Chapter 49 - "We'll travel the world."

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"Ok," Kade said, standing abruptly.

Lennon clumsily slide from his lap and caught herself before she tumbled to the floor.

"You should go," he said.

Lennon watched, confused, as Kade pulled out his phone as he quickly walked away.

"What happened to the best date ever?" Lennon questioned as she got off the floor and followed him. "Now you're kicking me out?"

Kade laughed.

"Sorry. I should probably finish my sentences," he said. "Come here."

He took Lennon's hand and led her down the hallway towards his room.

"Kade," she said, giving him a suspicious look. "What type of girl do you take me for?"

He gave her a coy look.

"I know exactly what type of girl you are," he said smugly.

He kissed her cheek.    

"That's why I'm going to leave you," he said.

"Leave me?"

"I need a little bit of time to get something ready."

"What?" Lennon asked, stepping closer to him.

He gave her a flat look.

"You could just tell me. Better yet, let me help," she said.

She wrapped her arms around him. She could tell he was going to say no so she kissed him before he could. He tried to pull away, but Lennon held on tight. He quickly gave up the fight and kissed her back. Lennon thought she was victorious until he scooped her up and plopped her onto the bed.

"Nice try," he said, giving her knowing smile. "Wait here."

"This better be worth it!" she called after him.

He paused by the door, giving her a playful smile and left.

Lennon had barely had time to find her choice of distraction before Kade was back in the room. He climbed onto his bed and pulled her into his arms, seemingly instantly engrossed in the game she was playing.

"So?" she prompted when he didn't speak.

"Yes?" he said.



"Is there a reason you made me wait in here or was this just a slick way of getting me into your bed?"

"That was not my intention at all," he said innocently. "You were the one who just informed me you don't kiss just anybody, so I'm fixing that."

Before Lennon could answer, the doorbell rang, pulling both of their attention down the hall.

"Who is that?" Lennon asked.

Kade laughed and shook his head as he got off the bed. Lennon quickly scampered after him. She peeked over his shoulder as he opened the door and revealed a squat man carrying a large plastic bag and a drink tray.

"Mr. Matthews?" he asked.

"Yes. Thank you so much," Kade said, trading the man for the bag and tray in exchange for a few folded bills.

"Here, let me help," Lennon said.

She eagerly took the bag from Kade and peered in. A rich aroma met her and she suddenly felt ravenous.

"This smells amazing!" she said.

She set the bag on the counter and pulled styrofoam containers out.

"Excuse me, did I say this food was for you?" Kade asked.

Lennon gave him a flat look.

"Who else would it be for?"

"Maybe I'm having someone over after I kick you out."

"Oh really?"

Kade gave a lazy shrug.

"Is the food for me or do I need to leave before your other girlfriend shows up?" Lennon asked.

"I guess I can cancel with her tonight," Kade answered.

"Maybe I should just go," Lennon said sassily.

As she turned away, Kade caught her arm and spun her back around.

"You know there isn't anyone else," he said, pulling her into his arms.

Lennon smiled and kissed him.

"That's right. Now can we eat?"

Kade laughed and kissed her again.

"Yes. You can eat," he said.

"What did you get?" Lennon asked as she bounced over to the counter.

Opening the containers she discovered an array of her favorite Mexican food and let out an excited squeal.

"How did you get Manny to deliver?" she asked in disbelief.

Kade gave her a cocky smirk.

"I know, I know. You're Kade Matthews," she filled in for him.

"I might have promised to buy him a new building," he joked.

"This is hands down the best perk of dating you!" Lennon said, already stealing bites from a large pile of nachos.

"Really? This is the best perk?" Kade asked. "Even more then the ice cream, meeting Wes Keats and all the parties I've gotten you in to?"

Lennon took a big bite of a burrito as her answer.

"I guess I can cancel the ice cream then," Kade said.

Lennon waved her hand and hurriedly swallowed her bite.

"No!" Lennon said, in a slight panic.

A wicked grin spread across Kade's face.

"That's not even funny," she said.

"But it kind of is," he said, pulling her into his arms.

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

He grabbed her face and kissed her before she could argue back.

"It was funny," Kade said as he pulled away.

"As long as I get to eat the ice cream then I don't care," Lennon said.

"So, is this the best first date?"

"As long as you deliver on that ice cream, then yes!"

"Well, this isn't all."


Lennon looked around the apartment.

"We can watch a chick flick and the best part, I'll let you ask as many questions as you want."

Lennon laughed.


"So, Mr. Matthews, what does the future hold for you?" Lennon asked.

The coffee table before them was a scattered mess of discarded plates and chips. A movie played quietly in the background, but Lennon had found her present company much more captivating then the movie.

"What does my future hold?" he asked. "You."

Lennon smiled.

"You don't really have a choice there," she joked.

She closed the distance between them and wrapped herself up in his arms.

"I mean beyond this year," she clarified.

"Are you subtly trying to tell me that you don't see our relationship lasting more then a year?" he asked.

Lennon rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"If you don't answer my question then I don't see it lasting past tonight," she threatened.

"Oh really? Well what if I won't let that happen?"

His arms tightened around her.

"How would you stop me?"

Kade didn't bother with an answer. Instead, he kissed her. Lennon quickly forgot she was suppose to be holding out for an answer.

"I think I made my point," he said, with a cocky smile when they broke apart.

"You did," she laughed. "Now back to the future."

"That was a good movie."


"Fine," he laughed. "The future? Well, our fifth album should be out by the end of the year and then I guess we'll tour."

"What about after that?"

"I'm not sure," he said. "I know Will plans on marrying Jessie at some point so that will change things. He might want to take a break."

"What would you do?"

"Spend all my time with you!" he said, kissing her cheek.

She smiled.

"What else?"

"Travel," he said. "You know how it is when you tour. You don't really get to see a place. So I'd travel. What about you? Do you want to travel with me?"

"I'd love too," Lennon said.

"Ok. Where should we go?"


Kade chuckled.

"Sounds good," he said. "But first, you're leaving me for five months for another man."

Lennon laughed.

"Can you blame me? It's Wes Keats."

"I'm going to miss you."

His voice was more serious as his arms held her tighter. Lennon smiled.

"I'll miss you too! But we'll still see each other. You're coming to visit..."

"In Seattle. And you have a short break..."

"In September, so it won't be so bad."

"And then you should get back just in time for me to leave," he joked sardonically.

"It's kind of the nature of our lives," Lennon said.

"Have you gotten sick of it yet?" he asked.

Lennon smiled. "Not at all."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"Well, there's this guy."

"Tell me more."

She leaned in and kissed him.

"I guess five months isn't that bad," he ceded. "And after that?"

"We'll travel the world."

A smile spread across Kade's face.

"Lennon and the world. Five months doesn't sound too bad at all."


AHHHHH!!! It happened the final chapter is complete. The story that I have given, what feels like, everything to is now finished! Oh what is life without Lennon and Kade!! Well, I have said it before and I will say it again, thank you for reading and being my chum on this journey!

Don't worry, though Lennon and Kade are done, I am not leaving you high and dry. I just posted the third chapter of Mr. Write and there are always a million ideas bouncing around my head that I will eventually put on paper, or computer screen, I guess.

I know I have said this every time, but this time I mean it. Follow, because my dearest chum this is not the end. I have more stories for you. So follow me to get more adventures!

Now imagine you have just stayed seated in the theater for five minutes waiting for the end of the credits. You see this line and giddiness brightens your day.

Lennon and Kade will return!

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