Chapter 1: Truth Or Dare

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*Garroth's pov*

I grabbed my comic books and some other things and put them in my backpack. I grabbed the door knob and was ready to leave.

"So you and your highschool friends are having a sleep over because?" I turned around. Zane. Can some please end this mother nuggets life?

"It is the middle of summer and we have nothing better to do." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh is Laurence going to be there? With Dante and Aphmau?" Zane asked. "Are you going to make out with Laurence while your there?" He mumbled.

"No I will not make out with Laurence, now I am going to be late if I don't get going!" I grabbed the beautiful door knob to freedom and opened the door and lefted.


"Baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes. Got lighting in a bottle hand on a throttle. Even in the dust we shine!" I heard Aphmau sing. I knocked on the door. Aphmau quickly opened it. "Hi Garroth. Come in." She opened the door even more. I walked inside.

I saw Kawaii~Chan on the phone. Laurence and Dante playing chess. Emmalyn was on computer, looking at articles on gay marriage? Nicole on the couch with Kateyln kinda of fangirling. As Kemur was cooking popcorn. I sat on the floor where Dante and Laurence were.

"Okay, check." Dante said.

"What?! H-how? Your a cheater!" Laurence was furious. I laughed. He was kinda cute. I mean what?

"Do I have to explain?" We both nodded. Dante groaned. "If my queen moves across this way, she is able to eat your king."

"I call hacks!" Laurence shouted.

"Dude just move your tower to block you over here." I said. Laurence face palmed like an idiot.

"Do you guys understand shipping?" Nicole asked us and sat down next to Dante as he moved over five inches away from Nicole.

"No, why would we?" Dante said.

"Like online shipping? Or fangirl shipping?" I asked.

"Fangirl shipping." Kateyln said.

"Okay..?" Laurence said.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Aphmau asked. Most of us said sure. We all sat in a circle. I was next to Laurence and Emmalyn while Nicole grabbed some popcorn.

"Okay, Garroth! Truth or dare?" Nicole asked.

"Dare I guess?" I shrugged. There was nothing in this world Nicole could make me do something I would reget later.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss... Laurence!" She said. Kateyln and Aphmau took out there phones. I think Emmalyn was nose bleeding .

"W-what? N-never!" I stuttered as the stutter king like Aphmau and some others call me. Laurence leaned in.

"Just do it and get the fangirls over it." He pointed at Kateyln and Aphmau.

"I-I can't." I said. I looked at Aphmau. I loved her since first grade. I couldn't. Should I?

"Chicken!" Nicole shouted. "Bak,bak,bak!" She smirked. She knew I couldn't do it. She knew I didn't have the guts.

"Fine!" I grabbed Laurence and kissed him. Sparks flew. Nicole dropped her popcorn. Her mouth was completely open. It happened in like- what was the name of that TV show? Arrow! No not that show. It was about a super hero called.. WHAT WAS NAME!?!?!?

"I-I didn't think you had the guts to do it." Nicole said and started clapping. Slowly everyone else started clapping. I looked at Laurence. He was looking down. W-was he blushing?

"Now, let's continue..." Aphmau said. I soon stopped listening to her. I stared at Laurence. He stared back at me. We had just kissed with sparks flying everywhere. I like him. No. I don't like him. He was a guy. I liked Aphmau. But he had dreamy blue eyes and perfect brown hair. And..

I loved him. (This is where my inner fangirl leaps in joy and is happily dancing around and dies happily)


*Laurence's pov*

Garroth had just kissed me. It was the best moment of my life. I swear I felt sparks flying. I stared at him. I felt like I was slowly getting closer to him. No I had to stop. So I went back to my normal state before I was getting closer. As did Garroth.

"So Laurence, truth or dare?" Aphamu asked, I had snapped back into reality.

"Truth." I said without looking up. I wasn't feeling like a rebel tonight. I felt like hiding from the world hoping that my feelings for Aphmau turned and my feelings for Garroth would disappeared.

