Chapter 14 - "The car's a bit ostentatious."

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I am dedicating this chapter to GhostieChanS  because your comments always bring a smile to my face! Thanks for reading!


"Good evening Miss Kayhill" the doorman said.

He opened her car door for her when she pulled up in front of Kade's building.

"Hello!" she said cheerily.

"Mr Matthews said for you to go right up," he said, holding the front door open.

Lennon quickly glanced at his name tag and smiled.

"Thanks Stanley!" she said.

She headed straight for the elevators.

The doors opened and Lennon cautiously stepped out.

"Kade," she called out, taking a few steps forward.

Although it was easy to see how expensive and nice everything in the room was, it felt surprisingly comfortable and normal. She moved to the counter in the kitchen and set down her purse, unsure what to do. She was thinking about going out on the balcony when she spotted a wall she had missed.

The wall, as well as the floor by it, were covered in guitars. She was in awe as she walked over and began to look at all the different types. There were electric ones with different shapes. Beautiful acoustic ones, with amazing detail work.

"Hey," Kade said, walking into the room.

His face was slightly red and he was dressed in workout clothes.

"You have some amazing guitars!" she said, unable to pull herself away.

"That's my favorite spot in my apartment," he said, coming to stand next to her. "I got this one after we got our first platinum single."

He pointed to an acoustic guitar made out of a chocolate colored wood.

"This one after we finished our first national tour."

Lennon listened as he told her the reason he had every guitar.

"What about this one?" She asked, pointing to a particularly dramatic electric.

The body had a unique shape and was a dark magenta. He let out a small laugh.

"The label gave me that one after our third album went platinum. I think I've played it once or twice."

"Which one is your favorite?" she asked.

"Easy," he said, picking up a guitar in the corner. "This was the second guitar I ever bought and I have written most of our songs on it."

The fret board had marks along it and the body had worn spots where Kade's arm or hand had brushed across it millions of times.

"Did you bring it on the tour?" she asked.

"I used to, when we were starting out but now it stays here. It's too valuable. I've tried writing on other guitars, as you can see I have a lot, but nothing good ever comes until I'm playing this one."

"I like that. What's it's name?"

"Name?" He questioned.

"You don't name your guitars?"

"No, do you?"

Lennon laughed at the weird look on his face.

"Of course! They're like my closest companions."

He shook his head.

"What are their names?"

"Well I don't have a million like you but one is Harvey and the other is Sebastian."

"I like those names," he said. "Well I have to go and clean up so feel free to make yourself comfortable, name my guitars. There is water or soda in the fridge."


He disappeared down the hall and Lennon circled the room, looking at the art and photos on the wall. She was surprised when she realized he hadn't displayed any of his platinum records and wondered where he kept them.

There were a few pictures on a bookcase. She recognized a younger version of Kade with a young Will and Noah. It was amusing to see them before they were famous, in their normal clothes and bad hair cuts.

There was a picture with a large group of people and the more Lennon studied it the more she realized they all had similar looks to Kade.

Kade reappeared, changed, his hair still looked slightly damp.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Lets do this!" she said.

As they exited the elevator she could see his car waiting at the curb and feel everyone's eyes on them as they crossed the lobby together. As they got closer she got a better view of the car. It was small, sleek and black. Everything about it said it was made for speed.

"Hey Stanley, how are you tonight?" Kade asked, pausing as he passed the doorman.

"Excellent Mr Matthews. And yourself?"

"Grand. Have you met Lennon Kayhill?" He asked.

"I have," Stanley said, giving her a smile and a small wink.

Lennon gave him a big smile and waved. Kade stepped over to the car and opened Lennon's door for her, waiting as she got in.

"Have a good night," Stanley said, as Kade climbed into the driver's seat.

"The car's a bit ostentatious," Lennon said as they pulled out on to the road.

He smiled.

"Isn't that what tonight's all about?"

Kade's car never gave them a chance to be inconspicuous and the camera flashes started going off the second they pulled up to the restaurant. A valet ran out as soon as the car stopped and opened Kade's door. Lennon watched as Kade casually circled the car and opened her door for her. She was so amazed he could look so relaxed in such a stressful situation.

"Thanks," she said, accepting his hand and pretending to be as calm as he was.

He helped her out and led the way.

The noise from the photographers and traffic disappeared as the door to the restaurant shut behind them.

"Mr Matthews, we are honored to have you back," the hostess said.

"It's good to be back," he said.

"If you will follow me, I will show you to your table."

The hostess led them through some tables to one in the corner. She lifted the reserved sign off of it and Kade pulled out Lennon's chair.

"Tonight, chef Wesley has prepared an amazing special and he will be delighted to hear that you are back. Can I start you off with any drinks? We have a very nice bottle of Cabernet all the way from Tuscany."

"Water is fine," Kade said.

"Excellent," she said, handing them their menus and walking away.

"This is nice," Lennon said, which was an understatement.

She looked around at the other people. Everyone seemed to be dressed up and she self consciously looked down at her own outfit. It wasn't as simple as a sundress, but nothing like the designer dresses the rest of the other women were wearing. Inadequacy washed over her.

"The chef, Wesley, is really good. They have this great pasta," Kade said, flipping through the menu.

She looked across the table at him and was jealous of how he looked completely at ease. His t-shirt didn't look out of place among the suits and ties. In fact, it looked like he belonged and everyone else was trying too hard.

His posture was relaxed, his arms casually resting on the chair. His eyes were fixed on the menu, seemingly unaware that he needed to feel anything less then comfortable. She wondered if he had always possessed the confident air or if that had also come with the career.

