Chapter 48 - "For you, anything."

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A muffled rustling noise broke through Lennon's sleep. No matter how far she buried herself beneath the blanket, it seemed reality was determined to intrude on her dreams. Her eyes opened to find a half lit room and darkness beyond the large windows she faced.

She pushed herself up as something clattered to the ground behind her. She whipped her head around and Kade appeared behind the kitchen island, a plastic bowl in his hand.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" he asked.

Lennon shook her head as he walked towards the couch.

"How are you doing?" he asked, as he sat.

His eyes searched her face for the answer.

"Ok, I guess."

They fell into silence as she looked around.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"Orange County," Kade said. "The house belongs to a music producer I know. He let me hide out here when everything exploded a few years back."

Lennon nodded.

"It's nice," she said, looking around distractedly.

Lennon turned back to Kade.

"He's a good guy," Kade said. "He quickly offered it again when I called him today."

They settled into a heavy silence. It seemed they both didn't know how to proceed.

"Your phone," he said, breaking the silence after a minute or two.

Lennon gave him a questioning look.

"Your phone kept ringing. I finally checked it," he said.

He paused for a moment.

"It was Charlotte so I answered it."

Lennon realized she had been so caught up in her own panic she had forgotten Charlotte and Deacon.

"She wanted to know how you were," Kade continued. "I told her you were somewhere safe, away from the paparazzi, and that you would call her when you could."

"Where's my phone?" Lennon asked.

"It's here," Kade said, pulling it from his pocket. "I'll give you some space."

"Thanks," Lennon said, as he left the room.

The phone only rang once before Charlotte picked up.

"Lennon?" she answered, concern clear in her voice.

"It's me," Lennon said.

"Thank god!" Charlotte said. "Baby girl, we have been so worried. Are you alright?"

"I'm doing alright, considering," she said.

"We've been so worried about you. Kade said you were able to get out of the city."

"Yeah, we are staying at his friends house. No one knows we are here."


"How about you guys? Are you alright?"

"We are fine," Charlotte said. "Jordan called to give us a heads up. As a precaution, we're staying with some friends."

"Charlotte, I'm so sorry," Lennon said.

"Don't be," Charlotte said.

"But it's my fault it got out. If I'd never..."

"Don't start talking that way," Charlotte said. "This isn't your fault. This is going to be harder for you then it will be for us."

"What are they going to say about Hunter?" Lennon asked.

"It doesn't matter," Charlotte said. "No matter what people write, you knew the real Hunter and they can't change that."

Lennon took in a deep breathe.        

"Listen to me," Charlotte said. "I know, in the beginning, you were scared about people finding out about Hunter because his death was still so fresh. But it's been almost four years. There was a place for that fear, but not anymore."

Lennon nodded, realizing Charlotte was right. Hunter's death didn't hold the same sting has it had four years ago. She sank back into the couch, realizing her worst fear had come true and she had survived. Lennon didn't say anything for a long moment, letting her new reality settle in.

"You're right," she said. "I created this nightmare in my head, but now that it has happened, I realize it only the nightmare only terrified me because I gave it power."

"Exactly. Now you can move on without that fear haunting you," Charlotte said. "Now, do you need us to come out there? I don't want you alone."

"No, I'm not alone. I have Kade," Lennon said.

She smiled, realizing as she said the words that he was enough.

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be ok," Lennon said.

"Alright. I love you."

"Love you right back."

After Lennon hung up, she called Kade back into the room.

"Were you able to talk to Charlotte?" he asked.

"I was. It was comforting to hear her voice."

When he sat, she took his hand.

"Thank you for today," she said. "I don't know what I would have done without you there."

"Getting to you was the only thing I could think about," he said. "I'm so sorry this happened."

"I don't even know what to do," she said.

"You don't have to know. Not right now. Come here," he said.

He reached for her. She moved into his arms and rested her weary head on his chest.  Kade held her tightly. She felt like she could lay all her worries and fears on him.

"What's going to happen?" she asked.

"You'll probably have to draft a statement for the press," he said. "Then decide if you are willing to answer questions about Hunter in interviews. But that's just the unimportant stuff. The important thing is you are going to be alright. Look at me."

Lennon raised her head off his chest to meet his dark eyes.

"I know it might have felt like everything was falling apart today, but it's done."

She gave a small smile.

"I know," she said.

"The press stuff will come later," he said. "For now, we can hide out here for as long as you need."

Lennon snuggled closer to Kade.

"I wouldn't mind that," she said. "I feel like you've spent more time with the paparazzi in the last three weeks then you have with me."

"Well, I'm all yours for the next few days. In whatever capacity you need. I understand if you need space to think things over."

"Thank you," she said.

He kissed her forehead.

"For you, anything."


The next few days passed in surprising ease. Lennon pushed the stress aside and let herself relax, doing nothing with Kade. They stayed away from the television, and their phones were buried somewhere in the pool house. Without either distraction, they enjoyed their peaceful setting and the company of each other.

The first two days were bumpy as Lennon felt as if she were settling deeper into moving past her fear about Hunter, and moving deeper into her feelings for Kade. Kade was cautious around her, knowing it was a difficult time. The second night, sitting by the fire pit, under a canopy of stars, their hesitations melted away. They slid back into being themselves.

The following days were filled with late breakfasts, hours in the pool, and card games. They ended their days around the fire pit. One night they fell asleep outside, only to be woken by the morning light.

The more time that passed, the more Lennon realized her fear about Hunter had caused her to hold a part of herself back from Kade. With the fear gone, it allowed her to grow closer to him. But he didn't make it hard.

