A Wedding-ish Special!

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Lennon held her breath as she opened the front door to Kade's house and prayed it didn't squeak. She paused for a moment in the dark and silent entryway, making sure she hadn't woken anyone before she proceeded to the stairs. Passing the dining room, she caught sight of the table covered in buckets upon buckets of flowers. They had arrived that afternoon and had turned Kade's parents house into a garden.

She zig-zagged up the stairs, skipping over the squeaky steps and feeling like a teenager sneaking in after curfew. The adrenaline made the night feel thrilling and she felt ten years younger as she snuck past Robbie's room and stopped in front of Kade's.

Cracking the door open, she slipped inside and noiselessly shut it. The room was quiet except for Kade's deep and steady breathing. Lennon smiled. He was sprawled out, enjoying the freedom of not sharing the bed.

As she sat on the edge of the bed, he stirred and when his sleepy eyes focused on her, he bolted up in surprise.

"Len, what's wrong?" he whispered, reaching out for her.

She smiled as he rubbed his eyes.

"Do I need a reason to see my husband?" she playfully asked.

Kade turned to the clock then back to her.

"When it's two in the morning you do,"  he said.

"I have a surprise for you."

They both kept their voices barely above a whisper.

"A surprise?" Kade asked.

Lennon nodded.

"But you have to come with me," she said.

Kade slowly climbed out of bed and yawned.

"Sorry I interrupted your beauty sleep," she said.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I don't mind," he said, pulling her close. "Just don't complain when my good looks are a bit haggard tomorrow."

Lennon smiled as she kissed him again.

"You'll still be dashingly handsome to me."

"Wait, you can't be here," Kade said.

He pulled away from Lennon and covered his eyes.

"I'm not suppose to see you on our wedding day. It's bad luck."

"Is this bad luck?" Lennon asked, kissing him.

She smiled when Kade dropped his hand from his eyes and kissed her back.

"But really," he tried to argue between kisses. "We're not suppose to see each other."

"I don't think that still counts when you eloped six months before the wedding celebrations," she argued. He still hesitated. "Real relationships aren't suppose to start with a fake dating contract," she added. "We don't do things the normal way."

"True," Kade smiled.

Lennon stepped back and took his hand.

"Come with me," she said.

She let him out of his room, noiselessly down the stairs and outside. The concrete still held remnants of the summer day's heat and the air still held a hint of humidity. An almost full moon cast their shadows on the sidewalk.

"Where are we going?" he asked, as they left his driveway.

"You'll see," Lennon said.

"Seriously, are you feeling ok?" he asked, as they passed his uncle and aunt's house and kept walking.

"Are you sure we don't need a car?" he said.

"You are being as bad as I usually am," Lennon said, continuing to walk. "Patience."

"That's what I always say to you," Kade chuckled.

"You should listen to your own advice," Lennon said.

"My how the tables have turned," he joked.

Lennon stopped walking.

"Kade Matthews, do you want your surprise?" she asked.

He looked at her and laughed.

"It's annoying, isn't it?" he asked.

"Am I really this annoying?" she asked.

Kade laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

"How do you put up with me?" she asked as he kissed her cheek.

"You're pretty cute, so that helps," Kade said.

"But seriously?" Lennon said. "Five years and you still married me?"

"It was the best decision I ever made."

"Good. Now, shut up and wait for your surprise," she said.

Kade let out a surprised laugh and shook his head. He pantomimed zipping his lips closed and tossed the imaginary key behind him.

She laughed and kept walking. When they left the sidewalk and started walking up the driveway of a house she could almost feel Kade's silent questions. He stayed strong and didn't say a word until she snuck along the side of the house.

"Lennon," he hissed, tugging on her hand. "Babe, I love you but if you're looking for one last adrenaline inducing hurrah before you walk down the official aisle, there are other things we can do. Things that don't involve a felony."

She rolled her eyes at him and kept walking.

"How many autographs and free tickets am I gonna have to give out because of this?" he asked as he followed her to the back door.

"None," Lennon said as she pulled a key from her pocket.

Kade gave her a confused look. She smiled and unlocked the back door. He hesitantly followed her inside.

"Why do you have a key?" he asked.

Lennon clicked on a light to illuminate a large open space with honey colored wood floors. She turned to Kade and gave him a shy smile.

"Babe, I love you so much!" she said. "And I'm so excited to finally have a wedding tomorrow."

Kade gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry it took so long," he apologized, moving towards her. "When I proposed I didn't imagine we'd be engaged for two years."

"Don't be sorry," Lennon said. "My album release complicated the timetable. And it didn't feel right having a big ceremony after losing your grandparents, Teddy and Cecelia."

Kade's eyes turned glassy and he shook his head. She took his hand.

"I am glad we decided to elope," she said. "And now I'm happy we get to really celebrate with all our family."

"Me too," he said.

He pulled her in for a long, lingering kiss.

"Now, those were all lovely words, but they don't explain why we're breaking and entering," he said.

