Chapter 13 - "Wow, you're so generous. I'm such a lucky girl."

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Lennon stood on the side of the stage, waiting to perform her duet with Kade. Jordan and Matt had already told them how they wanted to play off this last performance and she felt ready.

"I don't know if you know this, but tonight is the end of our tour," Kade said. "But it has been an amazing tour and part of that has been because of the amazing openers we have! Let's hear it for Lennon Kayhill!"

She smiled as the crowd went wild.

"I think if you guys call her out, she might come and sing one more song for you," he said.

It started out slow but there was a clear rumble as the audience started to chant her name. Her smile felt brighter than the other nights as she walked onstage and the audience broke into cheers.

"Hello!" she said, waving her hand.

"Lennon do you think you could sing a song with me for this amazing audience?" Kade asked.

She pretended to think about it for a second.

"For them, anything!" She said.

She thought it must be the energy of the last night but the instruments had never sounded so loud and she had never danced so much. The excitement of the final show made her hyper and she smiled brighter and laughed more easily with Kade.

"Gracias Barcelona!" She said, giving a small bow at the end of the song.

Kade pulled her in for a big hug and her feet left the ground as he spun her around.


After the concert, Lennon tried to keep the excitement going for as long as she could, suggesting celebratory ice cream when they got back to the hotel. After a few hours she left her band at the elevator and headed outside, not ready for the night to be over.

The air was thick and the humidity reminded her of home. She walked out to the grassy patches filled with palm trees. She left her shoes on the ground and dug her toes into the grass.

The adrenaline and energy of the night had faded away and left in its place something she couldn't put her finger on exactly. Not relief, more melancholy. She took in a deep breath and figured her emotions would probably be chaotic for the next week or so as she settled back into life in LA and faced tour withdraws.

She let the view in front of her calm her. The city lights bounced off the water, illuminating the waves as they ran up on to the sand and just barely reaching the jetty of white rocks to her right. There was music coming from somewhere and it collided with the sound of the waves.

She heard the doors of the hotel open behind her and she turned to see someone coming towards her. The figure was backlit by the lights in the hotel but she had a pretty good guess who it was.

"Where did the party go?" Kade asked, coming to stand beside her. "I heard there was ice cream."

She smiled.

"They were all party poopers and went to bed early. They used some lame excuse about an early flight."

"So lame," he said.

"Yeah, so lame."

They were silent for a moment, watching the water. Lennon crossed the lawn and started walking towards a low wall separating her from the white rocks.

"What are you doing?" Kade asked as he followed her.

She didn't respond, letting her actions be the answer. She climbed up on the short wall, the texture was bumpy and lightly pricked her feet. The wall was wide and it was easy to stand on the top.

"Let's walk out on the rocks," she said, stepping off the wall on to the closest rock. It was still warm from the hot day. Kade gave her a curious look before he pulled of his shoes and climbed up.

He was quicker than her as they climbed over the rocks. The jetty reached far out in to the water and it took them a while to reach the end. The further they got out, the louder the waves became. By the time Lennon caught up with him at the end, he was searching for something among the rocks.

"What are you looking for?" She asked.

She took a seat on a rock down by the water, her feet resting in the cool ocean.

"This," he said.

He showed her a smooth oval rock.

He pulled his arm back and released it, skipping the rock over the water. He turned and kept searching for more rocks.

"What makes a good skipping rock?" she asked, standing to help him look.

"Flat and smooth are the best," he said, reaching his arm down deep between two rocks. "Like this."

He handed her a small flat rock.

"Let's see your best skip Miss Kayhill," he said.

"I should warn you I was the champion rock skipper three years in a row."

"I didn't know I was in the presence of such a master."

Lennon moved closer to the water and pulled her arm back like she had seen him do. She threw the rock at the water and it hit hard and sank. Kade let out a loud laugh and she smiled.

"That was awful!" he said.

"I might have been lying about that whole champion thing."

