Chapter 19 - "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!"

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Lennon opened her front door to find Kade waiting, wearing a tux and bow tie for the charity ball that they were attending that night.

"You look spiffy!" she said.

She stepped aside so he could enter. He paused when his eyes landed on what she was wearing.

"And you look like a lumberjack," he said.

She looked down at the big, green flannel shirt she was wearing.

"This won't work for tonight?" she asked.

She kept her face blank. A worried look crossed Kade's eyes before he smiled.

"Unless you can turn that into a formal dress, I'm going to go with no."

She laughed.

"I'm just finishing getting ready. Make yourself at home," she said as she returned to her room.

She stepped into her dress and zipped it up. Stepping back, she took in the whole effect. Her dress for the charity ball was a short, winter green dress paired with strappy black heels. She had kept her hair simple, lose curls, pinned to fall over one shoulder.

She gave herself one last look and walked out of the room, waiting for Kade to notice her. When he looked up, his eyebrows rose.

"I know it's a bit much," she said cautiously.

"No, no," he said, regaining control of his face. "You look amazing! I've just never seen you so dressed up."

She smiled.

"I know it's different then how I usually look."

"It looks nice," he said.


"Who's this?" He asked.

He was looking at her prom picture on her bookcase.

"Someone from high school" she said, turning back to her room to retrieve her purse.

She hadn't remembered her pictures were out when she had left him in the room alone.

"Is this the same person?" He asked.

He held up another picture as she walked out again. In the picture, her younger self was soaked from head to toe and so was the boy next to her.

"I think so," she said distractedly.

She pretended to look around the room for something and then disappeared back into her room. She only checked her reflection but she didn't want to answer any more of Kade's questions about the people in her pictures.

"We should go," she said hurriedly, heading for the door.

She stepped outside and waited for Kade to follow.

"You're in a hurry," he joked as they walked out to the waiting limo.


The scene outside the hotel was hectic. Fans lined the way leading up to the red carpet and the photographers were three people deep. Kade helped Lennon out of the car and once their presence was noticed, fans started to scream.

"You ready?" Kade asked, as they stood on the edge of the chaos.

"Yeah," Lennon said, feeling confident.

The photographers broke out into yells, calling out their names the second they stepped onto the the red floor. Kade slipped his arm around her waist as they hit the first stop along the carpet. Lennon slipped her arm around him and smiled. She kept her focus outward in the beginning but then looked up at Kade. He felt her eyes on him and looked down. He kissed the side of her head before shifting his focus on the cameras.

Their movement down the red carpet was slow. They were constantly stopped to answer a few questions.

"Hi Kade, Lennon, I'm Whitney with E News. How are you guys doing?"

"We're great," Kade said.

"Can I say you both look amazing!" Whitney said. "Lennon, I love your dress!"

"Thanks so much. I love your shoes," Lennon said.

"You're too sweet! Now, this is your first red carpet appearance together and I have to say, I think you guys make a great couple!" Whitney said.

"Thanks," Kade said.

Lennon echoed him.

"I have some questions everyone's been wanting to ask the hottest new couple in Hollywood," Whitney said. "You guys officially confirmed you were a couple a little over a month ago but when did everything start for you?"

Lennon looked at Kade and smiled when he looked to her. A moment passed between them, as he silently asked if she wanted him to answer.

"It all started on tour," she said.

"Was there a certain moment you knew you liked him?" Whitney asked.

"There wasn't a specific moment but lots of moments. You spend a lot of time with the people you tour with and we became really good friends."

"And more," Whitney joked.

Lennon smiled.

"Now Kade, you know I hate to bring up the past, but you went through a rough patch. Do you think Lennon has helped you move past that? You seem to be in a good place with her," Whitney asked.

Kade's grip on Lennon's hand tightened at the question. Lennon looked over at him but his face was neutral

"I am grateful that I was past that time in my life before I met Lennon. I'm in a good place now and she makes me happy."

He met Lennon's eyes and she smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Whitney let out a happy "awww".

"Alright, one more quick question. Lennon how does it feel to be dating the hottest music star in the world? A million girls would die to be where you are."

"I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!" she said.


The ballroom of the hotel was extravagantly decorated. The whole room was done up in silver and ice blue. There was a large crystal chandelier hanging over a large dance floor with a DJ stand. Everywhere she looked, women in beautiful dresses and men in tuxedos were mingling and forming groups.

Kade spotted someone he knew and Lennon was about to follow when she spotted Connor Axton. He eagerly waved once they made eye contact. Kade began to pull her in a different direction and she dropped his hand.

"I'll catch up with you later," she said.

Kade looked surprised but left after a moment.

"You look amazing!" Connor said, pulling her in for a friendly hug.

"Thanks. You look great yourself."

"So, in Vegas you mentioned you're from Asheville," he said.

"I am," she said.

She was surprised he would be interested in such random info.

"I'm shooting my next movie just outside of Asheville. I leave in a week."

"No way! What's the movie?"

