Chapter 47 - "Screw the paparazzi."

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"Why are you calling me? I broke up with you," Lennon said pretending to be annoyed as she answered her phone.

She was stretched out on her couch and feeling anything, but annoyed.

"Hey, it was mutual," Kade protested.

Lennon laughed.

"That's not what the gossip sites think," she said.

"Well that doesn't mean anything. Those sites never get anything right. And have you been reading them?"

"No, but Jordan feels the need to continue to update me on how the public is taking our split," she said, putting on a pompous accent.

"And how are our subjects handling it?"

"Not well from what I can tell. Our fans are still pretty broken up about it."

"That I know," Kade said. "The band posted a video yesterday of us working in the studio. More then half the comments were still about our breakup."

"It's been more then two weeks."

"Yeah, well it seems they thought we were good together. I have to say, I agree."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I'm hot, you're hot, it works."

Lennon laughed.

"That's all you really need," she said.

"There might be a few more things" he joked.

"Just maybe. By the way, talking about fans who thought we were good together. How is your family taking the news?"

"They blamed me when I told them," he said. "But I explained to them we are just taking a break. That our schedules are busy and they are only going to get busier as the summer progresses."

"Well, it's a good thing they don't know I haven't done anything for the last month and a half except eat ice cream and catch up on tv."

"Yeah, I left that part out."

"So they aren't mad at me?" she asked.

"No. They still love you. Rue hung up on me after telling me I should be trying to get you back instead of telling her we broke up."

Lennon laughed, relieved.

"Has it sunk in yet?" Kade asked.


"That the contract is done. You are no longer legally connected to me."

"Yeah it has. I've been out celebrating my freedom every night this week."

"Really?" he asked skeptically.

"Are you kidding? A different guy every night."

"So, ice cream and Nicholas Sparks movies?"

Lennon didn't answer. Kade chuckled.

"I know, they're horrible," Lennon said.

"Yet you continue to watch them," Kade said.

"Cause the guys are cute."

"Excuse me, what about me?"

"You're cute too."

"I don't like this," he grumbled.

"Well, I wouldn't be watching them if we could hang out."

"I know. Don't you think I want to be spending my time with you instead of Will and Noah?"

"Hey!" someone called out in the background, sounding offended.

Lennon laughed.

"I love you Noah," Kade called out.

"Tell Noah I say hi," Lennon said.

Kade passed along her message.

"How's it going in the studio?" she asked.

"Slow. We've had the camera crew with us for the last few days getting footage for the album promotion," he said. "In fact, we released a short video of us working in the studio last night. Did you see it?"

"I didn't but I have to admit I have been falling behind on stalking you."

Kade laughed.

"Well, if you get a chance, you should check it out. We might have given the fans a sneak peek of a certain song."



"What do they think of it?"

"They love it!" he said.

"Have they guessed yet?"

"Guessed that I wrote the song about the girl I love?"

Lennon's couldn't hold back her giddy smile, it still felt new.

"Yeah but Noah put them straight," he said. "He made it clear the song is about a French fry he once ate."

"Good. We wouldn't want them to think you still cared about me or anything."

"Yeah, that would be absurd. By the way, have I told you I love you today?"

"I don't think you have."

"Well I do."

"I love you too!" Lennon said, butterflies twisting her stomach.

"Whose that?" someone asked on Kade's side.

"What?" Kade said, stuttering a bit.

"Who are you talking to?"

Lennon could hear the voice clear enough to identify Matt.

"My mom," Kade lied. "Ok mom, I'll talk to you later."

Lennon chuckled at how awkward he suddenly sounded.

"I'll text you," she said quietly.

"Ok, bye."

Lennon hung up and dropped her phone on the couch next to her.

They had decided not to tell Matt and Jordan how they felt about each other. They knew both managers wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of them getting together. They would both look at the situation from a business standpoint and see all the problems it could cause. Lennon and Kade decided to keep it quiet for the time being. They would tell them once there was some distance from the breakup.

Lennon picked up her phone. She was curious about the video Kade said had posted. As she searched for the video, something caught her attention. She caught sight of a name that made her heart stop.

Lennon's eyes stayed fixed on the screen as she forced herself to take deep breaths. It couldn't be Hunter's name she saw. Her heart dropped as a picture of the familiar face popped up on her screen.

She stared, unbelieving. How had Hunter's name and picture ended up on social media?

Panic set in as she searched for an answer. Headlines began to pop up with Hunter's name along side her own. They had outrageous and attention grabbing accusations.

Her worst nightmare had become reality. The public knew about Hunter. From the little she had seen, the press's reaction was worse then she imagined it would be. The stories combined Hunter with her recent breakup with Kade to create headlines that would grab the whole countries attention.

Someone pounded on Lennon's door.

"Lennon, let me in!" they called out.

In a daze, she undid the locks. The door was barely open when Jordan burst in, almost knocking her backwards.

"Lennon!" he said.

He gripped her shoulders to stabilize her. Lennon opened her mouth to say his name, but nothing came out as she took in the panic clear in his eyes.

"You know," he said, his shoulders deflating.

He led her back to her couch and forced her to sit. He began to talk, but it was hard to grasp what he was saying.

"Lennon look at me!" he said.

There was a bang on the door that seemed to resound through Lennon's head. Jordan answered it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Move," Kade said firmly.

He appeared before Lennon a moment later, kneeling before her.

"Len," he said softly.

His warm hands covered her own tightly knotted ones.

"Kade..." Lennon whispered.