"Really? I never would have guessed. Here," he said, coming to stand by her and handing her another rock. "Hold the rock like this."

He showed her how it rested between his thumb and index finger.

"The trick is to throw it parallel to the water," he explained.

She watched as his rocked skipped across the water several times before disappearing.

"Now your turn," he said.

Lennon held the flat rock between her fingers and let it fly. The result was the same as her first attempt and she looked at Kade.

"Try again," he said, reaching for a rock at his feet.

She tried again and again until her rock bounced off the water once before sinking in.

"Did you see that!" she asked. "It skipped."

"It sure did," Kade said, offering her a high five.

Lennon gave it a few more goes, none as successful, and then she sat. The sky was a few shades lighter then it had been when they first got out there.

"What time is it?" She asked.

Kade pulled out his phone to check.

"Four," he said.

Kade skipped one more rock and then came to sit by her.

"Are you ready to get back to normal life?" He asked.

She let out a small laugh.

"I feel like I don't even know what normal is anymore," she said.

"I know what you mean," he said. "It's hard adjusting back to non-tour life. What do you usually do once you finish a tour?"

"Go on another tour," she said. "Jordan has had me opening for anyone and everyone the last few years. I would end one tour, hangout in LA for a few weeks and then go on another one. What do you do?"


She laughed.

"And then I hang out and do nothing," he said. "I feel like it takes about a month to finally settle in. I sleep, hang out with friends, then I get antsy and have to do something or go somewhere. By the time I get back from wherever I've gone, life is back to normal."

"That sounds like a pretty good plan. Mind if I borrow it?" She asked.

"Go ahead. It's just $500 dollars plus an initiation fee."

"So that's how you make all your money?" she said. "And here you had me believing you were a famous rock star or something."

"And if you want coaching that will be extra."

When their laughter died down, they fell to silence, watching as the sky grew lighter.

"It's not like we won't be seeing each other," he added.

"Technically, I should get some sort of family and friends discount on this post tour strategy. Being your fake girlfriend should count for something," Lennon said.

His laugh was sharp and his head went back and Lennon couldn't help smiling at his reaction.

"I guess I could give you fifteen percent off."

She gave him an unimpressed look and he smiled.

"Fine, I'll throw in a free t-shirt but that's my final offer."

"Wow, you're so generous. I'm such a lucky girl," she said.

"Hey now, I've heard some of the things Matt is planning for us when we get back and I am a very generous fake boyfriend."

"The label will be paying for all of it, won't they?" she said.


"In that case, how about Paris in the fall?"

"Sounds delightful. I don't feel like I was really able to get the full Parisian experience on tour," he said, putting on a snooty accent.

"And since we are already in Europe why not add a few days in the Bahamas," she said, matching his accent.

"You didn't do great in geography, did you?" He said. 

"It's just a hop across the water," she said.

"And then another flight and a boat ride," he added.

She rolled her eyes.

"Fine, ruin my hopes."

"But maybe we can get them to throw in a few days in Greece."

"Yes!" she said, throwing her hands up victoriously. "I take back what I said about you being a cheap fake boyfriend."

"Why thank you fake girlfriend."

"You're welcome fake boyfriend."

The water was turning silver as the sky began to lighten and Lennon hated to be the one to say it, but she knew they should start heading back. She had an early flight to catch and she didn't want to miss it.

"I should head back" she said, standing up.

Kade stood and followed her, climbing over the rocks going quicker in the light. They gathered their discarded shoes and walked back into the lobby. The sky was now bright as she said bye to Kade and rode the elevator up to her room. She felt ready to get back to LA.



So I have to tell you I am so excited because I have a surprise for you this Sunday! Nope, don't even try and ask me because I'm not going to tell you. You are just going to have to wait. I will tell you that you will be giddy when I announce what it is! Mostly because I'm giddy right now thinking about it!

Anyways, vote, comment, follow, I see a rainbow!

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