Chapter 12 - "Love, ice cream, it's pretty much synonymous."

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"Cause wherever you go, that's where I want to be.
I've been counting down the days
I'm tired of being on my own
Baby tell me that you'll wait
I promise that I'm coming home."

Lennon roughly strummed along as she sang, trying to blend the two melodies Kade had talked about that morning. Her transition wasn't smooth, she wasn't exactly sure how the melody to Come Home went, and she hadn't gotten any better over the last half hour.

By the time she returned to the hotel after the concert she didn't feel like sleeping, so she had ended up in her usual spot in the lobby.

She grimaced as her voice collided with the guitar and was thinking about calling it a night when she saw Kade approaching.

"What are you playing?" he asked.

"More like murdering," she said. "I was attempting that mash up you suggested this morning but I'm not playing it right and it sounds awful."

"Do you mind?" He asked.

He sat next to her and held his hands out for the guitar. She handed it over and he played a single strum before he started to play the introduction to Wherever You Go.

"Do you know the words to Coming Home?" He asked as he continued to play, his fingers easily finding the chords without thinking about.

"I have them here," she said, holding up her phone.

"Ok, let's play through the song like normal until we finish the first chorus, I'll do a quick transition and then I'll give you the cue and you can start the first verse of Coming Home."

"Ok," she said.

He played the introduction quickly and started to sing. He sang softly and his voice melded with the guitar notes perfectly. She listened as he played a small transition and then gave her a nod. She started to sing.

"That wasn't to bad," he said as she finished singing

"You mean you weren't too bad. I was awful!" she laughed.

He smiled and she knew he agreed.

"I wrote these songs and I've performed them a million times, so I have an unfair advantage."

"That is true. Again. I'll get it this time."

Lennon left her spot on the couch to walk around the small lounge as they played through the song, again and again. She tried not to break down in laughter every time she hit a wrong note and Kade tried to hide his grimace, but it was late and she couldn't stop herself.

"We are never going to finish this if you don't stop laughing," he said, trying to sound serious.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! All seriousness," she said, forcing a frown on her face.

The smoother the song became, the more they added to it, harmonies and echoes until it started to sound complete.

"Do you think we can play this at the next show?" She asked.

"Why not? I think it sounds pretty good."

"I mean, do you think we have enough time to work with Will, Noah and the band to get them ready before the next show?"

"Will and Noah can pick up anything" he said casually. "The same with the rest of the band. It would only take an hour or so to rehearsal."

"Great!" she said.

"I think the song sounds good but do you want to run through it again?" he asked.

"No but I do want ice cream!" she said excitedly.

"Ice cream? It's almost two in the morning."

"That's the perfect time to get ice cream."

"And where are we going to get this ice cream? I don't think the restaurant is still open," he said.

He stood, moving towards the restaurant. Lennon quickly packed up her guitar and followed him.

"It's closed," he said, walking back towards her.

"Ok, let's go and try to find somewhere else."

"You mean in Oslo?" he asked, giving her a surprised look.

"Yeah!" she answered, walking towards the front desk.

"Could you hold this for me?" She asked the woman working the front desk.

"Lennon it's two in the morning and we don't speak Norwegian, how are we suppose to find ice cream?" Kade asked.

"It is two but it never gets dark here," she said, pointing outside.

The sky had gotten darker but it didn't look like night, only dusk.

"So we don't speak Norwegian but ice cream is a universal language," Lennon said.

"I'm pretty sure you have that confused with love."

"Love, ice cream, it's pretty much synonymous," she joked, heading for the front doors of the hotel.

She stopped once she got outside to take in the warm air with a cool breeze.

"It's perfect out here," she said, as Kade caught up to her.

"This is a stupid idea," he warned.

"Like you have so kindly reminded me, it's two in the morning. Most people are sleeping and it's light outside. It's not like we will get caught in a dark alley. Let's just walk for a little bit and see what we can find. You don't have to come," she said, walking down the sidewalk leading away from the hotel.

She heard quick footsteps and Kade caught up to her.

"I couldn't let you go out on your own," he grumbled but she thought she could see a hint of a smile.

"Isn't it amazing!" she said, looking up at the dark blue sky. "I wish it was like this back home. Although I don't think I could ever go to sleep early."

"Because you sleep at such normal hours now," he said.

"It reminds me of Paris," he added as they walked side by side, his hands in his pockets.

The color of the buildings were similar to the cool gray of Paris, as were the shapes.

"I like it," Lennon agreed.

They heard faint music and started to move in that direction until they came upon a place that looked like a bar. The outside patio was closed for the night but inside was packed with people.

"What are the chances they have ice cream?" Lennon asked, studying the place.

"I'm gonna go with slight to none," Kade said.

"Let's ask."

She started for the door. The lights were low inside and there was soft music playing as background to the crowd's voices. People stared as Lennon made her way towards the bar, dark hair contrasting among all the blondes.

"Ice cream?" She repeated for the fifteenth time, trying to get the bartender to understand her.

He gave her a confused look and shook his head. She turned back to Kade who was laughing.

"I don't think he understands me," she said with a fake pout.

"I'm surprised. I was sure repeating ice cream for the tenth time would really help him understand," he laughed.

"Hey, at least I'm trying," she said.

She gave a defeated shrug and followed Kade towards the door. They hadn't made it far before a few girls approached him.

"Are you Kade Matthews?" one of them asked in a thick accent.

There were eager looks on all of their faces as they waited for his answer.

"Yes, I am," he said.

"Can we get a picture?" one of them asked.

The girl handed Lennon her phone as the rest of them crowded around Kade.

"Say Swiss cheese!" Lennon said, snapping the picture.

"You are Lennon Kayhill!" the girl said, as she took her phone from Lennon.

"Yup!" she said.

"Can we get a picture too?" she asked.


The girls all excitedly crowded around her and Kade gave her an amused look as he took the picture.

"I can't believe this, we were just at your concert!" one of the girls said.

"Crazy! So were we!" Kade said.

"That's awesome," Lennon said.

"What are you guys doing here?" another girl asked.

Kade looked at Lennon and she smiled.

"I wanted ice cream and this was the only open place we could find."

The girls laughed.

"They don't serve ice cream," one of the girls said.

Lennon gave a disappointed pout.

"Do you want something to drink?" one of the girls asked.

"It's on us," another offered.

"We should get back," Kade said. "We got an early morning."

The girls looked disappointed.

"You guys look so cute together!" one of them said.

Kade and Lennon glanced at each other before saying thanks.

"Can we get a group photo?" a girl asked before they could leave.

The girl grabbed the attention of a man and handed him her phone. Kade slipped his arm around Lennon's shoulders as they were pushed together by the girls crowding in around them.

Their exit was delayed as all the girls insisted on getting a hug from each of them before they left.

"Sorry you didn't get your ice cream," Kade said, as they walked back towards the hotel.

"It's ok. I think I'll survive."

"Next time," he said.

"Next time," Lennon repeated.



Chapter 14! Done and done! I have to say with all that talk of ice cream, I feel a craving coming on. HA! Just kidding I'm always hungry for ice cream. Oh ice cream my love! Now the real struggle comes, mint n chip, or cookie dough? You're right, the more the merrier! Both it is!!!

Any who! Vote, comment, follow, I'm going to go play the banjo!

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