Chapter 31 - "Alright, that's a wrap!"

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Lennon followed up the photo shoot with Clayton with her music video shoot the next day. It was set out on a large farm. The music video would be a compilation of her performing for a crowd, running around with a group of friends, going through a maze and setting off sparklers. It was long days and long nights out in the cold. By the end of the third day of filming, Lennon could feel her throat getting scratchy and her nose getting stuffed.

On the final day of filming, Bear greeted her as he picked her up.

"Good morning," Lennon said, her voice coming out strained and quiet.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She shrugged off his worry.

"I'll be fine. I think it's just because I was out in the cold last night," she said hoarsely.

She ordered tea hoping that would help, but she still felt foggy when she arrived on the set. She wore an extra jacket, trying to combat the chill that seemed to run deep in her bones. Even in the warmth of her trailer she didn't take them off.

By the time Lennon was done with hair and make-up she was drained. She barely had enough energy to drag herself to the couch and collapse. Her head felt like there was a blizzard inside of it. There was a knock on the door and someone called her name.

"Come in," Lennon said, pulling herself up on the couch.

"Hey," Kade said.

When he stepped inside, the open door let in bright sunshine and Lennon squinted, turning away.

"Hey," she said.

Kade took a step closer and looked at her.

"You look awful," he said.

Lennon let out a weak, broken laugh which turned into a cough.

"Thanks," she croaked.

"You're sick."

"It's just a little cold."

"That sucks," Kade said, taking a seat.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"It's the final day of your shoot."

She gave him a blank look.

"Remember, Matt and Jordan wanted me to visit the set."

"That's right."

"How is it going so far?"

"Good. Really good," Lennon said, reaching for her tea.

It was lukewarm at best and did nothing to soothe her sore throat, but she drank it anyways.

"The director has been great to work with. The extras are super friendly. It's going really well," Lennon said.

"That's great."

He tugged at the collar of his shirt and then pulled his jacket off.

"What are you filming today?"

It took Lennon a minute to remember what they would be working on.

"I think we are doing the fireworks and sparklers tonight," she said.

"That will be fun," he said.

Lennon hadn't seen a lot of Kade over the last two weeks. They had both been busy. The one time they had gone out, he had been friendly but Lennon could tell he was holding back. It wasn't anything obvious, just subtle things. He reached for her hand less and seemed to keep more distance between them.

"Aren't you hot?" he asked, looking at Lennon's double jackets.

"I'm freezing," she said.

They had stopped talking and she had rested her head against the back of the couch, her eyes closed.

"You don't look like you're doing so good," he said.

"I'll be fine," she said. "We're so close to being done the video. I don't want to postpone and make everyone reschedule."

"But Lennon, you're sick."

"It's just a cold."

Kade touched her forehead. She gave a slight shiver and tried to sink deeper into her jackets.

"You have a fever," he said. "I think you should reschedule."

"Kade I'm fine," she said. "I'll just rest in between takes and it will be fine."

He didn't look convinced.

"I don't want to reschedule," she said. "It's so close to the holidays. Rescheduling would mean waiting to finish in the new year. Or asking people to do it over the holidays. I don't want to ruin people's plans. Plus, we are already so busy."

"Fine," he said.

There was a knock at the door and Kade opened it.

"Can you tell Miss Kayhill, we will be ready for her in fifteen minutes," someone said.

"Yeah but first I need something," Kade said. "I need two assistants for Miss Kayhill right away."

Lennon struggled to stand and move to the mirror. Her eyes were a little watery and the tip of her nose was slightly red from constantly blowing it. The door shut and Kade quietly sat on the couch before another knock came. He answered it.

"Hi Kade Matthews. Nice to meet you," he said.

Lennon half listened to Kade as she tried to cover up her nose.

"You will be working with Miss Kayhill today," Kade said.  "I need there to be a chair for her to sit every time there is a break. She will need her jackets and a constant bottle of water. Also, if you could round up a blanket."

Lennon turned, surprised by the authority in Kade's voice. It wasn't brusque but firm and confident. Someone answered but she didn't hear their response.

"That's right," Kade said. "Thank you."

He shut the door and sat on the couch.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said with a shrug.

A few minutes later, someone called for Lennon and Kade walked with her to the set. It was late afternoon and the sun was low in the sky. The director wanted to get some shots of the group in an open field with tall grasses as the sun was going down.

