Chapter 20 - "You're Kade Matthews. You can do whatever you want."

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Lennon was sprawled out on her couch, her favorite sitcom was playing on the TV. Her attention jumped between the group of twenty somethings discussing dating problems on the television screen and her phone. Photos from the charity ball the night before were everywhere and she was flipping through the top looks.

There was a knock at her door. She slowly got up to answer it. She opened the door and finding Kade, left it open and headed back to her spot on the couch.

"Lennon, what are you doing?" He asked.

He followed her inside. She looked over at him. He was dressed up in a suit.

"We have to go. Why aren't you dressed?" he asked.

"I'm not going," she said.

His face changed from curious to annoyed.

"Lennon come on. The party has already started. We don't have to stay that long."

"I'm not going."

"You don't mean that" he said.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the couch. Lennon let her body go limp but he didn't have a problem picking her up. He let go of her and she fell to the floor.

"Lennon," he said, annoyed.

"Kade," she said, mimicking his tone.

She felt bad when Kade's annoyance turned to frustration. She didn't want to piss him off.

"Look, we have been out every single night this week," she said, standing up. "Last night I didn't get home until almost four and I had a meeting with my label this morning at nine. I'm exhausted. I don't want to go out."

"We don't have to stay that long," he argued.

"Do you really want to go?"

She could see him hesitating.

"We have been out so much this week I think even the paparazzi are tired of us," Lennon said.

That comment got a smile.

"Let's just stay in," she suggested.

"Matt won't be happy," he said.

Lennon knew she had won.

"Neither will Jordan but we can ignore their calls. We'll post some cute pictures and they will eventually get over it."

"People are expecting me to be there," he said.

"You're Kade Matthews. You can do whatever you want."

He studied her for a minute. She put on her best puppy dog face.

"Fine," he said. "But we aren't watching this."

He moved around her and sat down on the couch.

"What's wrong with this show?" Lennon questioned, sitting down next to him.

He just gave her a look and reached for the remote.


"I just watched that" Lennon said, as Kade flipped through the long list of movies on Netflix.

"What about a comedy?" she suggested.

"No," he said, still moving through the movies.

"Fine. You choose. I don't care," she said. "Do you want something to drink?"

She got up from the couch and moved to her fridge.

"Water would be great. Thanks," he said.

"What are we watching?" She asked, handing him a cup.

"Clockwork. It's an action," he said. "It's set in the near future and involves a hostage situation set in outer space."

"Sounds thrilling," she said, flatly.

She curled her legs up beneath her. Kade stood to take off his suit jacket and then settled into his spot on the couch.

"Sorry you don't have comfy clothes. I would let you borrow something but I'm not sure you would fit into anything," Lennon said.

He laughed.

"Thanks but I'm good."


"Why is he jumping on to the train?" Lennon asked, fifteen minutes later as the main character jumped from a moving car on a bridge onto a passing train.

"Because the bad guy is on that train," Kade explained.

"But why didn't he just buy a ticket like a normal person?"

"Just watch the movie."

"Why would he walk down the dark hallway? I'm sure it wouldn't have take that long to locate a light switch," Lennon said twenty minutes later.

"Maybe there isn't any power."

"He could've checked. It would have made his walk down the hallway less spooky."

"But what would be the thrill in that?" Kade asked, his tone flat as he intently watched the movie.

"I'm just saying it would have been the logical option."

Kade looked at Lennon. She was surprised to see a smile spread across his face.

"The logical option? Lennon, you're talking about someone on a space ship walking towards a man with three eyes and you want him to be logical?"

He laughed and returned his attention to the television.

"But why did he go back? He would have gotten off the ship?" Lennon asked.

It was the climax of the movie and Lennon still wasn't sure about the main characters choices. Kade had given up answering her questions and ignored them whenever she asked.

"But I thought that was the guy who shot him," Lennon said.

"I think I like watching movies with you better when you fall asleep," he said.

"It's not my fault you chose such a confusing one."

"It was not confusing at all. If you just waited a little bit the movie would have answered your questions."

Lennon tried to remain silent for the rest of the movie.

"See, they explained everything," Kade said, as the spaceship disappeared from the screen and the credits began to roll.

