Chapter 4 - "They don't call me the master for nothing."

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Lennon climbed into the backseat of Jordan's car and was greeted by her backup band.

"So, what are you bringing tonight?" Ace asked.

She acknowledged his question with a look, but nothing more.

"A Yankee candle?" Max asked, turning around from the front seat.

"A bottle of wine?" Ace added.

"You mock but don't come crying to me when you don't get asked back," Lennon said.

"What does it smell like?" Max asked.

Ace grabbed the brown paper gift bag before Lennon could fight him and gave the bag a sniff.

"Something sweet," he said, tossing it to Max.

"Sickly sweet," Max said, pulling the bag away as soon as he got a sniff.

"Give it to the master," Ace said, grabbing it back.

They watched as he took a sniff and then was silent, seeming to think it over.

"Pomegranate?" he guessed.

Two sets of eyes looked to Lennon.

"How do you do that?" she asked in disbelief, snatching the bag back.

"They don't call me the master for nothing."

"No one calls you the master," Max said.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Ace asked.

"Yes," she said reluctantly.

"Is it a candle?" Max asked, eager to be right.

"It's handmade soap," she said, bracing herself for their reaction.


"That's a grandmother gift."

"You've got to be joking."

"What else was I suppose to bring? He lives at the Ritz Carleton."

"A 'thank you' would be fine," Ace said.

"But I can't show up - "

"Without bringing a gift" they finished together.

"This isn't a bad lesson to learn," Jordan said, coming to Lennon's aid.

"You're just saying that because you want us to bring something when we come to your house," Max said.

The argument quickly unraveled and somehow they ended up discussing Jordan's inability to let people in, the boys mostly calling to light their lack of invitation to his house.


"I'm so glad you made it. Matt Watkins" Matt said, offering a hand to Ace and Max as they entered the party.

Introductions were made and soon he was leading them through the crowded room, nodding hellos at the people he passed. They walked out onto the balcony and Lennon could see Kade, in a circle of people. He let out a loud laugh as they approached.

"Kade, Will," Matt said, getting their attention.

Lennon braced herself for an awkward hello and was shocked when Kade gave her a warm smile.

"Lennon, I'm so glad you're here," he said, giving her a big hug, as though they were old friends.

"Jordan," he said, offering his hand.

"Hey I'm Will, the drummer," the tall blonde with quiet blue eyes said as he offered his hand.

"This is Noah." he said, pointing to the guy beside him with brown curls, laughing eyes and dimples.

"I can introduce myself," Noah said, slapping Will. "I'm the good looking one in Hey Farewell, and I play bass," he jokingly added.

Lennon tried to hide her shock as she shook hands and introduced her own band.

"Do you want a drink? I'll show you the bar," Kade offered, as he led her inside.

"Hi how are you? Have you met Lennon?" He asked the first person who stopped him.

It took a while to cross the room to the bar with somebody stopping them every few feet. Kade introduced her every time, and by the time they made it to the bar, Lennon felt as if she had met everyone.

"What do you want?" He asked, getting the bartenders attention.

"Water is fine," Lennon said, glancing around the room.

"Can I get two waters?" he asked the bartender.

The trip back outside was just as long but Lennon felt more comfortable and confident. She could feel her nervousness disappearing. She felt accomplished when they left a short conversation with a young actor and he was still laughing at her joke.

"There you are, where did the van break down, Ohio or Idaho?" Max asked as they rejoined the circle around the fire pit.

It took her a moment to understand what Max was talking about before she could answer.


"Told you," he said to Ace, who looked annoyed.

"Regardless of the location, it was pretty crazy" Ace said, seeming to finish a story.

A tall brunette joined the group by slinging her arm across Kade's shoulders and whispering something in his ear. Lennon tried to ignore the whole thing, turning to talk to Will.

"So when did you start playing the drums?" She asked.

"When I was three and no ones been able to get me to stop since," he answered.

"I've always wanted to learn but try as he might, Max has been unable to teach me," Lennon said.

"And it has nothing to do with my teaching skills," Max said, cutting in.

"I think you could learn," Will said, getting an indignant reaction from Max.

"You would think that but just you wait," Max warned.

"I'm not that bad," Lennon said, giving Max a joking glare.

"What are we talking about?" Kade asked, coming into the conversation.

Lennon turned to see he had gotten rid of the tall brunette at some point.

"Lennon's drumming skills," Will explained.

"I didn't know you could play drums," Kade said.

"It's her lack of skills we are talking about," Max corrected.

"I think it was your bad teaching we were talking about," she said.