"There's a tradition of the bride and groom exchanging gifts before the wedding. So happy wedding day," she said, holding the key out to Kade.

He took it and looked around dumbfound.

"Are you telling me...?"

Lennon nodded her head and laughed at the look of awe on Kade's face.

"This is ours?" he asked.

"It is! Our very own home!"

"How did you even...I love you!" Kade said, stumbling over his words.

"I love you too!" Lennon said.

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He pulled her even closer, lifted her off the ground and spun her around. When they broke apart, Kade walked around the space.

"How did you even do this?" he asked, in amazement walking back to Lennon.

"Some hard work and a lot of help from your parents," she said. "The moment I saw it was for sale I knew we had to have it. I know you've wanted to be around your family more since your grandparents passed away, but I knew we couldn't stay in your old room forever. I thought it would be nice if another Matthews family joined the block. And..."

Lennon gave Kade a shy smile.

"I figured we would want to be close to your family when the baby comes."

Kade had been nodding along as he listened, but he froze at the last sentence. His eyes darted down to Lennon's stomach and then back up to her, questioning. She nodded and the grin spread from ear to ear on Kade's face.

"Your pregnant?!" he asked. "We're gonna have a baby?!"

Lennon nodded. Kade seemed to jump for joy as he lifted Lennon off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I love you," Kade said in between kisses.

"I love you too," Lennon whispered.

"We're gonna have a baby."

"I know."

"So, when...? How...? How soon?"

Lennon threw her head back and laughed.

"Kade Matthews, I don't think I have ever seen you so lost for words," she said.

"It's your fault," he said. "You leave me speechless."

After a tour of their house, Lennon and Kade snuck back to his parents house and back into his room. Kade tiredly sat on his bed and pulled Lennon onto his lap.

"We're gonna have a baby," he said in awe, his hand finding Lennon's stomach.

"It's true," Lennon said. "There will be a little Kannon baby running around pretty soon."

Kade groaned and buried his head in Lennon's neck.

"We can not let that name stick," he said.

Lennon lightly laughed.

"Knowing Rue, we won't be able to stop it," she said.

"Our poor kid," he said, looking up at Lennon. A proud smile spread across his face. "Our kid. I still can't believe it."

"Me either."

"How far along are you?"

"Eight weeks."

"When can we tell people?"

Lennon loved the eager look on his face.

"Not yet," she said. "It's still to early. Plus, I think the wedding is enough excitement for everyone. We don't want to send them into overload with the news."

Kade quietly chuckled.

"True. My mom has asked us every month for the last year about a baby. She is going to flip out when we tell her."

"Let's just keep it between us for now," Lennon said. "Our little secret."

"Our little secret," Kade repeated, rubbing Lennon's belly. "Our little family."

Lennon wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. A few minutes later Kade reluctantly pulled away.

"You should probably get back before Rue discovers you're missing," he said.

"I don't want to go," Lennon said.

"We're really not suppose to see each other before the wedding," Kade argued.


Lennon slipped off of Kade's lap and laid down on the bed.

"I'm closing my eyes to sleep," she said, turning away from Kade. "I can't see you."

She heard Kade chuckle as he climbed in after her and pulled her close. His chest pressed against Lennon's back as his hand settled on her stomach.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."


Warm morning light was peeping through the blinds when the slamming front door shook Kade's room and they both stirred.

"Where is she?" someone shouted, footsteps heavy on the stairs.

"Lennon Kayhill, I know you are here!" Rue shouted.

Lennon turned and cuddled closer to Kade, her head resting on his chest, as she realized who was making the noise.

"Don't let her take me," she said.

"Don't worry, I got you," Kade said sleepily, tightening his hold on Lennon.

Kade's door slammed open but Kade and Lennon didn't move.

"Lennon, what are you doing?" Rue asked loudly.

Lennon opened one eye to find Rue standing over them.

"It's bad luck to see the groom on your wedding day," Rue said. "Is this how you want to start the marriage?"

"I think this is a fine start," Kade mumbled.

He refused to open his eyes.

"We are already married. It doesn't count," Lennon said.

"How did you sneak out?" Rue asked. "I set a trap knowing you would try."

Lennon grinned victoriously.

"I got past it," she said.

"Do you know what time it is?" Rue asked. "It's almost eight. The wedding is in nine hours. We'll never have enough time!"

"What is all the racket?" Margret asked, joining the party in the room.

"Lennon snuck over to see Kade," Rue complained.

"Oh, good morning darling. Would you like some breakfast?" Margret asked.

"That would be..."

"No! No time for breakfast. We have to start getting ready!" Rue said.

"Kill me now," Lennon whispered to Kade.

"Rue, we'll make a compromise," Kade said. "Lennon will get up if you let her stay and have breakfast."

Lennon watched Rue think it over.

"Fine. I guess I can start getting the bridesmaids ready now but you have to get up now," Rue said.

"I'm up," Lennon said.

She sat up and pulled back the covers.

