Chapter 21 - "Earth to Kade."

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The end of September came and went and Lennon happily realized she had survived her two months of being Kade's "girlfriend". She had jokingly asked if anyone celebrated their two month anniversary. Kade's strange look had been answer enough. Although, she thought she deserved a celebration for making it through.

Jordan had informed her that they had people planning the surprise birthday party for Kade's birthday that was towards the end of October. Technically, she was planning it. She hadn't even known Kade's birthday was coming up. She had told him about the party the next time she saw him.

"Didn't you just say surprise party?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's suppose to be a surprise but you don't seem like someone who likes surprises."

She had paused to see if he would disagree.

He didn't.

"Since I'm not doing anything to plan it, I thought the least I could do was give you a heads up."


The day of Kade's party Lennon drove to his apartment. She thanked Stan as he opened her car door the second she arrived. Kade's apartment was quiet when the elevator doors opened. She caught a quick look at him sitting on a barstool as she entered.

"I know I'm running late!" she called out. "I'm going to use the bathroom real quick and then we can go. Are you ready?"

She didn't wait for a response as she walked to the bathroom.

"I think the car should be here. Have you been working on your surprised face?" She asked as she walked back to Kade. "Matt and Jordan won't be happy if they find out I told you about the party."

She laughed to herself but stopped when Kade didn't respond. He didn't even look at her. Lennon frowned as she moved closer.

His hair was a mess. Although he had on black slacks, his button down shirt was open, revealing a white undershirt. His eyes were transfixed on his phone. He acted like he hadn't heard a single thing she had said since she had walked in.

"Earth to Kade," she joked, trying to combat the worry she felt over his silence with humor.

"Kade, what's wrong?" She asked more seriously.

She moved in front of him and he finally looked up at her.

"What is it?" she asked.

Her stomach involuntarily dropped at the look in his eyes. They were shiny with tears building up. He looked lost for words.

"Kade, talk to me," she said.

She moved to his side. Her mind jumped to the worst conclusions. She needed him to say something. She knew she must be over reacting and everything was alright.

"Kade," she said softly, touching his shoulder.

The touch seemed to break him out of whatever was holding him. He looked at her with sad eyes.

"Lennon," he said.

He stood up abruptly. He started to walk but stopped, lost.

"Kade, what's wrong?" Lennon asked again, moving towards him.

His eyes landed on her and he stood up straighter.

"It's my grandpa," he said flatly. "He had a heart attack."

Lennon was flooded with sympathy and she quickly closed the distance between them but didn't touch him. She knew first hand that sometimes you needed space to face something hard when all everyone wanted to do was hug and crowd you.

"When did it happen? Is he going to be alright?"

The questions seemed to help Kade. His eyes cleared.

"It just happened a little bit ago. My mom called right before you came in. He is at the hospital now. They aren't sure what the lasting effects will be. They're running tests."

"Ok," Lennon said, her mind already running. "You should go pack. I'll get you on the first flight out. I'll call Matt and tell him the party is off. He can handle that and I can drive you to the airport."

Lennon was pulling out her phone when Kade stopped her.

"Don't call Matt," he said. "No one can know. I'll finish getting ready and then we can go."

Lennon couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Kade you don't have to go to the party. Nobody would expect you to. Don't you want to be with your family?"

His looked turn cold.

"Of course I want to be with my family!" he shouted.

Lennon took a step back.

"My grandpa is in the hospital! All I want to do is be by his side. But I can't. I go home, word will get out. The media will wonder why I didn't show up to my own party. With a little digging they'll uncover the truth and my family, my mom and dad, cousins, my grandma..."

His voice had grown frantic as he talked but broke at the mention of his grandmother.

"They will be hounded. Everywhere they go. They won't be able to leave their house or the hospital without reporters trying to get the story out of them. I can't do that to them. I can't do that to my grandma.

"You don't understand Lennon," he said. "It will be a disaster during an already hard time. I can't put my family through that. My mom said my grandpa is stable. A few hours is worth my family's privacy."

The paparazzi to Lennon had only ever been an annoyance. Now, with the pained look in Kade's eyes, she hated them.

"You should still pack," she said.

She could see him about to argue but she cut him off.

"You can drive straight from the party to the airport," she said. "I'll get you on a later flight. Where is your ID?"

He fumbled as he pulled out his wallet and tried to find his ID.

"I can find it," she said, taking the wallet from him. "Go, pack."

She gave him a gentle nudge in the direction of his room.

She sent Matt a text, giving him a condensed version of what had happened. Kade would need his help getting through the party.

She was just finishing the process of buying Kade's ticket to Boston when he came back out. He had brushed his hair to the side and his shirt was buttoned and tucked in. He held a jacket in one hand and a small duffle bag in the other. Some of the shock had left his face but he still looked dazed.

"Here's your wallet," she said, handing it to him. "Do you have your phone? Keys? Phone charger?"

He nodded and looked around his apartment.

"Ok. Our car is here," she said.

She moved around quickly turning out the lights, gathering her things and then followed Kade into the elevator. Lennon matched his quietness as they rode down to the lobby even though there were so many things she wanted to say.

She wanted to tell him she understood. She knew how it felt to feel like at any moment you could lose someone you loved. She wanted to comfort him. She wanted to be able to say everything was going to be alright but she knew those were empty words that might not come true. So she stayed quiet.

