Chapter 29 - "So, where do we go from here?"

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Lennon let out a sigh of relief as she dropped her bags on the floor of her apartment. Her phone rang and she answered it as she kicked her door shut.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hi Darling, how are you?" Charlotte asked.

"Good. I just got home."

"How did everything go?"

Lennon flopped onto couch, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Better then I thought it would."

"And? Are you going to explain anymore?"

"Kade's family is so nice and welcoming. They didn't make it awkward at all."


"I don't know. It's weird. I'm not really dating Kade. It seems pointless making connections I know will end soon. As I was meeting everyone, a part of me couldn't help but think what they would think of me when it's all over."

Lennon absentmindedly played with the pillow on her couch.

"It's not pointless and they won't think poorly of you," Charlotte insisted.

"How can you say that? In their eyes I will have broken up with their son."

"But Len you are forgetting one key fact."

"What's that?"

"It's you."

Lennon smiled. Charlotte's never-failing faith in Lennon made it impossible for her to imagine anyone thinking differently.

"I didn't have to be there to know that meeting Kade's family went smoothly because you are gracious and kind," Charlotte said. "You always make an effort to make people comfortable and connect. It's no wonder Kade's family loved you. They would be lucky for him to date someone half as nice as you. When this whole thing is done they will probably be bummed he lost you but I know it won't change the way they feel about you."

"You know you're a little bit biased," Lennon said.

"Just because you're like a daughter to me doesn't mean I'm not right," Charlotte said.

"I miss you," Lennon said.

"We miss you too. So come see us. What are you plans for Christmas?"

"Kade and I will be at my dad's," Lennon said disappointedly. "Then we go to New York. Hey Farewell is performing for New Years Eve."

"Any chance you could fit in a small stop to Asheville? Even if its just a layover?" Charlotte asked.

Lennon stopped playing with the pillow. She hadn't seen Charlotte for almost five months. She knew it wouldn't feel like Christmas without seeing her.

"Possibly," she said.

She tried to work out the schedule in her head and see if she could make it happen. Then a realization hit her and the idea deflated.

"I'm not sure," Lennon said. "Jordan probably won't like it if Kade and I split up halfway through the trip. You know the press reads into everything we do."

"Bring Kade along," Charlotte suggested.

Lennon laughed.

"I'm serious," Charlotte said.

"Wait, seriously?"

"Darling, he is part of your life, even if he isn't really your boyfriend. We want to meet him."

"But he isn't really," Lennon argued. "I mean, in six months it will all be over and he'll be gone."

"But for right now he is a part of your life. It feels strange not knowing the person you spend all your time with."

Lennon hesitated.

"I don't want to tell him about Hunter," she said.

"You don't have to. I'm just talking about him meeting Deacon and me."

"But how can I avoid him finding out when he is in the place where everything happened?"

"He won't be here long. There is no reason for any of us to mention Hunter."

Lennon leaned her head back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling but unseeing, her thoughts drifting to Asheville.

"I don't know," Lennon said. 

"Well, think about it. It won't feel like Christmas without seeing you."

"Ok. I will."

Lennon let out a loud yawn.

"You sound tired," Charlotte said.

"It was a long four days," Lennon said.

"Well, you should get some rest. We can talk later."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too."

Lennon started for her room, her body ready for sleep, her thoughts occupied with the idea of taking Kade to Asheville with her. She had only taken a few steps when Jordan called. She grumbled out a greeting and tried to convince him she was too tired to talk, but he insisted there was a lot they needed to discuss. She trudged into her room and collapsed onto her bed as Jordan listed off her schedule for the next two weeks.

"You have a date with Kade tomorrow night," Jordan said.

"We just spent four days together, if everyone doesn't know we are together by now they're stupid," Lennon said.

"Lennon, its about publicity. We want people talking about you."


"The next day you have your album cover photo shoot. The day after that you start filming your music video."

"Ok," Lennon mumbled.

"Kade will stop by on the last day of your music video shoot."

"Ok. Is there any thing else? I'm tired."

"Yes, I hired you a bodyguard," Jordan said.

"What?" Lennon asked, suddenly alert.

"It's for your own safety and the safety of the people around you," he said. "Lennon, you're a liability out on your own. I know you have pushed this off. But if someone gets hurt because people are excited to see you, you could be held responsible. The label and I are not willing to have that happen."

"How often will he be around?"

"He will be there whenever you step outside."

Lennon groaned, but her mind flashed back to the hectic scene in Boston with Kade.

"Fine," she said, resigned.

"His name is Bear and he comes highly recommended. His job is to keep you safe but not intrude on your life. It might not be what you want but I promise it won't be that bad."


"Well, I think that is all I needed to discuss with you. I'm still finalizing your holiday plans. Once everything is confirmed I'll let you know. Is there anything you need to discuss?"

