Chapter 46 - "It's about time!"

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The conversation started out hesitant and slow. One topic led to the next, continuing in that fashion until all the different aspects of their relationship were vocalized. They talked the whole drive back to Lennon's apartment, through cooking, eating, ice cream and dishes.

The more they talked, the more problems they stumbled upon. They found it wasn't just the contract. But the fact that they weren't suppose to be seen together for the next few weeks before their breakup was announced. And after, they had to act like a couple who just broken up. It would mean more time apart.

More then once, one them got overwhelmed as they faced what they were up against. It was up to the other person to talk them down.   

Lennon roughly got up from the couch and began to anxiously pace.

"Len, I know it's overwhelming," Kade said.   

She massaged her temples and tried to ease the headache that had been slowly creeping in for the last hour. It was almost two in the morning. It felt like the only thing they had accomplished was finishing off a carton of ice cream.

"Yeah, it is. Are we crazy?" she asked.

She stopped for a second to look at him before she began her prowl around her apartment again.

"Hey, come here," Kade said.

He blocked Lennon's path and opened his arms. She hesitated for a moment before sinking into him.

"There you go," Kade said.

Lennon took a deep breath. Holding on to Kade she could feel the stress and anxiety slowly fade.

"Lennon, listen to me," he said, pulling back to lock eyes with her. "We need to decide right here, right now, if this is worth it. There are a lot of hurtles to jump. It's clear this won't be simple, but there is a simple option. We could walk away right now. Nothing's happened that can't be undone. It's still an option to just be friends."

"What? No! Do you want to walk away?" she asked in a panic.

"No," he rushed reassured her.

Lennon searched his eyes to confirm his answer.

"I'm just saying," he continued, "just because the feelings are there doesn't mean the timing is right. If it's going to be too much, then I don't want you to feel pressure to make it work."

"No, I want this," she said. "It's just a lot to figure out and overwhelming. But it doesn't matter. I want this."

Kade smiled.

"Good, because I do too."

Lennon's shoulders relaxed in relief.

"I'm sorry about getting overwhelmed," she said.

"Don't be. It is overwhelming. How about we take a small break."


"How about some more ice cream?"

Lennon laughed and nodded her head.

They eventually did find answers. They both agreed it kept things simple and clear, if they stayed strictly friends in all senses until the contract was done. It would also make the mandatory separation, after their breakup, easier if they were just friends.        



In the following weeks, Lennon found herself with more time on her hands then she knew what to do with. She spent two weeks back East visiting her dad and then Charlotte, but she returned to LA with time still to waste. Instead of spending hours watching reruns, she reached out to the few friends she had made over the past year. She clicked with Rachel Pearson, an actress she had run into at various parties. They shopped together, had spa days, and lunched.

After catching lunch with Rachel one afternoon, Lennon's phone rang as she got in the car.

"Are you ignoring me?" Kade asked.

"Maybe," she said coyly.

"Lennon, seriously? First you refuse to date me. Then you don't want to see me. Now you are hanging out with other people."

He said people as if it were a loathsome disease.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you," Lennon said.

"I'm so hurt."

Lennon laughed. They had talked every day and they were constantly texting. He had sent her several texts throughout her lunch with Rachel.

"So how was lunch?" he asked.

"Fun. Rachel is hilarious."

"Rachel is pretty cool," Kade agreed. "I can't lie though and say I'm not completely jealous that she got to go out to lunch with you."

Lennon couldn't hold in the loving smile at the forlorn tone in Kade's voice.

"You should be jealous. I'm an exceptional conversationalist," she said.

Kade laughed.

The separation had hit them in different ways. Lennon missed Kade, especially when she found herself home alone. But she was able to put on a strong front. Which was needed, because the longer they were apart, the more frustrated Kade got.

He tried not to let it show when they Face Timed and talked. But when they hit the end of their conversations, Lennon would see it on his face. She would listen understandingly while he grumbled about fans and media getting in the way of their relationship. He tried to stay positive, but it crept through at times.

"So you had fun with Rachel?" he asked.

"I did. She invited me to the premier of her movie," Lennon said.

"Look at you. Making friends and getting invited to premiers," Kade said. "It's almost like you don't even need me anymore."

"You can be my plus one," Lennon offered.

Kade barked out a laugh.

"Wow! You are so generous. I don't think I've been anyone's plus one since freshman year of high school."

"For what?"


"You went to prom your freshman year?"

"Not only that, but it was with a senior."

"Scandalous. An older woman."

"What can I say, I was a looker in high school."

Lennon snorted.

"I'm sorry, but your mom showed me your freshman picture. You looks were lacking."

"Hey," Kade protested. "I was good looking. You just haven't seen the rest of the guys at my high school. Compared to them, I was Ryan Gosling."

"Noah and Will went to high school with you," Lennon pointed out.


"Well, I guess I'm so lucky to have such a hot boyfriend."

"Damn straight. Girl, you better appreciate."

Lennon shook with laughter.

"Are those some lyrics from one of your new songs?" she asked.