As the elevator slowed, Lennon reached out her hand, showing Kade she was there for him. He looked down at it and didn't hesitate in wrapping his fingers around hers. She gave him a reassuring squeeze as the doors opened.


The car ride was quiet. Lennon occasionally looked over at Kade. He kept his focus out the window, his mind clearly across the country with his family. Their car pulled up in front of the hotel but Kade didn't move. Lennon waited quietly, unsure what he wanted to do.

"How am I suppose to go in there?" he finally asked, his eyes on the front door.

Lennon reached over and took his hand. He looked down at their joined hands.

"Think about your family," she said. "Remember you are doing this for them. And I won't leave your side. Promise."

He looked at her and gave a small nod. He took a deep breath and squaring his shoulders before he opened the car door. Lennon kept looking over as they rode up in the elevator. He had put on a neutral look. She was impressed. As they got closer to the top floor, she wondered how much practice he had putting on a happy face in order to get through an event.

"You ready?" she asked, as they paused outside the door.

It took him a moment to answer. She could see him hyping himself up, then he finally turned and smiled at her.

"Let's do this," he said.

The room exploded with shouts as they entered but Lennon's focus was on Kade. She was once again impressed as he feigned shock and looked at her with a big smile.

"Did you do this?" he asked, loudly.

"Happy Birthday baby!" she said, giving him a big hug.

Will and Noah happily pulled her away and gave him a group hug. As they pulled away, she could see her own worry reflected in their eyes. Matt must have told them what was going on. Lennon stayed quietly by Kade's side as he dealt with an onrush on well wishers.

When she could tell the person talking to Kade was threatening to start in on a long speech, she cut in.

"Thanks so much for coming!" she said, cheerfully, taking Kade's hand and pulling him away.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked.

His face had dropped slightly but he still had a smile.

"Sure," he said.

She led the way, keeping his interaction with people short.

She ran interference for Kade all night. He seemed to do better when he kept moving and she made that her top priority. She didn't leave his side or let go of his hand. She got him food, though he didn't eat much and played the role of happy girlfriend.

For his part, Kade did an amazing job. He talked and laughed. Though Lennon could tell it was forced, no one else seemed to notice. He put on an excellent performance.

After giving people enough time to eat, a huge cake was brought out, intricately decorated. Kade and Lennon got pulled up to the DJ stand and someone put a mic in Kade's hands. Someone started the chant and it grew.

"Speech, speech, speech!"

Lennon casually took the mic from Kade, took his hand, giving him a reassuring smile and then turned to the crowd.

"First off, I want to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating Kade with me!" she said. People cheered.

"In my family, we have this tradition that when it's someone's birthday, we say our favorite thing about them. I thought I would share mine. When I met Kade, getting a boyfriend was the last thing on my mind. In fact, during the first part of the tour, we didn't spend that much time together."

She caught Noah and Will exchanging knowing smiles.

"But slowly, as we started to get to know each other, the thing that struck me the most about Kade was his ability to listen. I mean really listen. Nowadays, most of the time you are competing with someone's phone to get their attention but not Kade. He not only listens but he remembers what you say. He will listen to your problems and offer solutions. He'll listen when your really excited about something and be patient enough to be quiet until you are done."

Her hand got a squeeze. She looked over to find Kade smiling at her.

"He makes an incredible friend and I know everyone in this room would agree."

People shouted their agreement.

"Kade, thanks for listening and being my friend. I couldn't imagine these last few months without you."

Lennon heard a few people in the crowd let out admiring "ahhs".

"I hope this year is everything you want it to be and more. Happy birthday!"

The crowd echoed her and she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"Thanks Lennon," he said as she pulled back.

She knew he was talking about more then just the speech.


Lennon kept her eye on the clock and as Kade's flight time got closer and she let him know he needed to start saying goodbye. Kade seemed tired as he gave a final goodbye and left with her. Matt followed them out.

"Kade, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa," Matt said, as they rode down in the elevator.

"Thanks," he said quietly.

He looked exhausted. The facade he had put on for the party was gone and in its place a deep worry.

"You have your ticket?" Matt asked as they walked outside.

"Yeah. His flight leaves in an hour and a half," Lennon said.

"Ok. I'll cover your absence on this side and if you need anything, let me know," Matt said.

Kade nodded. Matt gave him a comforting pat on the back and headed back inside.

"I know Matt is better equipped but if I can do anything let me know, ok?" Lennon said.

"Thanks Lennon," he said, his eyes softening. "For everything."

"Of course," she said.

He gave her a sad smile and then moved towards the open car door waiting for him.


Hey you!

Okay, so I have been reading a story that takes place during high school and I have to ask; is everyone having a completely different experience than me? Seriously, this book has crazy parties and everyone getting drunk. The craziest thing I've done is talk too loudly in the library. Okay, that was a lie, I've never talked to loudly in the library. That would be rude and disrespectful. But seriously? So far I can say my wild side came out by joining the drama club. Whateves. We drama geeks know how to rock a show!

So vote, comment, follow. Follow the fancy of your heart, if your heart leads you in doing the previously mentioned. (Yeah, sorry that was kind of long winded, you get my point. ;)

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