Chapter 15 - "Got it. Avoid eye contact."

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"Hey!" Lennon said happily, getting into Kade's car the next day.

"What's that?" He asked, eyeing the white box in her hand.

"Nothing," she said.

She quickly put it down by her feet and covered it with her purse.

"Lennon," he said.


"Could this be one of your infamous party gifts?"

She gave him a coy smile.


He shook his head and pulled out onto the road.

"You're in a chipper mood," he said.

"It's amazing what sleep will do for you" she joked.

Lennon looked over at Kade as he drove, studying what he was wearing.

"What?" He asked when he became aware that her eyes were on him.

"I wasn't sure what to wear," she said, looking down at her own casual outfit.

As they came to a stop light he looked over to see what she was wearing.

"You look fine," he said simply. "It should be pretty casual. Besides, with your present you don't have to worry about it."

She laughed.

"Thanks. So what should I know before we arrive at this beach party?"

He thought about it.

"I don't know. What do you want to know?"

"Will any of your ex-girlfriends be there?"

He let out a surprised laugh.

"Why? Are you the jealous kind?"

"No but I've heard Hollywood girls can be vicious. I just wanna know if I need to bring out my boxing gloves."

"They can give killer looks but I think the gloves can stay in the car."

"Got it. Avoid eye contact."

"No ex-girlfriends but probably some girls I've been involved with."

Lennon gave him a quick glance but decided she didn't want to know more.

"You will also want to avoid a few people," he continued. "I can point them out, but whatever you say to them tends to end up on the gossip sites the next day."

"Seriously? Does Will know? Why would he invite them?"

"He knows. We keep them around because they can come in handy. Like when we want to feed the press false info or let them know about something without telling them directly."

"So, like you and me?" She asked.

"Exactly. Tomorrow there will be some quote from an exclusive source that talks about how adorable we are."

"Duh, have you seen how cute I am?"

"I think they will mainly be talking about me," he said.

They drove along the coast for a while, the sun low in the sky, causing the water to turn a white gold. They reached a gated community and checked in at the security booth. The houses doubled in size instantly. There were cars lining the street as Kade slowed and pulled into a circular driveway.

"I thought this was a beach house," Lennon said, studying the two story house.

"What would you call it?" Kade asked as he stopped the car.

"A mansion," Lennon said.

Her definition of a beach house was four walls and a roof that kept the rain out most of the time.

"Don't forget your present," Kade joked as they got out of the car.

"Lenny!" Jessie said.

She pulled her in for an excited hug as she greeted them at the door.

"Come in, come in!"

The layout of the house was open and spacious, with a wide patio located just outside the door and then the beach. There were groups of people scattered everywhere, drinks clutched in their hands as they chatted.

"Hey Lennon, Kade," Will said, as Jessie pulled them towards a group in the center of the room.

"Thanks so much for having us," Lennon said, handing him the small white box.

"You are very welcome Miss Kayhill," he said, his tone polite and mocking.

"It's from both of us," Kade said.

Will gave him a disbelieving look.

"No it's not," Lennon said.

"You might have bought it by without me you would have had no way to deliver it, so I get to take credit for some of it," Kade argued.

"I have some people I want you to meet!" Jessie said, cutting off Lennon's response.

They passed someone cooking burgers on the grill outside and walked on to the beach where a bonfire had already been lit.

"Layla!" Jessie called to a tall, skinny girl.

She turned and waited for Jessie and Lennon to approach.

"Layla this is Lennon. Lennon, Layla," Jessie said.

"It's nice to meet you," Lennon said with a friendly smile.

Layla looked her up and down and gave a small smile that wasn't friendly.


"I met Lennon this summer when she opened for Will. Her music is amazing!"

"How did you guys meet?" Lennon asked.

"Through Will," Jessie said.

"I met Will through Kade and I've known Kade forever," Layla said.

"That's nice," Lennon said, ignoring the implications.

"Jessie remember the first time we hung out?" Layla asked.

Jessie thought about it.

"We were with Will and Kade, Kade and I were kind of together," Layla explained to Lennon proudly. "And we were trying to get to this Chinese restaurant."

"I had read a review about this restaurant and I really wanted to go!" Jessie explained.

"We got so lost and Kade refused to turn on the GPS," Layla laughed.

"And he kept fighting with Will, who thought he knew where to go but he is horrible with directions."

"And then remember the raccoon?"

Both girls dissolved into laughter and Lennon tried to smile and not look as awkward as she felt.

"The boys got out to check it out and left us in the car."

"Which just made us more scared."

Lennon was patient as they switched back and forth as they finished the story. She braced herself as Layla began another story but was saved when Will called to Jessie.

"Jessie, where are the chips?" He asked.

"In the cupboard next to the fridge," she yelled back.

"I checked but they weren't there."

"I'll show you," she said and walked away.

Layla followed and Lennon was left standing alone. She was debating whether or not to join the group by the fire when Kade walked up.

"Want something to drink?" he asked, taking a sip from a water bottle.


"Then follow me."

He led the way to a cooler full of drinks.

"We got beer, wine coolers, water, sprit and coke. What'll it be?"


"Good choice. Think fast," he said, tossing her the bottle.

"Smooth move," Devon said, walking out of the house.

"Devon, what's up man?" Kade said.

"Not at lot. Lennon," he said, pulling her in for a hug.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good. Still wondering when you are going to come and watch me play?"

"You never gave me a ticket," she countered.

"You don't need a ticket because you know me."

"I don't need a ticket? You hear that Kade," she joked.