"It's the tortellini," he said, finding the name of the pasta, "but honestly everything is good."

Kade looked up and Lennon realized she had been staring at him. She quickly dropped her eyes and disappeared behind her menu.

"What are you going to get?" Kade asked, setting his menu aside.

"The salmon," she said, making a quick decision. "How about you?"

"I'm feeling like a steak after my workout," he said.

He let out a yawn and stretched his arms. Lennon looked down at her nails, forcing herself not to look around the restaurant. The paint was chipping, her manicures never lasted long. She looked back up and couldn't help but smile at how awkward the situation felt.

"So darling," she said with a playful smile. "How was your day at the office?"

Kade smiled but played along.

"Oh you know, numbers, spreadsheets, office politics, money, racket ball."

Lennon held in her laugh at his outlandishly pompous accent.

"You work so hard so I can get my diamond manicures and designer outfits for our rat-like dog."

"Of course. We can't have Lola running around without a sweater in this eighty degree weather."

"She might freeze without it."

Their waiter showed up and attentively took their order. He was tall and lean with long hair pulled back into a small bun. Lennon thought he could be mistaken for someone famous if he traded his apron for a suit jacket.

"What do you think, an aspiring actor or musician?"

Kade looked after their waiter as he took their order to the kitchen.

"The hair makes me think musician."

"Me too. So he's an aspiring musician from...?"

"Ohio," Kade filled in.

"He moved to LA in hopes of being a singer but is stuck waiting tables. Now the question is, is there a girl?"

"There is always a girl," Kade said. "Winnie from back home. She promised she would always love him but ended up marrying his best friend four months after he left."

"Tragic," Lennon said.

Kade smiled and shrugged his shoulders. They fell back into an awkward silence and Lennon couldn't tell if she was imagining everyone's eyes on them or if it was true. She looked across at Kade and was once again jealous of his casual confidence.

"Have you always been confident or did that come with the job?" She asked.

"What?" He asked, giving her a confused look.

"The paparazzi never seem to get to you, we are seriously underdressed compared to everyone else but it doesn't seem like it bothers you at all. You know when and how to act when we are in public. You seem to have a pretty good handle on this whole celebrity thing."

He looked around as if he hadn't even been aware there were other people in the restaurant and then turned back to her.

"First off, there isn't a dress code," he said.

"I know but I feel out of place."

He gave her outfit a quick look.

"You look fine."

She smiled, sure this was the first time he had even noticed what she was wearing.

"Second, you learn how to deal with the paparazzi and third, if I had such a good handle on everything, you wouldn't be here. You shouldn't stress. You're new to it all. Give it some time and you'll figure it out" he said.

"Thanks" she said.

Their waiter appeared with a tray of steaming food. The salmon he placed before Lennon was swimming in an delicious looking sauce and the sweet potato risotto and fresh steamed veggies looked equally delectable.

As they finished eating, Lennon moved her plate aside and slid her hand across the table to where Kade's lay and gentle played with his fingers. His eyes met hers for a moment and then he slipped his fingers between hers.

"Your nails are chipping," he said, studying her fingers.

The observation made her smile and she added a little laugh for good measure.

"I'm the worst when it comes to nail polish."

"Playing guitar probably doesn't help," he said.

"Not at all."

"How is it going in the studio?" He asked.

"Good. We've gotten a lot accomplished. It's exciting."

"Have you decided on a release date yet?"

"We haven't had a meeting but I think it will be February."

"I thought you wanted it to be later?"

"I did but Jordan asked me to see what I could accomplish in the studio this week and then decide. My producer and I were able to get a lot of work done so I think a February release is doable."

"That's great!"

Their waiter returned and quickly clearing away their dishes, asking if they were interested in dessert.

"Not tonight. The check would be great," Kade said.

Lennon excused herself from the table and went to find the bathrooms.

Coming back from the bathroom, she saw a few people gathered around their table talking to Kade. As she got closer she could see it was a small group of girls, who looked to be her age, in their early twenties.

They were all wearing tight, short dresses and thin stilettos. One had perfectly placed herself next to Kade, slightly leaning over so he got a nice view of her fake boobs. Lennon walked slowly and watched as he politely smiled and nodded to whatever the girls were saying.

"Hey babe," she said when she reached the table. "Are these some friends?"

She put on a friendly smile but gave the girls looks that told them she knew exactly what they wanted.

"They just came over to say hi," he said.

He stood and took her hand.

"It was nice to meet all of you," he said.

Lennon watched as the girl's faces dropped and all they're eyes zeroed in on their joined hands.

"It was nice to meet you too" one of the girls said, leading the way back to their table.

One girl stopped long enough to slip something into Kade's hand as she passed.

"You ready?" He asked, as if nothing had happened.

Lennon looked at him for a moment, trying to judge how he really felt about the situation. If she hadn't been there, would he be at the girl's table, drinking with them and ending up at one of their houses later in the night. But he seemed completely calm, no hint of annoyance that she was the one he had to go home with.

"Yeah. Let's go."

He pushed in his chair in and dropped something on their table. She gave it a quick glance as she pushed in her own chair and saw a number written on the crumbled up piece of paper.


Ice cream all around!

There you have it Lennon and Kade's first date! I love how Kade is just so confident in everything! Also I imagined him looking extremely hot in his jeans and t-shirt! Funny thing, my two guitars are actually named Harvey and Sebastian. Random tidbit for you.

Vote, commment, follow! Thanks for reading!

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