Chapter 44 - "I distract you?"

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After the week of promoting her album, Lennon left for her tour. While she was gone, she and Kade were in constant contact. Little things throughout Lennon's days would make her think of Kade and she would text him. More often then not, when she went to reach out, he had already contacted her. Their conversations flowed like an easy read novel, one topic seamlessly leading into the next.

At first, Lennon wasn't even aware of how much she relied on the back n forth with Kade. It felt so natural. But when he had a busy day in the studio and she didn't hear from him, she had crawled into bed that night feeling like something was missing. She realized it was Kade's absence that had her feeling off and that was a problem.

Somehow her feelings for Kade had shifted into something beyond friends and she hadn't realized it.

Liking Kade felt scary to Lennon for multiple reasons. Not only because of Hunter, but because there was a contract involved and it was almost up. It could mess up a situation that finally felt like it was on the right track. Lennon decided that for now, she would give herself time, hoping that her feelings would go away.


"Happy birthday dear Lennon!"

Benny's face was turning slightly red from the effort he was putting into the song.

"Happy birthday to you!" Benny finished with a flourish.

"That was beautiful Benny!" Lennon said, beaming at her phone as she video chatted with her little brother.

"He worked on it all day yesterday," Lennon's dad said.

"I can tell," Lennon smiled.

"Look at this. I built it all myself," Benny said.

He shoved something at the camera. Lennon tried to see what he was showing her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"A Lego spaceship. Is Kade there? I want to show him."

Lennon chuckled. Benny had managed to mention Kade every time they had talked since Christmas.

"He isn't here."

"Where is he?" Benny said, peering intently into the phone.

"He's working."

"Can he play with me when he is done?" Benny asked.

"He's a little too far away for that bud. But if you send me a picture of your spaceship, I could show it to him."

"Ok" Benny said. "Daddy, will you take a picture of this and send it to Lennon so she can show Kade."

Benny disappeared from the screen, leaving Lennon with a slanted view of the kitchen.

"Well, I think that is all we are going to get out of him," her dad said, appearing on her screen.

"It was enough," Lennon said.

"Ok. How is the tour going?"

"Good. Its been a busy month and half, but I'm having fun."

"Thats great."

"Also, you'll appreciate this. Wes Keats asked me to open for his summer concert!"

"What?" her dad asked.

"I met him at a charity event last fall and when my album came out he contacted me. Isn't that crazy!"

"Len, thats wonderful. You've always loved his music. I'm so proud of you."


Benny came back and  interrupted.

"I'm sorry Len, I gotta go," her dad apologized.

"Don't even worry about it. I'll talk you guys later."

"Ok. Have a great birthday. We love you," he said.

"Love you too! Bye!"

Benny called out something as the call ended.

Lennon's phone dinged a moment later. It was a text from her dad with a picture of Benny and his Lego ship. She sent the picture to Kade, letting him know that Benny's love for him was alive and well.

Lennon set her phone aside and returned to getting ready for her meet and greet. She was only fifteen minutes further into her task when her phone buzzed. A smile crept into the corner of her mouth as she saw it was Kade calling.

"Happy birthday to you!" Kade sang the moment Lennon picked up.

There was guitar strumming barely audible in the background as he sang the whole song, adding a fancy trill to the last note.

"Beautiful!" Lennon said.

"Thank you, thank you!" Kade said.

"You're not so bad at singing. Maybe you should pursue it as a career."

Kade's warm laugh, one Lennon knew so well, came through slightly muted. She instantly wished he wasn't in a different state.

"A singing career? That sounds like a horrible idea."

"You're right. I'm not sure you have what it takes."

"I guess you don't want to know what I got you for your birthday then," he teased.

"You got me something for my birthday?" Lennon asked sarcastically.

"Did I get you something for you birthday?" he asked indignantly. "What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn't."


"Of course I got you something."

"Oh yeah, what?"

Kade's laugh rang out loud through the phone. A wide smile spread across Lennon's face.

"How stupid do you think I am?" he questioned.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"


Lennon laughed.

"So you got me a present?" she asked.

"I did."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise."

"Well, when do I get it?"

"That is also a surprise."

"Can I know anything about it?"

Kade was silent. Lennon could just imagine the ponderous face he was making.

"You can know that I did get you something," he finally said.

"That's it?"

"For now? Yes."

"Boo, boring."

"You say that now, but just wait."

"Are you seriously not going to tell me?" Lennon asked.


"Well, then I'm hanging up."

"Seriously? Cause that's real mature. How old are you again?"

Lennon laughed.

"I actually do have to go. I have to get ready for my meet and greet," she said.

As if to second her, a crew member poked his head in and let her know she had thirty minutes.

"But we haven't even talked about how your birthday is going," Kade protested.

"Kade, I have a meet an greet in half and hour. I have barely done anything to get ready."

"It doesn't matter, you always look good. Don't hang up," he argued.