"No, but they could be. Hey Will, what do you think about this?"

Lennon listened as Kade repeated the phrase to Will. He got a groan in response.

"That's awful," Will yelled.

"I think it's gonna be a hit," Kade told Lennon. "Talking about new songs, I have a new one for you to listen to."

"Oh yeah?" Lennon asked excitedly.

"Yup. We just finished recording this one last night." 

Lennon's heartbeat quickened with excitement.

"What's it called? What's it like?" she asked.

"I'm not going to answer either of those questions. I will say, I think out of all the songs we have for the album, this one is my favorite," Kade said.

"Seriously?" Lennon groaned. "You're not going to give me anything and then say that? That's not fair."

Kade laughed, clearly entertained by torturing her.

"I can't tell you anymore. You just need to hear it," he said.

Lennon was sure she could hear the evil tone in his voice.

"You could if you wanted to," she argued.

"But I really can't."

He wasn't even trying to hide his glee now

"Then I can't talk to you right now," she threatened.

"You won't hang up on me."

"Wanna bet?"

Lennon regretted her decision the second her finger hit the end button and cut their phone conversation short. She called him back instantly.

"Hello, Kade can't answer the phone right now because he is still in shock that a girl hung up on him," Noah said when he answered the phone.

He did his best to make his voice sound robotic.

"Hey Noah!" Lennon said.

"Hey Len. How are you? I miss you," he said.

"Noah what are you doing?" Kade hissed in the background.

"I'm good. Bored out of my mind," Lennon said. "I've actually started working out twice a day because I have nothing to do."

"How's that eight pack coming?" he asked.

"Great. It's still currently buried under a few cartons of ice cream, but I have hope."


"How is recording going?"

Noah's answer was cut short when a scuffle broke out. All Lennon could hear were muffled shouts and hands slapping.

"Seriously Kade, if you wanted to talk to her you should have answered your own phone. It's my turn," Noah said.

"Where was I?" he asked, returning to their conversation.

"You were about to tell me about the song you recorded last night," Lennon said.

"Oh, Kade's song for -"

"Noah don't."

Another scuffle broke out. Kade was victorious.

"You are sly," he said, out of breath.

"I had to try," Lennon said.

"You're ridiculous. I was going to send you the song once we hung up."

"I can't wait!"

Kade laughed.

"Well, then I am going to hang up so I can send it."

"Ok bye," Lennon said.

"Yeah, I miss you too Len."

"Yeah whatever just send it."

Lennon hung up and stared eagerly at her phone. She was so focused waiting for the song to come through, Bear had to shake her arm to get her attention.

"You're home," he said, pointing to her apartment building.

"Oh. Thanks" Lennon said, giving Bear a high-five as she got out of the car.

Once she was in her apartment, she threw her things in a pile on her floor and hastily kicked off her shoes. She hopped onto her couch and squealed as she saw the song had come in.

From the first ten seconds, she knew she loved it. It started out with just piano playing an upbeat and whimsical pattern before the drums joined in. She couldn't help moving to the beat as the rest of the instruments were added and then Kade's voice came in.

Lennon was swept away by the song. She listened to first verse and chorus before something about it began to feel familiar.

"Darling you're like Venice in early morning
Like London after dark
Oslo's summer night low light
A firecracker's spark
You're a rock skipping over sunrise
Toes in the cold tide
A leather jacket that's a perfect fit
Ice block down a hillside."

A bright smile spread across Lennon's face as she squealed with delight and jumped up. She couldn't keep her feet still as she danced around her apartment to the rest of song, and then played it again and again.

It was the best song she had ever heard and it was undeniably about her. If she had had any doubts, the mention of ice cream in the bridge had blown them away. She felt like her heart might burst from happiness.

Lennon didn't call Kade after listening to a song. She knew if she tried to put into words what the song meant to her she would fail and it was too important. She needed to gather her wits before she could clearly explain how she felt.

Lennon kept the song playing through the rest of the afternoon and late into the night. She finally stopped listening as she climbed into bed. After tossing and turning for two hours, she got up. She wondered if Kade was still awake.

But she realized if she called him, then they would have to talk about the song and she couldn't imagine doing it over the phone. Then an idea hit her. She called Kade.

"Miss me?" he answered.

"Are you home?" she asked.

"No. I'm finishing up at the studio. Why?"

"Do you have a car?"

"No, Gavin drove me. Why? Lennon what's going on?"

"I need to see you."

"Is something wrong?" he asked worriedly.

She smiled.

"Yeah, I miss you," she said, letting her smile grow.

"Wait, does this mean we get to see each other?"


"It's about time!" Kade shouted. "Tell me when and where."

"Now?" Lennon asked.

"Yo Henry, I gotta go," Kade yelled out to someone. "Ok. Where should I meet you?"

"Can you get a car?"


"Can you do it without the paparazzi following you?"

"Yup. Now just tell me where to go."

"It's a bit of a drive."

"As long as you're waiting for me at the end, I will drive all night."


