An Alternative Ending!

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"That was all the instructions he gave you?" Lennon asked. 

Bear gave her a blank face and nodded his head. She looked back out the car window at the wall of rocks and the ocean just beyond, sparkling in the afternoon sunlight.

"Nothing else? Kade just told you to drop me off here? Nothing about how he is renting a boat or jet skis? Or a helicopter?"

Bear only responded with a shake of his head.

"You are no help at all," she grumbled.

The door clicked as they unlocked and she turned to Bear. He wordlessly pointed towards the beach.

"Come on Bear. Give me a hint about where Kade is taking me," she begged. "Please!"

She frowned as he got out of the car and walked around the front. He opened the door, making his point clear.

"What if there is someone waiting to attack me? It's your job to protect me!"

Bear bit back a smile and stepped aside.

"You're my bodyguard. You should be on my side," she said.

She hopped down from the car and adjusted her sundress that covered her bathing suit. She gave Bear one more hopeful look then grabbed her bag and headed for the wall of rocks. She walked along the sidewalk until she found a break in the wall and she passed through, stepping onto warm sand. She kicked off her flip flops and scooped them up as she headed for the water.

There were groups of people gathered under umbrellas and laid out on towels but Lennon easily spotted Kade. He was at the water's edge, prepping a kayak. She smiled and felt butterflies swell in her stomach as she reminded herself he was hers. Out of all the people in the world, she had been lucky enough to find him.

She couldn't help the giddy feeling as she silently watched him work. There was something about the way he carried himself that was intriguing and it had nothing to do with his celebrity status. She knew if he had never become famous he would still have that enchanting element about him. He looked up, caught her staring and her heart skipped.

"Hey beautiful," he called out, jogging towards her.

He smiled wide and it suddenly seemed like it had been more then two days since the last time she had seen him. Lennon suddenly felt the need to be close to him and ran to meet him. He scooped her up effortlessly when they met and she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hey," he repeated, kissing her.

"I missed you," he said, kissing her again.

"I missed you too," she said.

Lennon wasn't sure she had ever smiled so bright as she looked into his warm eyes.

"Are you ready for our date?" he asked.

"I am!"

She hopped down from his arms and his hand found hers as he led the way to the kayak.

"Have you ever kayaked before?" he asked.

"Once, at my dad's lake house but it's been a while."

"It's pretty simple."

Kade began to explain the basics of kayaking and Lennon tried to listen, but found herself distracted by how good he looked. He looked cute in his backwards hat and his white tank top showed off his toned arms as he demonstrated how to use the oar. She was watching him make a fluid, circular motion when she realized he was no longer speaking. She looked up and found him giving her a playful smirk.

"Len, did you hear anything I said or were you too busy checking me out?" he asked.

She bit back a guilty smile.

"You're not that good looking" she said, trying to play it cool.

He let out a warm laugh and she rolled her eyes. He was still laughing as he pulled her in for a kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It's nice to know someone appreciates all the time I put into my looks" he said.

"You mean the five seconds it took you to throw on your hat," she quipped.

"It was at least ten" he corrected.

"You look extremely hot today Mr. Matthews," she admitted.

"Why thank you Miss Kayhill."

A smug grin spread across his face as he leaned in for another kiss. His arms tightened around her, pulling her close until there wasn't any space between them. Lennon forgot about kayaking or why they were there. She forgot about the people, sand, and sun as Kade became the only thing consuming her thoughts.

Time seemed to still as she got lost in him until someone let out a discreet cough and their surroundings came rushing back.

They separated but Lennon kept her arms around Kade, unsure she could keep her balance if she let go.

"Sorry to interrupt," Gavin said with a guilty look. "But there is a large group of teenagers heading this way."

Kade gave her one more quick kiss before he let her go and moved back to the kayak. Lennon glanced around to find some curious looks pointed at them.

"Hey Gavin," she said, taking in the bodyguards swim trunks.

"Lennon," he said with a small nod. "How are you today?"

She held in her awkward laugh and tried to hold a normal conversation, even though she felt like a guilty teenager caught by her parents.

"I'm good. And you?"

Gavin answered but Lennon didn't hear as her eyes landed on Bear heading in their direction, also wearing swim trunks.

"Not a word," he said as he approached, giving her a serious look.

Lennon turned away and moved to Kade's side.

"What's going on?" he asked as she hid her face against his chest.

"Bear's wearing swim trunks," she laughed.

Kade looked back and waved.

"Hey Bear," he called out.

Kade provided enough of a wall that Lennon was able to get out all her laughter before she had to look at Bear again. She was so use to him wearing his classic black suit, the swimsuit seemed so out out place.

"Bear," she managed to say, keeping her features serious.

"Lennon," he said. "We should get moving."

As if on cue, loud voices filled the air as a large group of teenage appeared. Kade helped Lennon into the kayak, handing her an oar before pushing it into the water and climbing in, taking the front seat. Bear and Gavin followed, each in their own single Kayak.

The afternoon sun was still strong but there was a cool, salty breeze on the water. It took a few minutes for Lennon and Kade to get into a rhythm of paddling but once they did, they were cutting through the water smoothly, Bear and Gavin following at a safe distance.

The views were breath taking as they left the beach behind and passed rocky shores and tall cliffs. It was peaceful out on the water and Lennon felt more relaxed then she had since the news of Hunter had gotten out.