Lennon knew he was only using the compliment as a way to keep her on the phone, but her heart gave a small, involuntary flutter. She pursed her lips, thinking about it.

"Just put me on speakerphone," he said.

"I can't. You'll distract me and I really have to get ready," she said, even though a part of her didn't want to hang up.

"I distract you?" Kade teasingly asked.

Lennon's cheeks grew warm as she suddenly feared she had given something away. A laugh came out and she went with it, hoping it didn't sound panicked.

"Just cause you talk too much," she said.

"I do not," he argued back.

"I really have to go," she said.

"But we've barely talked."

"I'll call you after the show," she offered.

The line was silent for a moment.

"Ok," he said glumly.

Lennon fought back a small smile at the fact he didn't want to hang up.

"Well, happy birthday. I hope the show goes smoothly," he said, perking up a bit.


Lennon couldn't stop smiling as she got ready. She found herself inordinately excited and hyper as she bounced to her meet n greet. She knew it had to everything to do with Kade. For the first time she let herself sit in the giddy happiness and kept all the uncertainty tucked away. It was her birthday. She didn't want to weight and measure her emotions or the consequences. She just wanted to be a girl who liked a boy.


"Thank you Albuquerque!" Lennon said, after the song was done. "You guys have been amazing tonight!"

The crowd cheered and Lennon smiled. Then she started in surprise as Ace spoke up.

"Hey Max, do you know what day it is?"

She smiled as she caught a wink from him.

"Hmm... let me think about it," Max said, stroking his chin. "Could it be someone's birthday?"

The crowd cheered.

"It's someone's birthday?" Lennon asked.

"I do believe it is. Now if we could only remember whose," Ace said.

They pretended to think about it as the crowd screamed out Lennon's name.

"What are they saying?" Max asked.

"Are they saying Lennon?" Ace asked.

Lennon couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they were acting.

"That's right, it's Lennon's birthday," Max said.

"You know what, I think you're right," Lennon said.

"Well, since it's your birthday then I think we need to sing Happy Birthday to you," Ace said.

"Definitely," Max agreed.

"Do you think you could help us?" he asked the crowd.

The crowd cheered.

"Max do you know how the song goes?" Ace asked.

Lennon was thoroughly entertained by their planned back n forth.

"I'm not recalling it at the moment," Max said. "How about you?"

"Me either," Ace said. "I guess we could use some help then. Maybe we could get someone to come out and lead the song."

Lennon looked between Ace and Max, unsure if it was a crew member or someone from the crowd they planned on calling out. When the crowd erupted into cheers Lennon whipped her head around, trying to find the reason for their excitement and froze.

Kade was walking towards her, a huge grin on his face. She was too stunned to react. The only thought her mind could conjure up was that it wasn't possible. But then it felt very possible as he hugged her. Lennon wrapped her arms around him tightly, the feel of his arms around her breaking through her shock. Kade's hold started to loosen, but Lennon tightened hers and could feel his laugh in his chest. When she finally let him go, all she could do was stare at him.

"Happy birthday Len!" he said.

"I can't believe it!" she said.

"Surprise!" he said.

Lennon reached out and grabbed his forearms, giving them a small squeeze to confirm he was really there.

"Impressed?" he asked, giving her a flirtatious smile.

Lennon laughed and launched herself back into his arms. A giddy smile conquered her face. Kade's strong arms encircled her and lifted her feet off the ground. Then they were spinning. Lennon felt dizzy when her feet met the ground again.

"Kade, do you know how to sing the happy birthday song?" Ace's voice cut through Lennon's euphoria and the audience came rushing back.

"I do," Kade said.

"Great. Why don't you lead?" Ace said.

"Will you all help?" Kade asked the audience.

Lennon cupped her own face as she watched Kade, her cheeks on fire from the overwhelming rush of excitement.

"Alright, let's hear it," Kade said, lifting a hand to direct the crowd. "One, two, three. Happy birthday to you."

Lennon's attention moved from Kade to the crowd as their voice blended together to create one loud voice as they sang.

"Happy birthday dear Lennon. Happy birthday to you!"

The crowd broke out in cheers and Lennon stood for a moment, taking it all in. When she had recovered from her amazement she stepped up to the mic, grabbing Kade's hand so he didn't go anywhere.

"Thank you so much Albuquerque! You have made this birthday unforgettable!"

She smiled as the crowd went even more wild.

"I've been thinking and since my wonderful boyfriend decided to surprise us all tonight, maybe we should ask if he will stay and sing another song with us?"

The crowd got even louder. Lennon gave Kade with a questioning look. He answered with a careless shrug.


After the concert, Kade and Lennon's band took her out for a birthday dinner. Over Mexican food they recounted their own birthdays stories, until the restaurant closed. When they got back to the hotel, Lennon's focused shifted from the group to Kade. She reached out for his hand as they entered the lobby, trying to let him know she wasn't ready to let him go.

"How tired are you?" he asked, as their group waited for the elevator.

