Chapter 3 - "She was pretty dumb but smoking hot, so it didn't matter."

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Lennon stepped up to the front desk of the Ritz Carlton residence feeling apprehensive.

"Hi" she said cheerfully. "I'm here to see Kade Matthews. My name is Lennon Kayhill."

"Mr Matthews is not currently home. Would you like to leave a message?"

"No I'll wait," Lennon said, walking away before the woman could give her another dirty look.

She took a seat at one of the many leather chairs and sat alert, ready for Kade to walk through the doors at any moment. But when fifteen minutes turned into half an hour, her posture slightly slumped and she pulled her phone out. She thought about calling Jordan after an hour of getting curious looks from people passing, and the occasional look from the front desk woman. But she gave Kade the benefit of the doubt, LA traffic could be killer. But as another half hour passed, she gave up and called.

"Hey, are you already done?" Jordan asked when he picked up the phone.

"More like we haven't even started," she quietly hissed.


"I've been waiting for an hour and a half and still no sign of him. I'm about to leave."

"What time did you get there?"

"I got here at one-thirty, like you told me."

"Let me check my email, but I'm pretty sure that is the time Matt gave me."

"I'm gonna leave," Lennon said, prepared to stand up and walk out of the front lobby.

"It says one thirty here, I don't know what to say."

"I do," she said, leaving. "Kade clearly isn't on board like Matt thinks. I'm not doing this again. Let Matt know, Kade can come to me."

Lennon was fuming as she walked the few blocks to the parking lot she had used. Who did he think he was? It wasn't like she was thrilled about the whole situation either? She was doing him a favor and he didn't even have the sense to show up to the meeting at HIS HOUSE? And who lived at the Ritz Carlton anyways?

A few hours later, Lennon sat in her apartment playing her guitar when her phone rang. She set aside her guitar and answered.


"So I talked to Matt and he said there was a scheduling mix up" Jordan said.

"Am I actually suppose to believe that?"

"Lennon, come on."

"This better not be what the next year is going to look like. I'm not going to waste my time waiting around for him."

"He said it was an honest mistake."

"Did we put a clause in the contract about how many 'honest mistakes' he can make before we call them what they really are?" she asked sarcastically. 

"Matt said Kade can be at your place in forty-five minutes."

"I am free. My only plans involved dinner at Manny's, ice cream and my guitar."

"Ok, great. I'll let Matt know you are available."

Lennon tried to keep her hands from fidgeting. It was stupid to care what he thought or even put effort into making a good impression but she couldn't stop the nervous ball of energy growing in her stomach.

Her eyes landed on her guitar and she could almost feel her fingers aching for it, desperate to put her nervous energy somewhere. She sat and just the feel of the guitar resting against her dispelled some of her jitteriness. She plucked out a melody.

Before she knew it, there was a sharp knock on the door. Her nerves went from relaxed to as tight as a guitar string in seconds and she hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Regaining control of her reason, she leaned her guitar against the couch. Drying her suddenly sweating palms on her pants, she unlocked the door and pulled it open.

Kade stood there, a bored expression on his face, his hands in his pockets. His whole appearance reeked of hard earned casualness. His dark brown hair was carelessly pushed off to the side. He had dark eyes and handsome, defined features.

"Hi," she said.

It was one thing to see his face in the magazines or on TV but another thing to have him standing at her front door.

"Please, come in," she said after a brief pause.

"Let's get some things straight," he said, breezing past her without a polite hello. "I'm not your friend or your buddy and especially not your boyfriend. Everything I say to you when we are 'together' will probably be a lie. This is a job, not a relationship. And lastly," he turned and looked her up and down coolly. "Don't fall in love with me."

"Got it. Would you like something to drink?" she asked, a bright smile plastered on her face.

He gave her a stunned look, his eyes following her as she walked to the fridge.

"I got water, orange juice or coke?"

When she didn't get an answer, she looked up to find him staring at her.

"Water it is."

She filled two glasses and placed them on the coffee table.

"Please sit," she said, gesturing to the couch.

She took the seat opposite.

"Thanks for coming over. I think it's a good idea to spend a little time together. Get past any awkwardness."

"I don't do awkward," he said, giving the apartment a judgmental look.

"That will make it easy," she said.

He might not do awkward but there wasn't any other word that could describe the situation. He was barely perched on the edge of the couch, his fingers drumming out a beat while Lennon tried to find something to say.

"Are you excited for the tour?"

The question felt like something from an interview but she was grasping at anything. He gave her a blank look.


"What do you like most about it?"

"I didn't know we were playing twenty questions."

"I think I like meeting the fans the most," she said, ignoring his snarky remark.

"I bet."

She was surprised how he could make two simple words sound so insulting.

"I heard your album hit platinum, that must be exciting."

"Mmhmm," he said, standing up and walking over to the bookcase.

"Who is this?" He asked, pulling a picture frame off of a shelf.

"A friend," Lennon said.


He put the picture back and sat back down. His eyes landed on her guitar and he grabbed it. His fingers flew over the strings, playing a quick riff.

"It's out of tune," he said, placing it back where it had been.

Lennon didn't say anything, at a loss of how to act. Was he trying to make it impossible for her to even be friendly?

"Matt mentioned that you like to travel, where is your favorite place you have been?"

"And we're back to twenty questions."

Lennon met his annoyed look but gave in after he didn't, looking around the room at anything but him. She didn't know what else to do.

"Greece wasn't bad," he finally answered.

It wasn't much, but she could work with it.

"I've heard it's beautiful. I've always wanted to go to Egypt."


She didn't let the uninterested answer bring her down.

"Did you play a show in Greece or just vacation there?"

"Vacation. I went with this super hot model. We had a private beach."

His voice trailed off as he thought back on it.

"Sounds nice."

"She was pretty dumb but smoking hot, so it didn't matter."

"I meant Greece."

"I know," he said with a smirk.

"Where else have you traveled?"

"Here and there."

He pulled out his phone to respond to a text and Lennon took a sip of water. The conversation had hit a stop.

"Well, this has been nice," he said, standing up.

Lennon mirrored his movement, surprised he was already leaving. He had only been there for fifteen minutes.

"You're leaving?" She asked.

"Yeah," he said, already at the door.

"We barely talked though. I don't know anything about you except that you went to Greece with a model."

"That's about all you need to know about me," he joked but she didn't laugh.

"What about the party tomorrow night?"

"Don't worry. Just follow my lead and everything will be fine."

He was out the door before she could protest anymore.

Lennon let out a frustrated growl and flopped on the couch. That wasn't how she had seen the meeting going but she didn't plan on letting it ruin her night. She sat up and walked into the room, coming back with her laptop. It didn't matter that Kade didn't want to take the time to get to know her. She didn't want to walk into the next meeting blind and thankfully she didn't have to. She would spend the rest of the night finding out all she could about Kade through interviews, social media and the gossip sites.



Guys I'll literally so excited because I found who Kade looks like, which is the person at the top. Super hot right?!? Hubba hubba! (Does that sound funny to anyone else?)

Okay so it was only after I found him that I realized a bunch of other people were also using this model as well. So I have decided to keep searching for another Kade. My life is so terrible I must now go and look through hundreds of pictures of hots guy! Oh the tragedy!

Let me know who you think Kade looks like! Vote, comment, follow and share. Do as you so desire.

I am off to go google hot guys with brown hair! 😉 Yay me!

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