Chapter 5 - "And your harmony for the chorus needs work."

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The next morning, Lennon arrived at Hey Farewell's rehearsal stage a few minutes before eleven. She spotted Will by the coffee table and headed towards him.

"Lennon, what's up?" Will called out as she got closer.

"Not a lot."

"Long time no see," he joked.

"Not long enough. I need an extra cup of coffee this morning," she said.

Will gestured to the coffee and Lennon grabbed a cup. As she finished adding some milk and sugar, she turned to find Kade beside her, getting coffee. He had been so quiet she hadn't heard him come up.

"Good morning!" she said with a bright smile, feeling more confident with where they stood after the party.

He gave her a slight nod and continued getting coffee.

"Sup Lennon" Noah said, joining them.

"Just getting my caffeine fix," she said.

"Good, good," he said, his fingers tapping the table.

"Are you excited to start rehearsing?" he asked, getting his coffee and heading over to the couches.

"Clearly not as excited as you," she laughed as he bounced along next to her. "Are you sure you should be drinking that coffee?"

"Noah is a rarity in that he likes mornings," Will said, his eyes on his phone.

Kade had taken a seat on the couch without saying a word to anyone. He rested his head against the back and closed his eyes.

"So, he's like this every morning?" She asked.

"Yeah and this is him before he has caffeine."

"I'll take whatever he is having," she said.

The conversation easily flowed but Kade remained removed from it, his eyes only opening when Matt called them over.

"Everyone up on stage. We'll run the duet first so we can let Lennon get to her own rehearsal," he said.

Lennon pulled herself up onto the stage and did a full three-sixty, taking in the size. The main stage was much larger then any one she had performed on and it had a long runway jutting out into the audience. Lennon watched as everyone took their places.

"Lennon, you will walk on from stage left and come to meet Kade center stage. Here's your mic" their tour director said.

Lennon run through the lyrics to the song in her head. It was the duet from Hey Farewell's second CD that they had recorded with a different singer but since she was touring with them, Matt and Jordan wanted her to perform it with Kade.

"Alright, let's run through the song a couple of times, get everyone feeling comfortable and then we will start blocking your movement" the tour director called out.

Will started the song with a strong beat and Lennon tried to calm her nerves as the rest of the instruments joined in. This was the first time she was singing in front of them and she couldn't ignore the nervous ball of energy building in her stomach.

"Its another long day
That I'm pushing through
It's another late night
And I'm thinking of you."

Kade's voice came out clear and strong. She had watched several videos of him performing while doing her research but nothing had come close to hearing him sing live. He glanced over at her for the first time that morning and their eyes met for a moment before she looked away, focusing on the back wall as she took a breath.

"I watch another daybreak
Wishing you were here
Another night that I'm awake
And I can't have you near" she sang, her voice a little shaky in the beginning but growing strong with each note.

When they reach the chorus, she felt confident, matching his volume.

"Wherever you go
Will you take me with you
Don't leave me alone
Without you I won't make it through
Don't let this distance keep you from me
Cause wherever you go, that's where I wanna be."

They finished the first chorus and Lennon started to tap along to the beat, letting herself forget that Kade or anyone else was listening.

"Not bad Lennon" Will called out as they finished the song.

"Thanks," she said.

"That was a great first time," the tour director said. "Lennon talk to Kade, there are a few timing things you need to work out and then we will run it again."

"You came in too fast on the chorus, wait for the beat," Kade said curtly. "Hold back on the beginning of the bridge. You can't rush it or else you lose the build. And your harmony for the chorus needs work."

Lennon had stood there stunned as he continued to bluntly list off her faults.

"When you sing 'don't leave me alone', you have to reach for that top note or else you go flat."

"Ok," she said, not sure if she wanted to cry or punch him in the face.

They ran the song three more times before they started working on their movement.

"That was good," the tour director said after they had run through it a couple of times but Lennon knew he was lying. She felt awkward and stiff compared to Kade's relaxed manner.

"Let's take five. Lennon come here for a second," he said.

She tried not to feel nervous as she walked over to where he was standing.

"Hey, you're doing a great job, I just think you're trying a little to hard," he said casually, keeping the comment from sounding harsh.

"I know," she said, frustrated with herself.

"Do this for me, think of someone you love."

The idea caught her off guard and she couldn't stop the familiar images flooding into her head.

"Ok," she said.

"Now I want you to put that feeling into the song. Forget about Kade and the rest of the band. Forget about the tech people and hold on to what it feels like to love someone and to be missing them."

Lennon nodded her head, resting in the feeling he had described.

"Great. You ready to try again?"

"Yeah," she said, taking a deep breath.

She walked to the edge of the stage pushing away the overwhelming flood of memories that had come to mind, holding onto the single piece she needed.

Something flipped for Lennon with the advice from the tour manager and she finished off the rest of the rehearsal matching Kade's performance.


What's up my peoples!

Okay that was weird I promise I will never to call you that again, I can't pull it off and I see that now. So I found another person who slightly looks like Kade, except not as hot. Thoughts?

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