"Ok, it wasn't horrible but I'm picking the next one," she said, reaching for the remote. Her phone started to buzz. It was Jordan. She let it go to voicemail.

"We should let them know what's going on," Kade said.

"I was thinking the same thing," she agreed. "But first let's post a picture. Maybe then they won't be so mad."

Kade gave her a look that said he didn't think a picture would change anything.

"Are we talking about the same Matt?" he asked.

"It will probably work for Jordan," she said, moving closer to him.

"Oh, so this is just for your benefit?" he said, crossing his arms.

"What's better then two angry managers? Only one angry manager!" Lennon sang, trying to make Kade smile.

He kept his unamused look strong.

"Come on, smile!" she said, holding out her phone.

She snapped a few pictures but Kade refused to smile.

"Kade Matthews, smile!" she ordered.

She kept snapping the pictures, hoping she could catch a small smile.

"Lennon Kayhill, smile!" he repeated.

He reached around her and squeezed her side just as she snapped a picture. She let out a shriek and dropped her phone.

"I think that last picture will be a winner," he said.

She glared at him as she retrieved her phone from the floor.

He looked over her shoulder as she flipped through the pictures. He was frowning in most them, looking like a sullen teenager with his arms crossed while Lennon had a bright smile. She couldn't help but laugh as the pictures caught Kade moving his arm around her to squeeze her side. The last one was somewhat blurry. Lennon had a happy shocked look on her face and Kade had a wicked grin.

"I told you that would be the best," he said.

That was true but it wasn't great.

"Come on, let's just take one nice one," she said.

"Nope. I can only stand so many pictures per hour and you used them all up," he said.

He stood up to make it impossible for her to take another picture. He took a seat on a barstool across the room from her.

"Fine," Lennon said.

She uploaded the last picture. Once posted, it didn't take long for the comments to flood in.


"You guys are so cute together!"

"You look so happy!"

But it never took long for the comments to go negative.

"I would say you suck at taking pictures but honestly this is better then being able to see your ugly face clearly."

"Stop using Kade for fame and get your own life" said some of the tamer ones.

Lennon locked her phone.

It rang a second later and she looked down to see Jordan's name for the twentieth time.

"I'm gonna get this," she said.

She showed Kade the name on her phone before she picked up and went into her room.

"Hey Jordan, how are you?" she asked casually, laying back on her bed.

He wasn't very happy but she was able to calm him down with the agreement that she and Kade would post two more pictures that night.

When she went back out into the living room, Kade wasn't on the barstool but over by her bookcase, a picture frame in his hand.

"You're still alive. That's always a good sign," he said.

"He wasn't that mad. Did you call Matt?" she asked.

She moved closer, trying to see which picture he had been looking at. She was silently kicking herself for not taking them down.

"Yeah. He likes to come on strong but after seven years it's not that impressive anymore. Who's this?" he asked, turning the picture towards her.

Lennon's stomach tightened but she tried to keep her face neutral.

"My prom date," she said casually.

She took a seat on the couch and pulled out her phone, pretending to be distracted. Her phone was snatched away from her. She looked up to see Kade slipping it into his pocket.

"Does your prom date have a name?" he asked.

"No, actually. It's quite a tragic story," she said.

Kade gave her a patient look. She studied him for a moment, wondering if it was better to play coy or just tell him the truth. Or at least a small amount of the truth that would stop him from asking questions.

"Hunter. That was my senior prom," she said.

"See, that wasn't that hard. Did you guys date?"

"Are we going to do this for all my pictures?" she asked.

"You were the one who wanted to stay in. Plus, I do believe you asked about my pictures."

She mentally kicked herself. Why had she asked about his family?

"Yeah, we dated."

"And this Hunter in these two pictures also, right?"

Kade collected the rest of the frames and brought them back to the couch. One of them was of Lennon and Hunter after a spontaneous water fight and the other was when they were younger, in middle school.

"It is," she said.

He gave her an unimpressed look.

"Just know I'm determined to hear this story. If you want to make it take all night, I don't mind. I'm very patient."

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes.

She took the picture of them in soaking clothes and tried to collect herself. A smile involuntarily spread across her face.

