Chapter 43 - "So when's the wedding?"

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Lennon absentmindedly tapped out a beat, her head moving slightly to her music as she zoned out. She was curled up in the corner of the plush couch. Her back to all the commotion going on in the room, trying to block it all out.

It had been a week since the Grammy's and her life had been a rollercoaster of nonstop promotion for her album release week.

A figure sat down in the chair next to her, obscuring her view of the blank wall. Her focus settled on the goofy grin on Kade's face. The sight of him brought a smile to her face, the weariness of her long week vanishing.

Since she had told him about Hunter, their relationship had shifted to something more solid. Their conversations were comfortable and open. Their trust in each other growing.

"Hey," Kade said, as she removed her headphones.

"Hey," she said through a yawn.

"What are you listening to?" he asked, reaching out and taking a headphone.

Lennon watched, amused, as he fit it into his ear and listened.

"Beautiful," he said.

There was no music playing.

"They say silence is golden," she said.

"So, what did you do?"        

There was a playful look on his face.   


"When I arrived you were facing the wall like you're on time out. I was just wondering what you did to earn the punishment."

Lennon smiled.

"The timeout is self imposed." 

"Trying to block out the world?"

She nodded.

"It was working until somebody rudely interrupted me."

"Sounds like a jerk."

Lennon smirked.   

"Your week has been busy." Kade said it as a statement, knowing very well exactly what her last few days had been like.

"I would say you have no idea, but you are one of the few people who actually know what it's like," Lennon said.

Everything about Kade, from his posture to his eyes, softened and he gave her a sympathetic smile.


"That would be an understatement," she said.

She rested her head against the back of the couch.

"The thing is," Lennon said, "it's not just one part of the last week that has been tiring. Touring with these people," she nodded her head towards her band, "isn't hard. The interviews, performances, meet n greets, travel. No one part is hard -"

"It's just having to deal with all of them, constantly, all day long," Kade finished for her.

Lennon gave a tired smile, that turned into a large yawn.

"We should hang out more. It's convenient to have someone to finish my sentences," she said.

"I think I could make that happen."

Lennon smiled and then tiredly let her attention wonder.

"I saw your interview on Tuesday," Kade said.

"You'll have to be more specific. Which out of the fifty did you see?"

"It feels like fifty doesn't it?"

"It really does," Lennon said. "And all the hosts, with their bright smiles and perfect teeth. It all starts to blend together. I never knew who I was talking to."

"And they ask the same questions."

"But I get to play my song and it's great seeing how enthusiastic people are about it."

"How many shows did you do while in New York?" Kade asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "A lot. And it wasn't just interviews and performances. I also made some appearances at stores to meet fans and buy my own CD. I now own seven copies. What am I suppose to do with that?"

"Christmas presents?" Kade suggested.

Lennon laughed.

"My friends and family will love that. Merry Christmas, here's my album with my face on it."

"That's what my family gets every year."

"What about the years you haven't released a new album?"   

"The deluxe version of the last years album."

"Whoa, big spender over here."

"What were you listening to?" Kade asked.

"Sebastian Colfax."

"What do you think?"

"He has the best voice I've ever heard."

Kade began to smile until the full meaning of Lennon's statement hit. His face turned to a glower.

"Hey!" he said.

Lennon laughed.

"I'm kidding. Obviously, Noah is my favorite singer."

Her second jab only got a flat look.

"You know you're my favorite," she sang out.

A smug smile just had time to slip onto Kade's face before Lennon said, "after Wes Keets."

He went to muster up his indignation again, but paused and thought about it.

"Even I like Wes's voice better than mine," Kade said. "I'll take second place to him."


"No. I'm the best," he boasted.

"Sure, whatever. Its a discussion for another day," she said.

"Even though I already won."

Lennon was about to respond when a crew member appeared to take her to the interview.


"Ok, I have some pictures I want to show you," the TV show host said.

She motioned to a screen. A picture of Lennon and Kade popped up. The audience let out a mixture of "ahhs".

"Well aren't you two adorable," the host said, her words rolling off her tongue with an exaggerated inflection.

Lennon just smiled.

"But wait, I have more," the host said.   