"Miss Kayhill, we have your seat," a young man said.

He showed her to a foldable canvas chair. Kade moved to where the director was standing and waited for a moment before he introduced himself. Lennon watched as Kade and the director had a short conversation with frequent looks at her.

"I have to run an errand, ok?" Kade said, walking back.

She gave a small nod.

"I'll be back soon," he said.

He kissed her forehead and left.

All afternoon while filming, as soon as a shot was done, someone had a jacket and chair waiting for Lennon. She realized Kade had arranged all of it for her. She was barely making it through the day and the extra help was saving her. She was so grateful.

When there was a break, Lennon headed back to her trailer and collapsed onto the couch. Her body ached with fatigue and her brain seemed to work sluggishly. A few minutes later Kade joined her.

"I got you some stuff," he said, holding up a few CVS bags.

He put them on the floor and began to unpack them.

"I got you vitamin C, DayQuil and Airborne. All these are suppose to help with a cold. I also got you camomile tea and honey to help your sore throat."

Lennon smiled, touched that he had gone out to get everything for her.

"Thanks," she said.

She watched, curious, as he pulled out a thermos and an electric tea kettle.

"What are those for?" she asked.

"Your tea" he said.

He set the kettle up.

"I can't believe you got all of this," she said in disbelief.

"It's nothing," he said with a shrug.

Lennon watched Kade make her tea. He had no reason to help her out. His only job had been to show up and make an appearance. But here he was, helping her make it through the day.

Constantly having fresh hot tea as she worked soothed Lennon's throat and kept her warm. Kade stayed close the whole day, making sure she got everything she needed. But, he wouldn't let her thank him. Every time she tried to express her appreciation, he brushed it off.


"Alright, that's a wrap!" the director said.

Lennon smiled, relieved they were done. The next hour was chaotic as the crew began to take everything down and Lennon said goodbye. Kade walked her back to her trailer and told her not to move. She dozed on and off as he packed up all of her stuff. When he was done, he pulled her up from the couch. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked to his car. Lennon snuggled down into the front seat and fell asleep.

Kade gently shook her awake when they reached her apartment. Her thoughts moved at a glacial pace as Kade opened her car door and helped her out. She leaned on him as he guided her to her door. With fumbling fingers she searched her purse for her keys. When she finally found them, he unlocked the door for her.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

Lennon staggered to her couch as he turned on the lights.

"Not really," she said.

What she wanted was a shower. She stood and trudged over to her room.

"I'm gonna take a shower," she said, unsure if she should say goodbye.

She didn't want him to leave. It felt comforting to have him close.

"Ok, I'll unload the car," he said.

Done with her shower, Lennon bundled up in sweatpants and a warm hoodie, and came out to find Kade sitting on her couch.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as she joined him.

"Better," she said. "The shower helped but I'm still a little cold. I should get a blanket."

"I'll get it," he said. "Just tell me where it is."

"Thanks. Just grab the one from my bed," she said.

Kade grabbed the blanket and laid it over Lennon.

"Thanks," she said, pulling it tight around her.

"You can go," she added as he sat back down.

She didn't really mean it, but didn't want him to feel like he had to stay.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

She hesitated.

"Lets watch a movie," he said, reaching for the remote. "What do you want to watch?"

She gave him a small smile.

"I don't care," she said, leaning back against the couch.

"Ok," he said.

He selected a classic rom-com and sat back.

"Kade," Lennon said, as the opening credits began to play.

"Hmm?" he said, looking at her.

"Thank you for today."

He gave her a small smile.

"No problem."


Alright, alright!

I think we have now reached the point in our relationship that I can share something with you. As you may or may not know, I love Grant Gustin. I truly believe that we should be together. I shall prove why in a list of reasons.
1. We are obsessed with our poodles. (He has two named Jett and Nora. Mine is named Chesney)
2. We both smile a lot
3. Both love that he is the Flash
4. Both like his style
5. know...
Okay, so really I'm going off the fact that we both love our dogs and smile a ton. But still I have hope it will be a long, lasting relationship. Just have to deal with one small problem, but really I don't think it's that difficult of a problem. It's just that we have to actually meet. Once that is out of the way though, bam! True love!

Vote, comment, follow, tell me you believe that Grant and I are meant to be!

Also you have to admit these are the cutest pictures in the world, who wouldn't love him?? And my dog!

Isn't she adorable!! I love her!

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