"Hunter lived on my block when I was growing up. We were friends forever and we dated in high school."

"How long were you guys together?"

"For almost two years," she said.

It wasn't exactly the truth but it wasn't exactly a lie either.

"That's a pretty long time. What years?" he asked.

"Junior, senior."

"Was it serious?"

"How serious can high school relationships be?" she asked.

She suddenly felt guilty for talking about Hunter in such a cavalier way.

"What happened?"

"It didn't work out" she said simply, forcing her voice to remain steady.

She could feel Kade waiting for her to give a better explanation.

"You know how it goes. High school ends, you have all these big plans but they don't go the way you thought they would. Things change."

"Did you break up with him?" he asked.

Lennon didn't respond right away, lost in thought of her last day with Hunter.

"It wasn't what either of us wanted, but in the end, he left me," she said.

She focused on a spot on the floor and forced herself to think of anything but Hunter.

"Lennon, I'm - "

"I'm hungry," she said, standing up abruptly. "I know the perfect spot for dinner. I'm going to change and then we can go."

She didn't wait for an answer as she went into her room and shut the door. She felt breathless as she leaned against it. Her mind raced. She could feel her heart beat quickening.

She needed to compose herself quickly and get back out there so she could show Kade she was fine. She was sure her behavior for the last five minutes had told him otherwise and she needed to correct that.

She barely paid attention to the clothes she grabbed. She gave herself on quick glance, set her face in a determined look, and walked back out to the living room. Kade had returned the pictures to their spots on the shelves.

"Ready? I'm starving," she said.

She didn't shy away when he looked up. Avoiding eye contact would make seem something was wrong.

"Have I told you about Manny's?" she asked.

She grabbed her purse from the kitchen counter and moved towards the door.

"No," he said.

Even if he did suspect something was wrong, his manner told her he would play along.

"It's the best Mexican food in all of LA!" she said, slipping on her shoes and opening her door.

He followed her out and she locked up.

"I highly doubt that," he said. "I've had some pretty good Mexican."

"Well, you haven't had Manny's so it couldn't have been that good. I promise by the time you are done eating, you will be a loyal customer."

"Let's go and find out."

They drove in Lennon's car. The night was warm and she rolled the windows down.

"Let's see what music Lennon Kayhill listens to," Kade said.

He scrolled through her music.

"Young Rebels, Clayton Bourne. Not bad, not bad. Of course Fading Relics. I think thats assumed since you 'fangirled' over their lead singer, Wes Keats, when we were at the Charity event. And you have every single one of their albums. Wait, I've never even heard of this EP."

"It was the first EP they ever released. I'm their most dedicated fan, of course I have everything they've released even though that one was taken out of circulation."

"How do you have it?" he asked.

"I know people," she said.

"Let's see what else you have," he said.  "No way! You have B Girls."

"Why wouldn't I? They are only the best nineties girl rock band."

"They are cotton candy pop," he corrected.

A heavy synthesized beat came through the speakers and Lennon's shoulders started to move to the familiar beat of the B Girls most popular song. As the words started, she sang along.

While Fading Relics was Lennon's favorite band, the B Girls had been the soundtrack to the summer before she started high school. Their music was like a shot of nostalgia.

Lennon couldn't help but dance and sing along. She nodded her head to the left and turned to the right to see Kade silently laughing. She stopped abruptly and turned back to the road.

"Don't stop," he laughed.

She glared at him.

"Those were some smooth moves," he said.

"I'd like to see you do better," she taunted.

"To a B Girls song?"

"Don't act like you don't know all the words."

He scoffed but Lennon could see a smile in the corner of his mouth. They hit a red light and Lennon stared him down as the second chorus began. He shook his head and laughed but joined in with the words.

"Don't you wanna get me on the dance floor
Boy let me see the moves that you've got
Come on a move your body closer
Together we can make this club hot."

Lennon laughed as Kade hit a high note before the chorus and then she joined in. They sang the chorus together and she smiled when she looked over and saw him dancing. The song was just ending as they pulled up at Manny's.

"Chica, how have you been?" Manny asked with his signature big smile.

"Oh you know, touring."

"Do you ever do anything else? Are you famous yet?" Lennon let out a loud laugh.