"It's called Firestorm."

"Are you filming in the mountains to the north of the city?" she asked.

She excitedly told him all she knew about the location and told him all the best places he had to visit when he got breaks. He in turn told her all about the movie.

"You wanna meet some of my cast mates?" he asked.

"I'd love to!" she said.

She followed him to the other side of the room.

"This is Rachel Pearson," Connor said, introducing a girl and then he introduced the rest of the cast.

They all became excited once they found out Lennon knew the area they would be spending the next four months in and pelted her with questions.

Lennon was answering a question when she noticed everyone's focus shift to someone behind her and somebody slipped an arm around her waist.

"Do you mind if I join you? Im afraid if I don't, I won't see my girlfriend all night," Kade said.

Lennon turned and smiled at him.

"I was going to come and find you eventually," she said.

"Well I missed you," he said, giving her cheek a quick kiss.

Kade was quickly introduced to everyone and the conversation continued.


The food at the ball was delicious but Lennon felt like she barely had time to eat in between meeting people and listening to speeches. She stayed close to Kade for the rest of the night. They had spent the whole week together and had slipped into a comfortable rhythm of being together.

They bounced the conversation off each other and it felt natural but she was no longer taking all her cues from him. Coming back from Asheville, she realized she had felt lost in most situations she was in with Kade and had let him lead. But if she had to be with him for a year, she was going to get tired of always waiting for him. So she was bold in talking to people.

He got her on the dance floor and she discovered hip swaying club dancing wasn't the only thing he could do. She laughed as he tried to lead her through a polka and swing.

As they were leaving the dance floor, Lennon spotted a familiar face she had never met. Her heart skipped a beat and a giddy smile came over her face.

"I'm thirsty, lets get something to drink," she told Kade.

She led the way through the crowd. She steered them towards the tall, blonde haired man who had caught her attention. As they approached, the man's eyes met Kade's and a friendly smile spread across his face.

"Kade," the man greeted.

"Wes, its good to see you," Kade said, accepting the handshake.

Wes's eyes landed on Lennon. She tried to suppress the huge smile fighting to cover her face.

"This is my girlfriend, Lennon. Lennon, this is Weston Keats. He plays with - "

"Fading Relics, I know!" she said.

She vigorously shook Wes's hand. She could feel Kade giving her an amused look but she couldn't look away.

"I think it's safe to say you are one of my favorite artists! In the band and your solo work," she said. "My friend and I started listening to you when we were thirteen."

Wes let out a warm laugh.

"Glad to hear that," he said. "Do you also sing?"

"Well I try - " she started to say.

"Lennon is a singer. She is amazing!" Kade said.

"I'd love to hear some of your music some time," Wes said.

Lennon tried to suppress the squeal climbing up her throat. She let out a small cough and ducked her head.

"I would be honored," she said.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I'll see you both around," he said.

Lennon watched him go. Once he was out of earshot she let out an excited squeal.

"I just met Weston Keats!" she said, jumping up and down.

Kade gave her a worried look.

"I didn't know you were a Fading Relics fan," he said.

"I love their music!"

"I got that now," he said.


The ball let out late but Lennon didn't feel tired as she made the rounds of saying goodbye to all the new people she had met.

"Tonight was fun" Kade said on their ride home.

"It was amazing. I had a great time," she said.

He was quiet and she could tell he had something to say. He studied her face. She waited for him to decide whether he was going to say what he wanted to say or not.

"Something's different about you," he finally said, cautiously.

"Really?" She asked.

He hadn't said anything since she had returned from Asheville a week ago but she caught him giving her a few curious looks.

"Yeah. I can't exactly put it into words but you seem more - " his voice trailed off as he searched for the right word.

"More you," he finally said, frowning. "I guess more like the person I saw on tour. Even though we barely interacted during the first part I could tell you were bold and driven. Then I actually got to know you and knew my assumption was right."

It surprised Lennon to learn he had thought about her in any way other then annoyance and anger during the first part of the tour.

"I don't know, but since we got back to LA you just haven't seemed like that person."

It also surprised Lennon that Kade had been aware of something about her, she hadn't realized herself until the trip back to Asheville.

"You haven't seemed like the person who was determined to find ice cream at two in the morning in Norway."

She looked up to find a joking smile on his face.

"I think I let myself get overwhelmed with the whole situation and the fact that I didn't feel like I knew anything" she explained. "Everything was so new. You and Jordan seemed like you always knew what to do. I let myself rely on you two instead of figuring it out on my own."

He nodded in understanding.

"But I've fixed that," she added.

He gave her a smile.

"Good. I like this version of you better," he said.



Have you watched a show that has a ton of action and yet the main actress's hair always looks amazing? I mean don't get me wrong, makes sense that the main character should look good but I'm not sure it would look THAT flawless after a car chase, gunfight, fist fight, and an explosion. And if it is, what product are they using and can I get me some?!

Anyways, vote, comment, follow. I'm going to play with a yo-yo!

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