Her arms were just beginning to feel tired when Kade stopped rowing and laid his oar across the kayak. He turned in his seat and smiled at Lennon.

"Are you having fun?" he asked.

"I am!" she smiled. "The view is absolutely beautiful."

"I think I have the better view," he said, his eyes on her.

Lennon gave a bashful smile.

"Are your arms getting tired?" he asked, as he stretched his.

"A little," she said. "I'm mostly getting hot."

He gave her a coy smile.

"You are very hot."

She chuckled and opened a bottle of water. As she was taking a sip the kayak began to shake.

"Oh no! The kayak doesn't seem that stable," Kade said, dramatically.

Lennon shook her head as he gave her a playful smile.

"Kade Matthews," she warned.

"What? I'm not doing anything," he said as he rocked the kayak back and forth.


Lennon let out a small yelp as the kayak tipped over and dumped her and Kade into the water. It was cold but it felt refreshing to her tired arms and burning shoulders. When she popped out of the water she found Kade had already turned the kayak right side up and was swimming towards her.

"I can't believe you," she laughed.

"It seemed like a good idea," he said.

He pulled her close and Lennon wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Is this something you teach at the Kade Matthews school for dating?" she asked.

"I am not at liberty to say," he said coyly.

They spun in a slow circle as they treaded water.

"I see what you did. Throw me over board and then hope I come running back to your arms," she said.

"It worked, didn't it?"


Kade smirked as he kissed her.

"Is this a better first date then the one in that movie?" he asked.

Lennon's mind flashed back to when they had watched A Walk to Remember and Kade had criticized the first date.

"Much better," Lennon said, kissing him again. "Because I have you."

He smiled but his eyes grew serious.

"I think it's because I have you, Len. You're better then I deserve."

She smiled at the serious tone of his voice and kissed him again.

"And don't you ever forget it," she joked as she pulled back.

Kade let out a loud laugh and Lennon laughed along. Out of all the different sides of Kade she had grown to know, this was her favorite. Carefree, relaxed and a little bit wild. He didn't have the stress of the world his job usually put on his shoulders. Except for their bodyguards, there wasn't another soul around and they were free to just be themselves.

"Did this date accomplish my second goal?" he asked.

"What was that?"

"Did it make you fall in love with me?"

Lennon shook her head and laughed at the frown that quickly formed on his face.

"It didn't," she said. "Because I was already in love with you."

The frown was overrun by a smile.

"I love you too," he said.


"So, Mr. Matthews, what does the future for hold you?" Lennon asked, stealing a grape out of his hand.

They had finished their kayak trip on a private beach just as the sun was hitting the horizon and lighting up the tips of the waves. There was a fire going in the fire pit and a picnic dinner set out for them.

"What does my future hold?" he asked, tossing a grape up in the air and catching it in his mouth. "You."

Lennon smiled.

"You don't really have a choice there," she said.

She moved the few feet to him and wrapped herself up in his arms.

"I mean beyond this year," she clarified.

"Are you subtly trying to tell me that you don't see our relationship lasting more then a year?" he asked.

Lennon rolled her eyes but smiled.

"If you don't answer my question then I don't see it lasting past tonight," she threatened.

"Oh really? Well what if I won't let that happen?" His arms tightened around her.

"And how would you stop me?"

Kade didn't bother with an answer but instead, turned her face towards him and kissed her. Lennon quickly forgot she was suppose to be holding out for an answer and wrapped her arms around him.

"I think I made my point," he said with a cocky smile when they broke apart a few minutes later.

"You did," she laughed. "Now back to the future."

"That was a good movie."


"Fine" he laughed. "The future? Well, our fifth album should be out by the end of the year and then I guess we'll tour."

"And what about after that?"

"I'm not sure" he said. "I know Will plans on marrying Jessie at some point so that will change things. He might want to take a break."

"What would you do?"

"Spend all my time with you" he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

She smiled.

"What else?"

"Travel" he said. "It sounds silly because traveling is fifty percent of my life but it's a different experience when you aren't working. You know how it is, you don't ever really get to see a place on tour. So I'd travel. What about you? Do you want to travel with me?"

"I'd love too" Lennon said.

"Ok. Where should we go?"


Kade chuckled.

"Sounds good. But first you're leaving me for five months for another man."

Lennon laughed.

"Can you blame me? It's Wes Keats."

"I'm going to miss you."

His voice was more serious as his arms held her tighter. Lennon smiled.

"I'll miss you too! But we'll still see each other. You're coming to visit..."

"In Seattle. And you have a short break..."

"In September, so it won't be so bad."

"And then you should get back just in time for me to leave" he joked sardonically.

"It's kind of the nature of our lives" Lennon said, turning so she could see him.

"Have you gotten sick of it yet?"

"Not at all."

"Oh yeah? And whys that?"

"Well, there's this guy."

"Tell me more."

She leaned in and kissed him.

"I guess five months isn't that bad" he ceded. "And after that?"

"We'll travel the world."

A smile spread across Kade's face.

"Lennon and the world. Five months doesn't sound too bad at all."



I know this is kind out of the blue, but I've been recently editing A Second Chance and working on what I want to change and I decided to write a different ending! And it means more Kannon to love!!

So tell me do you like it better than the other ending?? Yes? No? I want to know because if there is a chorus of yeses then I will trade it out! I really want to know what you think so please be awesome and share your thoughts with me!

Vote, comment, follow! I love you tons and don't you ever forget it!!

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