Several more pictures of Kade and Lennon filled the screen. Pictures from the Grammy's, their vacation in Mexico, ones they had posted on social media.

"Would you look at that!" the host said. "It seems you really like this guy."

Laughter rolled through the audience.

"It does," Lennon answered.

"And is this you with his family?" the host asked.

A picture from the Thanksgiving football game appeared. Lennon was hoisted on Robbie and Noah's shoulders. She was covered in mud.

"It is."

"You're filthy."

The laugh burst from Lennon.

"Maybe next time you meet a guys family you should think about a shower first," the host said.

"I wanted them to accept the real me," Lennon said.

"Honey, you live in LA now. No one is real here."

Lennon's laugh got swallowed up by the roar from the crowd.

"So you met this guys family?" the host asked.

"I did."

"And they accepted you for who you are? Dirty clothes and face?"

"They did."

"Now here it looks like you introduced this guy to your family."

The picture that popped up was from Christmas Day. Kade, Benny and Lennon were seated in front of Julie's Christmas tree, big wrapping bows propped on their heads, goofy grins on their faces. Lennon smiled as she caught sight of Benny's cherubic face, his little arms wrapped around Kade's neck.

"He did meet my family."

"Is that your younger brother?"

"Yes. That's Benny."

"So, you've met his family," the host said, ticking it off with her finger. "And he has met your family."

She ticked off another finger.

"That's correct."   

"So when's the wedding?"

The line was the punch the host was going for and the audience erupted. Lennon paired her smile with a big eye roll as the audience cheered.

"So?" the host prompted.


"I'm just joking," the host said. "Obviously, you aren't getting married because I haven't received my invitation yet."

"It hasn't arrived?" Lennon asked. "It must have gotten lost in the mail."

The host laughed and the audience followed her lead.

"I'm kidding," Lennon said. "We are not getting married."

"Ok, we heard you the first time," the host said. "But seriously, you guys look adorable. No plans for marriage?"

"No, not at the moment," Lennon said. "But we are in a great place and very happy."

"Well, that is great to hear. I am very happy for both of you" the host said.

Then she turned to talk directly at the camera.

"We will be right back after a short commercial break and then Lennon will be playing the single off of her album which is available everywhere now. Stick around."


Lennon collapsed onto the couch next to Kade, in her dressing room, as her band filed in after her. All the adrenaline from performing had quickly faded. Now she felt spent.

"Where are we going for dinner?"

"What time do we have to get to the late show?"

"How about Manny's?"

"We went there yesterday."

"Did anyone else hear my mistake during the bridge?"

Ace and Max shot off questions. Lennon stayed motionless, her eyes tiredly glazed over as she tried to block out the world. She turned to find Kade giving her a studious look.

"Jordan, what time does Lennon need to be at the show tonight?" he said.

"Seven," Jordan said.

Kade glanced down at his watch then stood.

"Ok, we'll see you there, it's the Warner Bros. lot right?" he said.

He reached down and helped Lennon off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Max called out.

Lennon turned to Kade with a questioning look.

"We have plans," Kade answered vaguely.

He held out Lennon's jacket and she slipped her arms in. She didn't remember any plans.

"You know," Kade added, waving his hand dismissively.

Lennon felt a sense of comfort wash over her, as Kade slipped his hand into her's, the feel and strength of it so familiar to her.

"Plans?" Jordan asked.

"I thought a small break would be good for Lennon," Kade explained. "She looks a little burned out."

Jordan's eyes darted to Lennon. She realized a few moments too late that she should try to rouse herself from her haze. Whatever Jordan saw convinced him, because he let them go after they promised to be at the studio by seven.

Lennon wasn't fully appreciative of the freedom Kade had gifted her until they were on the road. Kade didn't press her to talk and in the silence she felt like she could truly relax.

Lennon didn't recognize where Kade was going. Nothing looked familiar about the small shopping center he pulled into. He must have sensed her questions because he answered them.

"I figured the last thing you needed was paparazzi," he said.

He climbed out and was around the car, opening Lennon's door before she had even unbuckled.

"Where are we?" she asked.

He led the way towards a small Italian restaurant tucked into a corner.