Lennon knew it was the perfect time to ask about adding a short stop in Asheville during their Christmas trip but she couldn't form the words. She knew Charlotte had the best intentions but she couldn't bring herself to ask Jordan. Charlotte seemed convinced they could keep Hunter out of the visit but Lennon wasn't so sure. She had let Kade into a lot of her life, but she didn't want to tell him more about Hunter than she already had.

"No. I don't have anything to discuss with you. Can I sleep now?" she asked Jordan.

"Yes. Don't forget your date with Kade tomorrow night."

"I won't."

"Bear will pick you up. He really isn't that..."

Lennon hung up on Jordan, rolled over and went to sleep.


The next night, Lennon left Bear in Kade's lobby and went up to get Kade. There was Christmas music playing when she walked in and a Christmas tree that looked like it was in the middle of being decorated.

"Hey," she said, finding Kade digging through a box.

"Hey," he called over his shoulder. "I was thinking we could go see a movie."

He pulled a small tin Christmas tree from the box and put it on his coffee table.

"Ok! I can't remember the last time I saw a movie," Lennon said.

"Same here. Let me grab my things and then we can go."

Kade passed her and disappeared down the hallway. He was back a moment later and they were in the lobby a minute after that. Lennon was a bit dazed at how fast they had made plans. Kade seemed eager to be on their way.

"Oh, Bear is coming with us," Lennon said, stepping off the elevator and seeing her bodyguard's hulking figure.

"Bear?" Kade asked.

"My new bodyguard," she clarified. "Apparently, I'm a liability."

Lennon didn't hold back the mocking tone.

"Bodyguards aren't that bad," Kade said. "And they do keep you safe."

"That was quick," Bear said.

"He's secretly The Flash," Lennon said.

Bear's expression remained blank, he hadn't respond to a single funny comment Lennon had made since they had met an hour ago. Lennon introduced Kade to Bear and they set out.


Two hours later they walked back through the quiet mall. Store fronts lay shut for the night, the interiors dark. The sound of their footsteps echoed on the tile floor. They headed to the car, Bear trailing a safe distance behind them.

"So, you're decorating for Christmas," Lennon said.

"Yeah," Kade said.

They fell back into silence. They stepped into the cool winter night, the city lights illuminating the sky. As they got into the car Kade mentioned that Hey Farewell was performing at the LA Jingle Ball. Lennon jumped on the topic and it kept them talking until they reached Kade's building.

"That was fun," Kade said. "Bear it was nice to meet you."

He reached forward and shook Bear's hand.

"I'll see you later then," Lennon said, trying not to sound awkward.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked.

"Sure," she said.

"I won't keep her long," he told Bear, holding the car door open for Lennon and offering her his hand.

"Thanks," she said.

She stepped down and followed him into the lobby. The area was still, the only sound the gentle trickle of water from the fountain behind the desk. Kade led her to a secluded corner.

"I just wanted a moment to talk. Boston was intense and I need some time readjusting back into the normal swing of things," Kade said.

Lennon let out a relieved laugh.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels a little off," she said.

He smiled.

"So, where do we go from here?" she asked.

"Slowly, I think. I believe we are both going to be pretty busy this month." Lennon nodded in agreement. "So I think we should take things one day at a time. Even when we have to be out in public, we can keep in more low key. I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that we are dating by now so it doesn't have to be so much of a show."

"That sounds good" Lennon said.

Kade shifted, a hesitant look creeping into his eyes.

"Also, I am going to put into action one of our guidelines" he said. His voice had an official edge to it and made him seem a bit nervous. "I just need some space."

His eyes watched her cautiously. She could tell he was worried about how she would react.

"Ok," she said, giving him a small reassuring smile. "I can respect that. I'm glad we have those guidelines in place."

"Me too," he said, sounding relieved.

"Is there anything else you need?" she asked.

"No, that was it."

"Alright, well then, I guess I'll see you when I see you," she said.

"Or, when Matt and Jordan tell us" he corrected.

She laughed.

"Goodnight Kade" she said.

He gave her a short smile and headed towards the elevators.


Hello Beautiful!

(Dang now I'm going to have that Jonas Brother's song stuck in my head. This always happens to me. I feel like half the things I say lead to song lyrics. I guess there could be worse things in life than having a random assortment of songs constantly playing through my head. I could hear voices, and that would suck. The voices just sing now. Have I gone to a weird place? I apologize this kind of got out of hand.)

How is life? I hope good. Fall is upon us and I know I have mentioned this fact a lot but Fall is awesome and beautiful.  There is just so much color! I love it!

Vote, comment, follow, go listen to a Jonas Brother's song and remember the time that they used to be cool. (I always pictured them taller than they actually are. Nick is 5' 7" crazy short right? (For a guy that is) Oh well, I guess it would never have worked out between us. Okay I'm going to go before I say something embarrassing. Too late I guess ;)

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