"It sounds nice until you show up and security won't let you in," Kade said.

"That was once," Devon argued. "And I put your name on the list."

"Then how come I couldn't get in," Kade asked.

The question stumped Devon. Lennon laughed.

"Maybe I'll wait until I get a ticket," she said.

"If it's a ticket you want, then it is a ticket you shall receive."

"Don't believe it until you see it," Kade warned. "Let's go down to the bonfire."

He took Lennon's hand and led the way. His hand was much bigger then her own and it completely enveloped her's. The action itself had surprised her but as she walked next to him, their hands joined, it didn't feel awkward. She saw Devon give their linked hands an inquisitive look as he came to walk along side her.

"I'll get you a ticket," he said, "but none for this fool."

"I don't need a ticket now," Kade boasted.

The sun was barely visible over the water and the last rays of light were strong as they reached from the horizon. There were large logs forming a rough circle around the fire and they found an empty one and sat.

"The water looks beautiful," Lennon said, watching as the waves rose in and out of the light.

"It is and freezing," Devon said.

"It's not that bad," Kade argued.

"Is it cold?" Lennon asked.

"Have you never been in?" Devon asked.

"No," she said.

"It's not that bad. Come on, I'll show you," Kade said, pulling her up.

"I think I'll just stay here with Devon," she said.

"It's not that bad."

"I believe you."

"Chicken," he taunted.

"That won't work," she said, crossing her arms.

"Will this work?" he asked, moving towards her and picking her up.

He wrapped his arms around her knees and she was suddenly in the air.

"Kade what are you doing!" she laughed as he turned and started walking for the water.

"Kade put me down!" she said, trying to sound stern but failing.

He didn't respond and just kept walking.

"Kade Matthews!"

His grip on her loosened and she landed in the cold water, a surprised scream escaping her lips.

"See, it's not that bad," he said, his hands falling from her waist.

She took the opportunity and ran for the beach but he was faster than her. He wrapped his arm around her middle and swung her back into the water, turning in circles. When he set her down, the water came up to her mid-calf.

"You're welcome," he said smugly.

"Let me show you my thanks," she said, taking a step back towards the beach before she splashed him.

She moved as fast as she could but water splashed against her back and she screamed. She sent another handful of water his way. He got her one more time before she reached the beach.

"You got water all over my shirt!" he said, looking down.

"What do you call this?" She asked, pointing to her soaking back.

"A light spritz but uneven. Let me fix that," he said, moving towards her with outstretched arms.

"No!" she said, laughing as she ran away.

He caught her and pulled her in a for a hug, getting the front of her shirt wet. She pushed him away and fell into the sand, tired from running and laughing. He plopped down next to her and laid back.

Lennon rested her arms on her knees and they silently sat as she watched the sun finally sink beneath the horizon.

"So who do I have to thank for that random burst of flirtatious affection?" she said.

Kade laughed and pushed himself up.

"And who says I didn't do that just cause?"

She gave him a flat look.

"The blonde who was sitting across the fire from us, in the pink shirt."

Lennon casually looked back at the group and noticed the girl he was talking about was looking over at them.

"Plus, there are a few photographers down the beach," he said, nodding his head to the right.

Lennon looked past him and could barely make out a man with a camera around his neck.

"Who says he isn't a tourist?" She asked.

"Oh grasshopper, you are so young and naive but you will learn."

She laughed.

"I need a dry shirt," she said, standing up.

"Why, I think the one you have on looks fine," he said.

She gave him a gentle shove and headed for the house.


Lennon headed back towards the bonfire once she had on one of Jessie's shirts and found Kade in a conversation with Layla, looking mildly interested.

"And then remember the raccoon?" she said, laughing.

"Lennon, there you are!" he said.

He pulled her down to sit in the small space between him and Devon.

"Layla was just reminding me of a funny story," he said, his hand casually resting on Lennon's leg.

"Continue," Lennon said.

She slipped her arm through Kade's, resting her chin on his shoulder.

Layla seemed taken aback by their affectionate behavior and it took her a second to recover enough to continue with her story. She was retelling the story Lennon had heard earlier and it wasn't any funnier the second time.

Layla never seemed to fully recover and the end of the story was choppy and disjointed. She made some mumbled excuse as she walked away, back towards the house.

"I don't think I've ever been so confused by a story and I was there," Kade said quietly.

Lennon sat up, pulling back her arm as his hand dropped away.

"Kade Matthews, I have never felt so used," she said.

He gave her a innocent look.

"What's the point in having a girlfriend if you can't use her to get out of a bad situation every once in a while?" He whispered.

"It's not my fault you have such bad ex-girlfriends."

"Girlfriend? I don't think so. I wouldn't willing put myself through that torture."

"But she said..." Lennon said.

"I met her forever ago but we never hung out until Jessie started dating Will and even then, I think it was just once."

"Well she tells a different story."

"She wouldn't be the first."

Lennon looked at Kade, fascinated. Everything was so new to her, somehow she forgot he had been through it all. How many of the stories she had read about him were just like the one Layla had been telling?


Hi hi!!

Are they cute together or are they cute?? Seriously, so adorable! Anyways, how is your weekend going? Any plans for your free Monday. Apparently it's suppose to rain tomorrow but I love the rain, so even though it will ruin people's day off, I don't feel bad about it! Rain means a day inside with a good book. Best thing ever!!

Vote, comment, follow, what do you think of the name Apollo? (Sorry it was the only rhyme I could think of, I'll think of something better next time.)

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