He seemed to read her mood shifts as clearly as if they were written on her forehead. He cracked jokes when she needed a distraction; then faded into quietness when she became pensive. Without any discussion, they both kept things strictly friendly, with the occasional cuddling.

Jordan showed up on the fifth day and brought reality back, but Lennon felt ready. Kade was by her side as Jordan laid out her options and gave a brief overview of where the media had taken the story. Hearing about it wasn't as bad as Lennon had imagine.

Jordan had several options of response for her and he stated how imperative it was that they acted quickly. In the end, she agreed to a recorded interview the next day.

Around the fire pit that night, she and Kade enjoyed their last night out of the public eye. Lennon knew the following weeks would be intense, but she knew she had Kade to lean on.


"Lennon, you did a great job," Jordan said.

He was the first to greet her as she finished her interview.

"Thanks," Lennon said .

She was physically and mentally exhausted from the day. Not only had it been long, but she had told the story of losing Hunter. Even though she knew she would have to address it again, she knew the first interview would be the hardest. She was grateful it was done.

"Bear, take Lennon home first," Jordan said, as the three of them climbed into the car.

"No. Take me to Kade's," she said, tiredly leaning back against the seat.

Jordan looked at her, but said nothing. He nodded to Bear and the car pulled away.

Lights clicked on and woke Lennon up. She bolted up and blearily looked around. Large glass windows showcased a view of downtown LA. Her mind was having a hard time naming where she was when she heard footsteps. She turned to find Kade walking towards her, a happy grin on his face.

"Did I get confused and go to a beautiful girl's apartment?" he asked.

Lennon gave him a sleepy smile and stretched.

"I don't think so," she said, looking down.

She had stolen one of Kade's shirts and her hair was still slightly damp from her shower. She was sure the picture she presented was far from beautiful.

"I don't see any beautiful girls here," she joked.

"I do," Kade said.

He sat on the coffee table across from her and took one of her hands.

"I think it's more like I bribed my way into the apartment of the hottest singer in America," Lennon said.

A cocky smile spread across Kade's face.

"Well..." he said.

Lennon laughed, amused he enjoyed the compliment so much.

"What did you have to give the doorman?" he asked. "A couple hundred?"

"A dollar," Lennon said.

Kade's smile fell flat. Lennon laughed.

"I think I'm worth a pricier bribe," he argued.

"In all honesty, your doorman would have let me in for free. I gave him the dollar to save your pride."

"Save my pride? You couldn't afford more then a dollar?"

Lennon gave an innocent shrug and a playful glint filled Kade's eyes. She realized a second too late what he was going to do. She had no defense up when he reached out and tickled her. Lennon let out a shout of laughter and she tried to push him away.

"Kade... I can't... breathe," Lennon screamed.

She tried to get away from his strong arms. His warm laugh rang out and he stopped. Lennon took a deep breath as she looked over at Kade. He was perched on the edge of the couch next to her. She met his eyes. They had a concentrated look in them, like he wanted to say something but he didn't.

Instead he kissed her.

The kiss was different then any of the others they had shared. It wasn't distant and removed like their's had been while they were under the contract. Even the one real kiss they had stolen on the cliffs had been sweet and loving. But Kade kissed her boldly and without hesitation, his hands reaching out to pull her closer.

He drew her onto his lap and she wrapped her arms around him, finding they seemed to fit together perfectly. Sometimes it felt like their whole relationship had always been the two of them and someone else. The two of them and Jordan and Matt. The two of them and their fans. The two of them and the paparazzi. The two of them and Hunter. But for the first time, their lips pressed together, it felt like all the outside voices faded away and it was just the two of them.

Lennon began to feel out of breath and knew they needed to slow down. She gently placed her hands on Kade's chest. He picked up on the signal quickly. As he pulled away, he snuck in one more quick kiss before he met her eyes.

"Hey," he said quietly.

His dark eyes tried to get a read on her.

"Hey," she said with shy smile.

"You ok?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Lennon's smile grew.

"Yeah, I just don't want you thinking I kiss any random guy who shows up at my apartment," she said.

Kade looked around and then back at her.

"First off, I'm pretty sure this is my apartment," he said with a laugh.

Lennon gave a small shrug.

"Second, I don't think you just kiss random guys. But your boyfriend?"

"Who said anything about boyfriend?" Lennon asked.

"I did," Kade said confidently.

"Whose the lucky lady?"

He gave her an unamused look.

"We haven't even been on a first date," Lennon pointed out.

"Yes we have. It was at that one restaurant and it was super awkward," Kade argued, not realizing he was making Lennon's point for her.

"You said yourself that was a horrible first date," Lennon said. "If I remember correctly you also mentioned something about the Kade Matthews dating school. I want to witness the skills taught at that school."

Kade let out defeated laugh and shook his head.

"Well then we need to fix this," he said, pulling her close. "I'm going to take you on the best first date."

"Oh yeah?" Lennon asked.

She was amused by the determined look in his eyes.

"Lennon Kayhill, you aren't even prepared for this date," he said. "It's gonna make you fall in love with me."

She smiled.

"I already am."



So I want to ask you, what is the thing that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? I'm not talking about the fact that you have school, or your alarm clock is on the other side of the room. But what makes you happy? What makes you feel okay with facing the world? Mine is writing. Getting the chance to share my stories with you. I don't think you know this, but you mean the world to me. The fact that you read my stories brings incredible joy. I don't think you understand what your votes and comments mean to me. They inspire me to get out of bed each morning. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Vote, comment, follow. Finish the rest of your day knowing that you have made a difference in at least one person's life.

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