"I can give you a lesson and then we shall see if it is your playing or Max's teaching," Will offered.

"My money's on Max's bad teaching," Kade said.

"You say that now," Max joked and Lennon couldn't help laughing.

"Will isn't great either," Kade said. "I could teach you."

"You play the drums?" Lennon asked.

"I'm full of surprises," he said, giving her a wink.

"She might not play the drums but she gives great handmade soap!" Ace said, jumping into the conversation.

"That's really her true talent," Max added.

Will and Kade gave her confused looks.

"They are just giving me a hard time," Lennon said.

"Handmade soap?" Kade asked.

"She has this tradition," Max started to explain.

"It's called being courteous," Lennon interjected.

"She doesn't show up at a house without a gift," Max finished.

"Where's my gift then?" Kade questioned, his tone was playful.

"I haven't given it to you yet," she answered, matching his tone. 

"Why not?"

"I'm waiting to see if you're a good host."

"I guess I'll have to persuade you somehow" he said, leaning in close.

Lennon could feel everyone's eyes on them and she played along and gave him a coy smile.

"Give it your best shot," she said.

"It's pomegranate," Ace said, drawing Kade's attention away.

"What?" He asked.

"The scent is pomegranate."

"Ace is the master of figuring out smells," Max said, taking the conversation in a new direction.

"Give him anything and he can figure it out."

This topic seemed to grab everyone's attention and gave Lennon a chance to breathe but she could still feel people's eyes on her. Her flirty conversation with Kade had gotten people's attention. She looked around and caught Jordan looking at her. He gave her a smile and a small nod before he returned to his conversation.

"Kade, my man" someone said from behind them.

Lennon turned to see a very tall, black man, pulling Kade in for a sideways hug.

"And who do we have here?" he asked, flashing Lennon a charming smile.

"This is Lennon," Kade said. "This is Devon."

"It's nice to meet you," Devon said, shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too," Lennon said.

"Lennon and Devon. That sounds nice. You should write a song about it," he said, giving Kade a gentle slap on the back, his eyes still on Lennon. "Make it a love song."

He pushed into the circle, coming to stand between Kade and Lennon.

"So, how did this scoundrel convince you to come to his party?" He asked.

"Scoundrel?" Kade asked. "I told you, you need to stop reading those gossip magazines."

Devon's laugh was infectious and Lennon couldn't help smiling.

"It's my weakness," he said to her with a shrug. "Was it his charming personality?"

"Have you met him?" she joked and smiled when Devon's laugh rang out.

"Too true. It must have been his devilish good looks."


Lennon was surprised how easily Devon had pushed Kade out of the way.

"I think it was my snappy intellect," Kade said, coming to stand on the other side of Lennon.

"We all know it wasn't that," Devon joked.

"I might have to have security escort you off the premise," Kade said.

"I've seen your security," Devon said, "I could take them."

"I haven't seen his security guards but I'll put my money on you," Lennon said.

"Why thank you kind lady" he said, giving her a slight bow. "So how did Mr Kade here get someone like you to come to his party?"

"By letting me open for him on tour," she said.

"That's a pretty good reason. So you sing."

"That I do. And what do you do?"

"I'm the point guard for the LA Clippers," he said proudly.

"Don't let him fool you, he warms the bench most of the time," Kade said.

Devon reached behind Lennon and slapped Kade on the back of the head.

"He's just jealous," he said.

"And who wouldn't be?" she joked.

"It's my first year but I've had plenty of play time. You should come to a game."

"I might just have to," she said.

"I'll take you sometime," Kade said.

"I'm pretty sure I just invited her," Devon said.


The group around the fire pit was broken up when Matt fetched Kade, Will and Noah so they could make a small speech. He gathered all the guest around the DJ stand and put a mic in Kade's hand.

"We want to say thank you to everyone for coming out and supporting the album tonight. It feels unreal it reached platinum and we couldn't think of anything better then celebrating with you all," Kade said. "I also want to take a moment to thank everyone for sticking with me personally, especially Will and Noah. Over the last couple of years I've made a lot of dumb and irresponsible decisions and for that I am truly sorry. Thankfully, I have good friends who have helped me turn things around and I couldn't be more excited about this tour. Thank you."

The party erupted into cheers and Kade gave a humble smile before handing the mic back over to Matt. Lennon watched, impressed with how genuine he sounded.


Hi there!

So let's all just admit it, we're really in love with Devon! I know I am. Anyways, Olivia Rodrigo is Lennon, or as close to Lennon as I could find. What do you think? Did you picture someone else? Let me hear your thoughts.

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