

"I think you're pretty cute too,"

"Thanks babe."

Lennon smiled.

"Is everyone gone?" he asked.

"Almost. Rue was going to find Finley so they could go back to her parents for his nap. Oh, guess who left together?"

"Would that be Noah and Faith?" Kade asked.

"It was indeed."

"Does this mean Noah completed all seven steps?"

"More like Faith convinced him to throw the plan out the window."

"How did she do that?"

"She smiled and asked him to show her his favorite parts of Boston."

"It's about time."

"I know. They've been half flirting, half avoiding each other since the beginning of tour. I thought for sure he would make a move before we left."

"I wish he had. He talked nonstop about Faith and his plan after you guys left. Will is going to be so happy. He got more annoyed with Noah then I did."

"I think they'll be happy together."

Teddy stirred and Kade and Lennon held their breath. He turned his head and then his deep breathing picked back up. After a few minutes Kade spoke.

"If I never got to play another show but I got to spend all my days like this, I wouldn't miss my music at all," he said. "You two are my life. Anything else is just extra."

Lennon looked up at him.

"We both think we're pretty lucky to have you," she said.

Kade kissed her and then rested his head back, his eyes closing. Lennon rested on his chest, reaching out to gently take Teddy's little hand in her's and let the rhythm of Kade's heartbeat lull her to sleep.



Yes, I know I have some explaining to do. Let me start off by saying this, my sister is to blame for all of this! She's extremely annoying. She wanted a 1 year special so much she got into my phone and put it in my reminders, FOR EVERY DAY! I caved and wrote her this special. What can I do, she's my best friend and my roommate, she would continue to bug me until I died if I didn't write it. So there you go!

Can we all please admit how freaking adorable Kade is as a dad! And hot, obviously!

Vote, comment, follow. Go check out my other works because Every Second is now complete!! Woohoo!!

This is how adorable Kade and Teddy would look as they slept!

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