"Alright. It's go time," Rue said. "I'm going back to my house. Lennon you have exactly forty minutes to eat and then you need to report to my house to start getting ready. We have so much work to do!"

Rue left the room with purpose and disappeared down the stairs. Once she was out of sight Kade pulled Lennon back into his arms.

"Five more minutes," he said.

"I'll start breakfast and call you when it's ready," Margret said.

"I knew you were my favorite mom for a reason," Kade said.

"Darling, I am your only mom," Margret said.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're my favorite."

Lennon only had an ounce of guilt as she snuggled down into the blankets and Kade's arms.

Before Margret could call them down for breakfast they heard two familiar voices arrive.

"Charlotte, Deacon, I was just making breakfast for the kids, do you want any?" Margret asked.

"They haven't had breakfast yet?" Deacon's warm voice asked.

"Is Lennon here?" Charlotte asked.

"We should go down," Lennon said, starting to pull away from Kade.

"No," Kade said, tightening his hold on her.

"Kade Matthews, there can't be a wedding unless we get up."


Lennon climbed out of bed, but Kade didn't move.

"Are you coming?" she asked.

"I need my beauty sleep," he grumbled.

"I hate to break it to you babe but more sleep isn't going to improve your looks. You're stuck with them."

Lennon laughed and dodged out of the way as Kade swiped at her.

"Now get your lazy butt out of bed and come have breakfast," she said, as she left the room.

"There's my beautiful girl!" Charlotte said when Lennon entered the kitchen.

"Morning!" she said.

She hugged Charlotte and Deacon before filling two cups of coffee.

"How did you sleep?" she asked, peeking over Margret's shoulder to see what she was cooking.

"Great. Kade's aunt and uncle were so kind to let us stay with them," Charlotte said.

"We wouldn't have it any other way," Margret said. "You two are practically family now."

Lennon's heart swelled to see the people she loved the most coming together.

"Morning," Kade said, rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen.

"Here comes the groom," Deacon jokingly sang.

"Did the boys have you out late last night?" Margret asked as Kade hugged her.

Lennon smiled and handed him his cup of coffee.

"Something like that," Kade said, winking at her.

Kade joined Charlotte and Deacon at the table and pulled Lennon onto his lap. His hand found her stomach and he gave her a gentle squeeze.

"I've heard this is bad luck," Deacon said, pointing to the two of them. "Seeing each other on the wedding day."

"Does it still count when you are already married?" Kade asked.

"Did Rue give you her speech?" Lennon asked.

Charlotte and Deacon chuckled.

"This wedding has made her crazier then ever," Kade said. "Poor Gage. I don't know how he puts up with it."

"Talk nicely about your cousin," Margret warned. "She has practically planned this wedding."

"No, our wedding planner planned the wedding," Kade said. "All Rue has done is make our wedding planner want to quit."

The front door opened and loud voices filled the house.

"Have no fear, the best men are here!" two voices shouted.

"But what is this?" Will said as he entered the dining room.

"The bride and groom together?" Noah said with a scandalized tone.

"But what bad luck!" Will said.

"We must fix this immediately," Noah said.

"Touch her and you won't get any breakfast," Kade warned.

"Did someone say breakfast?" Will said, as he and Noah sat.

Robbie showed up just as Margret was putting food on the table and together, they all enjoyed breakfast. Charlotte finally had to pull Lennon away after Rue had called everyones phones several times and threatened to make another appearance.

"Lennon we should really go before that girl loses it," Charlotte said.

"Why do you have to go?" Kade asked. "I think you look great."

"You'll see her in a few hours, don't be a wimp," Robbie said.

"I should go," Lennon said. "Rue is doing so much, I don't want her to be upset with me. Charlotte, I'm just going to grab my phone and then I'll be ready."

Lennon quickly ran up to Kade's room and she could hear him following her.

She grabbed her phone and turned to find him in the doorway, looking at her.

"I really should go," she said.

"I know. I'll see you two in a few hours," he said, patting Lennon's belly.

She smiled and gave him a long, deep kiss.

"We'll be the one in white."

"I'll be the one waiting at the end of the aisle."



I know, I know. I know! I told you I wasn't going to write this chapter and I seriously wasn't going to. I had no plans whatsoever to write it, but my sister, who has read my story seven times, wanted it. So I wrote it for her for a Christmas present. Of course once she read it she said that I had to post it because she knew you would like it. So I blame all of this on her.
Now this is the end! Lennon and Kade get married, have a kid and live happily ever after, as much as that's possible with a slightly crazy family nearby.

Go check out Mr. Write (completed) The romance where a sarcastic young girl writer meets a cocky know it all guy. (Obviously, he is super hot)
Or go find romance with a hot, shirtless guy that fights zombies in Beyond The Barrier. (Did I mention it's completed?😉)
Or A Secret Service about a daughter of a navy seal, being the social outcast at the school the President's son goes to.

Vote, comment, follow, SHARE! Cause, why not?

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