"Giovanni's" he said, holding the door open for her. "I got lost my first year in LA and I found this little area. After we got big, I came here when I didn't want the paparazzi around. It seems they haven't discovered this small slice of LA."

The restaurant setting was predictable. The food mediocre. But those facts paled compared to the fact that Lennon and Kade were able to eat out, together, without the prying eyes of paparazzi or their fellow diners. As they ate Lennon felt her energy returning, their conversations revolving around her approaching tour and Kade's work on the new album.


"Wait, you got a trial run at a gym just so you could use the showers?" The late night host asked in disbelief.

Lennon's first thought when she walked out was that he was better looking in person. But with closer examination, while he was fine looking, she realized the designer haircut and perfectly tailored suit bolstered his somewhat goofy features.

"That's right," Lennon laughed.

"I can't believe that," he said. "Did you at least get a big crowd for the concert that night?"

"No. I think maybe the venue was filled to half capacity."

"Wait, so you walked two miles, hitchhiked with all your instruments, broke into a gym to use the showers for a show where only half the crowd showed up?" the host asked.

Lennon gave a casual shrug.

"You know how it is, the show must go on."

"Maybe you could have skipped that show," the host said. "Well now I know your up for a good time. How about a game?"


They both stood and moved to a part of the stage where a circle of chairs were setup.

"Ok, we are going to play musical chairs. But since watching me and Lennon walk around a chair wouldn't be very interesting, I am going to call out some friends" the host said. "How about Andre, David and Paul join us."

Three members of the show's in house band joined them.

"Ok, there are five chairs out, we need another person," the host said. "Lennon do you have anyone who could play?"

Lennon gave a big shrug.

"You know what, I got a friend backstage who can join us. I'm not sure you've met him," the host told Lennon. "Let's hear it for Kade Matthews."

The crowd erupted into cheers and screams as Kade sauntered out onto stage, waving and smiling at the audience. A warm smile spread across Lennon's face.

"Have you guys met before?" the host jokingly asked as Kade came to stand by Lennon.

Lennon turned to study Kade. He did the same.

"Maybe," Lennon said.

"Well, I have a feeling your going to like this guy," the host joked.

Lennon laughed as Kade pulled her in for a sideways hug and kissed her forehead.

"You ready for this?" Kade whispered, as the host explained the very simple game of musical chairs.

Lennon looked at him and saw a competitive glimmer in his eyes.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to destroy," Lennon said.

Kade laughed.

"You sound so sure," he said.

"I am. I hope you're not a sore loser, cause you're about to lose on national TV."

"Hey no plotting," the host said, eyeing them suspiciously.

A few minutes later the band was playing upbeat music as the six contestants competitively walked around the chairs. The first few rounds were easy enough that Lennon was able to exchange taunting comments with Kade and the host. But by the time it got down to three people, she stopped talking as she concentrated on making it to a chair.

In the end, it came down between Lennon and Kade. They stared each other down as they strategically circled the chair until the music paused and Lennon slipped into the chair before Kade. Lennon was crowned champion as the crowd cheered for her. Kade pretended to pout. Laughing, Lennon threw her arms around his neck.

"I hate you," Kade said, slipping his arms around his waist.

"I'm pretty sure you love me," Lennon said.

The host turned to the audience.

"Let it be known that I set them up," he said.


Bonjour! (French)

Okay, so I actually based the two hosts off a day time talk show host and a late night talk show host, tell me if you can figure out which two!

On to more important matters, that are actually quite unimportant and complete random. So there are three things that I have always wanted to do but am likely to never to do. And this isn't something like learn French or travel, they are very random wants. Here they are.
1. I want to crawl through an air duct all spy like (Yes, I wish I was a spy in another life.)
2. Be in a restaurant, spontaneously break out into song and have the whole place join in, with dance moves, of course.
3. Punch someone. (Now, this would not be out of anger at all. I'm just curious what it would be like. But that one's the least likely of all of them. I could possibly make the others happen by having enough money from my knitted dog sweater company. I'm just kidding I have no such company, please don't go looking for it.)

Vote, comment, follow. Tell me the really random things you want to do, but are slightly unattainable, like living off ice cream. (I'm still trying to figure that one out where the outcome isn't me weighing 1,000 lbs and dying early.)

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