Her thoughts were disoriented. She found it hard to think past the panic that engulfed her.

"Len, I'm right here. Everything is going to be alright," Kade said.

One of his hands cupped her face.

"You shouldn't be here," Jordan said.

Kade ignored his comment and kept his eyes focused on Lennon.

"You will only make the situation worse," Jordan said.

"I'm not leaving," Kade said firmly.

"Did the paparazzi see you arrive?" Jordan asked.

Jordan began to pace.

"If they did, this is going to blow up," he said. "You two are broken up."

"It already is blowing up whether I'm here or not," Kade said, his words sharp. "How the hell did this happen?"

His hands left Lennon as he rounded on Jordan. 

"Rachel Pearson let Lennon's connection to Asheville slip in an interview. A reporter uncovered the rest. The fact is, it is out and we have to contain it before it gets worse," Jordan said.

"How do you propose we do that?" Kade asked, his tone cutting.

"Lennon needs to make a statement," Jordan said.

Kade let out a harsh, choked laugh.

"Have you even looked at her?" he asked.

His voice teetering on yelling.

Lennon sat, taking in their heated conversation, still unable to break out of her panic.

"The stories will only get more out of control if we don't contain them," Jordan hissed.

"But look at her," Kade demanded. "She is in no state to make a statement. You can't make one for her without her consent."

Jordan sat down on the coffee table across from Lennon and leaned towards her.

"Lennon, listen to me. I know this seems bad but we can fix this," he said. "I think it would be best if we released a statement to clarify the details. It would help combat what the press is saying."

A small fraction of what Jordan said was able to break through and Lennon began to think about what clarifying the details meant. Her thoughts went to Hunter. To the day he died. Somehow, she knew that what Jordan was saying meant living that day over again in front of a million cameras.

She shrank back.

"I can't," she stammered.

"Jordan she can't do it," Kade said, hovering behind him.

"We need to do something," Jordan said, frustrated. "There's no saying how this will effect her career."

"Career?" Kade yelled, disgust clear in his voice. "Her world just got shattered and you have the guts to make this about her career? Look at her."

"I'm her manager. It's my job," Jordan shot back.

"How about stepping out of that role for a second and viewing Lennon as a person instead of a paycheck."

"Lennon, I'm so sorry this happened," Jordan said, his voice back to a soothingly tone.

Kade left the room.

"Jordan, how am I am suppose to..." her words got stuck in her throat.

All she knew was that she couldn't face talking about Hunter at the moment. She was still in shock.

"Lennon, come on. We're going," Kade said, as he came back into the room.

He had a bag a thrown over his shoulder.

"You can't leave," Jordan said, jumping to his feet. "If the paparazzi see you together -"

"Screw the paparazzi," Kade barked.

He threw the bag by the door. He came and sat in front of Lennon, taking her face in his hands.

"Lennon, we are going to leave. Bear is going to meet us," he said. "It's going to be crazy, but you just need to keep your head down and hold on to me. Ok?"

Lennon nodded.

"Where are you going?" Jordan asked.

"A friend of mine has a secluded house a few hours away," Kade said. "I'm taking her there."

"What about the paparazzi?" Jordan asked.

"I have a plan."

"She shouldn't be running away. She will have to face this at some point."

"She will, when she can handle it. But she is in no state to handle it now."

"But -"

"Enough," Kade said, his sharp voice cutting through the air. "I'm taking Lennon. Then we can figure out a plan of attack. But most importantly, she needs to get out of here."

Kade helped Lennon up from the couch. He handed her sunglasses and a hat. She put them on.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Kade, I can't do this," Lennon said.

Her heart was beginning to race and she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"I'm right here," he said. "Hold on to me and keep your head down. Its not that far to the car."

Lennon took in a deep breath and nodded.

She held tight to Kade as they fought their way through the sea of paparazzi waiting for them as they exited her building. They stayed close to Bear as he created a barricade between her and the mob. The paparazzi's shouts blurred into a roar.

Exhaustion over took Lennon as they sped away and the world around her became a blur. The only thing she was aware of was Kade's protective arm around her.

The sun was low in the sky when Kade opened her car door and helped her out. She stepped out into a stone circular drive way in front of a mansion and looked around blindly. Kade led her around the side of the house, her bag in his hand.

The view that met them was breath taking. The house sat on a cliff above the ocean and the low sun had set the waves on fire. They walked along the edge of a large pool and towards a furnished pool house.

Kade dropped Lennon's hand as he began to search under the pots lining the door. Lennon left his side, walking to the small stone wall that lined the backyard. Something about the crashing golden waves caught her attention and she stood quietly as she let their rhythmic sound wash over her. Tears made tracks down her cheeks.

The truth about her past, Hunter, was out and everyone knew. She was washed in sadness, feeling like she had to lose Hunter all over again.

"Len," Kade said.

There was concern in his eyes. Lennon stepped forward and he folded her into his arms.


Hullo ullo!

Okay, so a few chapters ago we discovered what your ideal man looked like. Now we will discover what is your ideal man's style.
Baseball hat or beanie?
Leather jacket, hoodie or cardigan? Simple blank v neck shirt or graphic T? Skinny jeans, straight jeans or slacks? Sneakers (vans or converse?) or boots (chukka or combat?) ?

I also just uploaded a new chapter my Mr. Write! That's right, my second! *Bows*

Vote, comment, follow. My man wears, beanie, cardigan, simple black V, straight jeans cuffed and chukka boots! I know sexy right!

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