Lennon's headlights scanned the darkness as she pulled into a circular dirt area and stopped along the edge. She climbed out to survey the view before her. There were a few lights dotted along the cliffs edge and by their warm glow she was just able to make out the white caps of the waves below her.

She moved to her trunk and opened it as another pair of headlights broke through the darkness and pulled up along side her. She turned and watched the car come to a stop, butterflies filling her stomach.

Her hands began to shake as she watched Kade step out of the car and walk towards her. With the help of the lamps on the cliff, she could just make out the corner of his smile. His steps slowed as he approached her, their three weeks separation creating a small hint of hesitancy.

"Hey," he said quietly, as if the setting demanded soft voices.

"Hey," she smiled, reaching out for him.

He quickly closed the distance, wrapping his strong arms around her and holding tight, as if he never wanted to let go. She hoped he never would. She breathed him in, taking in his scent and the secure feeling of his arms around her.

"I've miss you so much," he said, when he finally released her.

He cupped her face as his eyes roved over it, as if the images he had conjured up of her during their three weeks apart hadn't done her justice.

"I've missed you too!" Lennon said.

It felt thrilling being with him again. After a long moment, his hands left her face and he pulled her in for another hug. When they finally pulled apart, his hand found her's and he looked around.

"So, where are we exactly?" he asked.

"The cliffs above the Santa Barbara coast," she said.

She moved back to her car.

"How did you find this place?" he asked, staying close.

"The photographer for my album cover shoot brought me here," she said.

She began to pull items from her trunk. A blanket, bottles of water, a flashlight, snacks.

"What's all this?" Kade asked.

She handed him the blanket and water.

"Supplies," she said.

She clicked the flashlight on and shut her trunk.

"What? No ice cream?" he joked.

She smiled.

"I thought about it, but I wasn't sure it would last the drive."

He chuckled.

Lennon led the way along the cliff, the flashlight in one hand, her other hand in Kade's. They found a flat area, not too far from the edge. Kade laid out the blanket and Lennon dropped their supplies onto it. As she joined Kade on the blanket, he pulled her back into his arms. She happily nestled in, resting against him. They quietly began to talk.

The last time Lennon had been at the cliffs, it had brought to mind vivid memories of her summers with Hunter. She found herself sharing them with Kade. Telling him about her childhood and growing up had been like. Even though Hunter was heavily woven into every story, it didn't feel weird to share with Kade. Hunter had been her friend more then anything.

In return, Kade told her more about his childhood. Growing up in his large family, and stories about when Hey Farewell were first signed.

By the time their conversation had wandered its way to the present, the sky was a dusty pink as the sun began to peek in from the East. A silence had settled over them when Kade finally broke it.

"Were you able to listen to the song?" he asked.

Lennon felt so relaxed being wrapped up in his arms, it took her a moment to connect what he was saying. When she did, she bolted up, breaking free from his arms.

"Omigosh! The song! How have I not mentioned this before!" she said.

She jumped to her feet.

"How did I even forget! It should have been the first thing I said to you! It was the reason I wanted to see you so badly. Then I called you and got so excited about seeing you that I forgot to mention it when you arrived but how could I because it was so amazing!"

Lennon's words tumbled into each other and she found she was short of breath as she paced.

"It's the best song I have ever heard and I'm not just saying that because it's about me! You did write it for me, right? Or am I just crazy?"

Lennon's excitement was overpowering her ability to form coherent thoughts. She realized her ramblings weren't making sense. She came to a stop and faced Kade.

"That song -" she lost her words looking at him. "It's just -"

Kade smiled and stood, taking the few steps towards her.

"So you liked it?" he playfully asked.

"It couldn't be more perfect," she said softly.

A small smile played at the corner of Kade's mouth as his eyes searched her face, as if he were debating something.

"I feel the same way about you," he said.

When he cupped her face, Lennon's heart began to race. She went absolutely still.

"I love you Lennon Kayhill," Kade said, after a long pause.

His voice was as soft as the passing wind. The words took Lennon by surprise, but she instantly knew she felt the same way. It was as if the feeling had been slowly growing inside her for the last month. Now that Kade had put a name to it, it had become clear. It felt like her heart had burst with a joy that began to run through her veins and set her whole body abuzz.

"I love you Kade Matthews!" she said.

A bright smile spread across his face, as if he couldn't fully believe what she had said. His eyes moved to her lips and she knew that even though he wanted to, he wouldn't kiss her. Lennon heard the same cautions in her mind she was sure he had also heard, but she didn't care.

She stood on her tiptoes to close the distance between them. The kiss was soft and loving, an echo of their words. As Lennon pulled back, she thought it perfectly summed up how she felt.


Hola! (Spanish)

I have to tell you something, yes I know, I always have something to tell you, well this time is just like the rest. I want to tell you what my favorite invention is. And no, it's not the iPhone or an alarm clock that squeals like a pig. It is The Swing Set. I love Swings. There is something magical about them. It's almost like you are flying when you are swinging on one. Anyways, that's it.

Vote, comment, follow. Tell me what you think the best invention is!

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