"I'm working on it."

"Well, let me know once you are. Then I can give you free food."

"And you can't give me free food now" she asked.

"Why would I do that?" He asked scornfully joking.

"Because you love me and I am your favorite customer," she offered.

He rolled his eyes.

"I'll wait until you are famous," he said. "Now, what will you have?"

"I'll have the California burrito with guacamole and a horchata. What do you want?" She asked Kade.

"I'll have the same," he said.

"He's friendly," Kade said, as they walked to a bright red picnic table and sat.

"Manny's the best. And his food is amazing," she said.

"This is nice," he said, looking around.

Lennon frowned as she followed his gaze and wondered if they were seeing the same thing.

"It's alright. It's not the ritz," she joked.

"I mean, it's nice to be out with you without the paparazzi around," he clarified.

Lennon hadn't even thought about paparazzi because Manny's was a part of her old life, where no one knew or cared who she was.

Their names were called and Kade got up to get their food.

"You want to eat here or take it back to your place?" He asked, coming back.

"Let's eat here," she said. "Enjoy a paparazzi free night out."

Lennon victoriously watched as Kade finished off the last part of his burrito.

"Amazing, right?" she asked.

He could only nod his head with his mouth still full of burrito.   

"That was so good," he said.

It was quiet as Lennon finished off her burrito.

"Hey, I want to talk about something" Lennon said.

"What's up?" he asked.

She could hear the caution in his voice.

"First off, I don't like you," she said.

"Thanks?" he said.

"Not that I don't like you as a person. I think it's safe to say that we are now friends but I'm just clarifying that I don't like you beyond that."

"Ok?" he said, clearly confused.

"I have been thinking that we are in a tough situation, in that we are suppose to be affectionate while still keeping it professional. I think we should setup some guidelines that will help keep things professional."

"You're talking about the kiss?" he asked.

"That but more. We are spending so much time together and when we are out in public we are acting like a couple. I think it's a smart idea to have some things in place to keep feelings from getting confused."

He nodded his head, pensive. She let him think.

"I assume you have some ideas," he finally said.

"Nothing's set in stone but things as simple as, even if we have to be together at one of our apartments, it doesn't mean we actually have to be hanging out. My place isn't as big as yours but we could still find room to do our own thing if we need space."

"Ok. And how about one of us can ask for space without having to give an explanation," he suggested.

"I like that," Lennon said.

Together, they built a list of things they could do in order to help keep things clear and professional.


"This was fun" Kade said, as he followed Lennon up the stairs to her apartment.

"Yeah it was. I feel like we haven't been able to do anything normal since we first met."

"I think you're right," he said. "We should do it more often."

He followed her inside.

"Definitely. A night away from the paparazzi was exactly what I needed," Lennon said.

"I can always use that," Kade said as he grabbed his suit jacket.

"And next time I get to choose the movie," Lennon said.

She followed him back to the door. He laughed.

"But only if I get to ask questions every five minutes."

"I was not that bad," she argued.

"Yes, you were," he said.

He turned around once he was out the door.

"I guess I'll see you?" he said, with a small wave.

"I'm sure. Good night Kade."

"Good night Lennon."

Lennon went back into her apartment and went to her bookcases. She collected all the picture frames that had Hunter in them and took them back to the couch with her. She studied them and smiled as memories came pouring back. But as usual, with the good memories came the bad ones and she could feel a weight growing in her chest. She collected them up and put them on a high shelf in her closet. Having the pictures of Hunter out had made Kade ask too many questions, questions she didn't want to answer.


Well hello there!

Okay I have this massive tree outside my bedroom window and the leaves are starting to change colors. They remind me of weather maps, yellow spots surrounded by green. You know I'm still waiting for the time when some really hot guy will scale the tree and throw pebbles at my window. Of course I'll wake up looking flawless and open the window. We will have some witty banter back n forth and he'll tell me to come out. This is where the dream always crashes though because I would have to jump about 7 feet out to even reach the closest limb. *Sigh* Oh well, it's not meant to be. I will keep dreaming though because I am a hopeless romantic.

Vote, comment, follow! Sorry that was really long. What can I say, I'm a bit odd.

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