Chapter 30 - "Hunter, leave Lennon alone."

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The next morning, Lennon drove up the coast with Clayton, the photographer for her photo shoot, and his crew. The drive was beautiful as they followed the water north. The sky slowly lightening as they drove. They pulled into a circular dirt area along the edge of the cliff.

There was a December chill in the air and the wind gave it a bitter bite as they got out. Below, the waves were a silvery blue and created white lines running to the shore.

"The location is just a short ways over here," Clayton said.

His crew loaded up with equipment and followed his lead. They moved down towards the edge of the cliff, to where they left the dirt behind and thin, green, willowy grasses took over the land.

"Alright, here is good" Clayton said. "Lennon it will take a few minutes to get setup so you can relax until then."

"Ok," she said.

She walked a straight line to the edge of the cliff, stopping with her feet just inches from the drop. From her height, Lennon could see far out into the ocean and the flat horizon. The view in front of her reminded her of home. Of Asheville. Of Hunter.

Every summer Hunter's family had taken a trip east to the Carolina coast. She had been invited on the trip every summer of her high school year. The sand was whiter then the sand below her but the grasses felt the same. The early morning light on the silvery water before her pulled out and dusted off a vivid memory from one of those trips.

The memory that came to mind was the summer before Lennon's senior year. Hunter's family always rented the same beach house. It was small and simple but it did its job and provided enough barrier between them and the hot summer nights. That was all they needed. Every moment they weren't sleeping, they were outside.

The trip had included everything a typical summer vacation should. Swimming, bodysurfing, volleyball, sand castles. The crisp tingle of sun baked skin and tangled mess of salt water hair. The dinners on the beach as the sunlight faded from the sky. The s'mores around the fire pit or looking at the clear night sky. When they got restless of sand and water after a few days, she and Hunter would wonder off to explore the surrounding areas.

The most vivid part of the memory was the last night of the trip. They were suppose to be packing. Hunter had hastily thrown his clothes into his bag and then came into Lennon's room. He sat on her bed and tried to distract her as she packed. He was very good at distracting her. Lennon laughed and tried half-heartedly to avoid his hands as he reached out for her every time she got close. She finally gave in and let out a squeal as he pulled her into his arms.

"I'm not done packing," she said as he nuzzled her nose and didn't pay attention.

"I can pack for you later," he said.

"You mean throw all my stuff into my bag and sit on it so it will shut?"

He smiled.

"You're going to wash everything anyways once you get home," Hunter said.

He gave her a sly grin, confident he was right and kissed her. Someone cleared their throat at the door. Suddenly, Lennon and Hunter were on opposite sides of the bed, both trying to give their best innocent face.

"The last time I checked, that wasn't what packing looked like," Hunter's mother said.

Her face looked stern but there was a hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Hunter, leave Lennon alone. Say goodnight."

Hunter quickly got off the bed. His mom was being good-humored but he knew not to push it.

"Good night Lennon," he said, turning and walking backwards out of her room.

He gave her a wink and a knowing look. She returned it with a smile.


"Goodnight," his mother said and shut her door.

Doors closed and the house fell silent. Lennon slowly folded and refolded her clothes, waiting. After an hour, she tried to stay patient but she was getting antsy. When a quiet tap came on her door she flew to open it. Hunter gave her a triumphant look and stepped into her room. He quietly shut the door and moved to the window. They froze with every squeak the old wooden window frame made as he inched it open.

He climbed out first. Lennon followed and he helped her down. He gave her a victorious kiss once they were both on the ground and then took her hand.

Two summers before they had discovered the path. It had led to a smooth, rounded rock that looked out over the water. They had agreed to sneak out the last night of the trip to return to their secret summit once more and it had become a tradition. Now, it was their third time back. The rock was still warm from the day's heat. Hunter pulled Lennon into his arms as they sat and she rested back against him.

They had talked about the future but with the near sightedness that high schoolers usually suffer from. The future that resided in the rest of their summer and then senior year. Even if Lennon had been mature enough to see beyond high school and her small world, she hadn't really needed to. She already knew what her future would hold. Hunter, no matter where she went or what she did. That was a fact that ran deep in her veins and a security she never questioned. It was an unspoken promise so strong and understood between the two of them, they didn't have to put it into words.

They had stayed up on their summit until the morning light had begun to turn the ocean from indigo to silver. But they had left before the sunlight could touch the water. Hunter had understanding parents but no parents are understanding when they discover empty beds. He had kissed her once they were back in her room and then he had left. Lennon had fallen into her own bed to catch what sleep she could.

"Lennon, look this way," Clayton said.

She paused for a moment, as the vivid memory slowly retreated. She turned to where Clayton stood behind her. The wind whipped up her hair, blowing it out to sea and a smile started slow in the corner of her mouth and spread until it reached both cheeks.

Clayton's camera clicked away. Lennon smiled at Clayton and let the warm feeling the memory had left behind wash her in contentment. Clayton gave her directions and she followed them with ease and confidence. When he finally called for a break, the sun had fully risen.



(Gosh that makes me want a taco.) Anyways, what do you think of Hunter? I won't cast him because he is the ideal guy you see in your head. So when you think of Hunter, think perfection. I'm curious what are you drawn to in a guy? Personally I instantly notice a guy's smile and hair, no idea why I just do.  It's probably why I'm in love with Grant Gustin, he has a great smile and fantastic hair.

Vote, comment, follow, spend an hour pondering the idea guy, because hey why not!

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