"Not at all," she said.

She was getting tired, but she felt like they had barely had time together. What were a couple hours of sleep?

"Good," he said.

He dropped her hand and slipped an arm around her.

"Cause I still have one more surprise."

"What?" Lennon asked.

He gave her a playful smile.

"You'll see," he said coyly.


His only response was another playful smile.

Lennon badgered him with questions as they walked from the elevator to her room, but he kept his lips sealed.

"Kade Matthews, it's my birthday and I want to know!" she said, stopping in front of her door.

"Technically, it's not your birthday anymore," he argued.

He laughed when she frowned at him.

"Lennon, you are terrible at this whole surprise thing. Almost as bad as watching movies. Just enjoy it," he said.

"Fine," she said, unlocking her door and pushing it open.

She clicked on the lights and stopped. In the middle of her room was a small table that hadn't been there earlier.

"What's this?" she asked.

Kade chuckled.

"Why don't you go and see?" he said, giving her a gentle nudge into the room.

The table was covered in small bowls. As Lennon got closer, she saw they were filled with different candies and toppings. Gummy worms, crushed Oreos, chocolate chips, strawberries. She turned back to Kade with a questioning look.

"What's a birthday without some ice cream?" he asked.

"Seriously?" Lennon squealed, jumping  up and down.

He laughed and reached under the table. He pulled out a small freezer and inside they found eight different types of ice cream. 

"I can't believe you! This amazing!" Lennon laughed, hugging him. "How did you even do this?"

He gave a careless shrug.

"I am Kade Matthews," he said with a cocky grin.

Lennon's head went back as she let out a riotous laugh.

"This is the best gift ever!" she said.

Kade laughed, thoroughly entertained by her pure joy at ice cream.

"They say food is a way to a man's heart and I think ice cream is the way to Lennon Kayhill's," he joked.

"Uhh yeah," she said. "Cause it's ice cream!"

Ice cream sundaes in hand, they sat on the floor and talked until early the next morning. As the high from the ice cream and the day wore off, Lennon's yawns came more frequently. She gave into how heavy her head felt and rested it on Kade's shoulder. As if out of habit, he took her hand and laced his fingers through her's.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Lennon asked.

Her gaze happily rested on their clasped hands.

"Unfortunately, I have to leave," Kade said.

"What do you mean?" she asked, lifting her head to look at him.

"I have to be back in LA by ten. I have to catch a flight in a few hours."

"What? Why? You just got here."

"I know. But I have a few meetings tomorrow I have to be back for."

Lennon's shoulders sagged, disappointed. She had hoped he would stick around for a few days.

"So you came here to hang out for a few hours and then leave?"


"Why did Matt and Jordan plan such a short trip?" she asked. "It doesn't seem very economical. Why not have you come when you could stay longer?"

"Probably because they didn't plan it," Kade said.


Matt and Jordan had been orchestrating all their dates, sightings and trips since day one.

"I decided to come. Matt doesn't even know I'm here," he said casually.

"He doesn't know you're here?"

He shook his head.


"Then how? Why?"

"It's your birthday and I wanted to see you."

He paused for a moment, his face softening.

"And I missed you Len."

A warmth spread through Lennon's chest and her fingers started to tingle. That single line was better then any present she had received.

"I missed you too," she said softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"You did?" he asked, his tone and eyes searching.

She gave him a small, sheepish smile.

"Yeah," she said.

A happy grin spread across his face.

"You really missed me?" he asked in uncertain amazement.

She laughed.

"Yes," she said, playfully slapping his arm. "But only when you're not being a pain."

"So, not that often?" he joked.

Lennon shook her head and laughed.

"Maybe I didn't miss you at all," she threatened. "Maybe it was the ice cream talking."

"No, you missed me" he said, playfully inching closer.

Lennon tried to hold back her smile, but it was no use. His goofy grin made his eyes sparkle and he looked too cute.

"Maybe," she finally conceded.

"I'll take it," he said, throwing a victorious fist into the air.

Lennon laughed and sank back against the bed.

"How does ice cream for breakfast sound?" Kade asked, after a moment.

Lennon's heart swelled. He knew her so well. 


Hello dearest reader!

I am so completely excited not only, because Lennon and Kade are being adorable, but because....(drum roll) I posted my first chapter of Mr. Write!! A romance story about a young prolific girl writer, who breathes sarcasm, having to deal with a cocky, blunt (obviously hot) co-author. I'm tremendously happy because I think you'll like Elliot. She is a lot like us. Wattpadians. Wattpaders? Watters? She's Wattish? Have we come up with a term for who we are?
Never mind, we will figure that out later. Anyways, she's different from Lennon, but I think still as lovable. I hope you will enjoy reading about her.  I hope you will do me the greatest honor of reading it! Thanks a million 😊!

Vote, comment, follow. Help me solve this conundrum. Wattpaderns? Wattpadins? Wattpadpaddlers? (I think that last one is it ;)

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