"Wow. You never pick truth." Dante pointed out.

"Okay? Are you sure-" Aphmau said before I interrupted her.

"Yes, am sure I picked a truth." I was still looking down.

"Okay. Is it true that you are a Gryffindor?!" Aphmau asked. She was such a Potterhead.

"After tonight I feel like a Hufflepuff." I answered.

"Garroth. I think you broke Laurence." Emmalyn said.

"W-what? No way. He is perfectly fine." Garroth poked me and I fell on my side. "O-okay, maybe I did break him."

"I don't want to play anymore." I stood up and walked over to the couch and went to sleep.


"Okay guys the pizza is here." Aphmau said. I stood up and opened the door. The picture was horrible. I saw Garroth. His beautiful blue eyes were gone. Now replaced with red evil eyes.

"I know you like me. You are a gross sick human being. I why would you think I would ever date you?! You homosexual!" Garroth shouted at me. Then punched me and started kicking me. I fell down.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked basically crying.

"So you know I would never date some one like you. I hate you!" He continued kicking.

"Stop it!" Aphmau shouted. She was going to save me. "I want to join in to." She walked over and started kicking me as well.

"No! Please stop! Please! It not my fault!" I shouted and they ingored me.

"You shouldn't even exist!" Garroth shouted.

I woke up on the couch. I was gasping for air so hard. I felt like crying. I had to fight the tears. I cried into my knees. I rocked back and forth.

"Laurence are you okay?" Aphmau asked as she ran over to me. As well Dante, Nicole, Kateyln and Garroth.

"I think he just had a bad dream." Kemur said as he walked over.

"What was it about?" Kateyln asked.

"I don't want to say." I said.

"Okay. Understandable." Garroth said. I looked at him. He was causing this pain. I liked him. If he did kiss me I wouldn't be acting like this right now. I looked away. They all soon left. I stood up and walked out side.

(Cue la music)

I stopped singing and turned around and saw the person Ieast wanted to see. Garroth.

"Hey Garroth." I faked smiled and tried to open the door which Garroth was blocking.

"Laurence. Why were you singing?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"You want to know why?!" I shouted in anger. "Because am confused! I don't know! I like you. More than a friend." I sat down on the stairs.

"Y-you do?" He asked. He stuttered. Wait, he was stuttering! He was stuttering! He was stuttering!! (We now know Laurence is a fangirl)

"After that kiss I felt sparks fly! I love you." I said and I looked at him. He sat down. "So judge me! Kick me in my gut! Cause that is what you did in my dream!" He was speechless. He leaned in and kissed me.

"I-I felt the same thing. I felt like you would hate me. I felt sparks flying too. I love you too." He kissed me on the cheek.

"Um... Free.99 pizza here." I looked up. The pizza guy- I mean girl was here and mostly likely saw everything. I stood up blushing.

"Here." I gave her twenty-five dollars.

"You gave me an extra ten." The pizza girl said.

"Did I?" I leaned in closer. "You saw nothing." The pizza girl was freaking out. She took the money and gave Garroth the pizza and ran for her life.

"I think we scared her." Garroth said.

"Agreed." I said and nodded.


Oreo: GAURENCE!!!!!
Garroth: Why are you doing this?
Laurence: You are not going to stop are you?
Garroth: *la sigh*
Oreo: GAURENCE!!!!!
Garroth: Oh my-
Oreo: GAURENCE!!! Any way my inner fangirl thought it was a good idea to read this more than once. Like a thousand times. So any way-
Garroth and Laurence: GAURENCE!!!!!
Oreo: *falls off of chair*
Garroth: Not so funny now?! *laughs*
Oreo: Your on fire!
Garroth: What? *looks down and sees his pants are on fire* AHHHHH!!!!
Laurence: *eats popcorn*
Aimee: You better share that popcorn.
Laurence: *hugs popcorn* No.
Aimee: *sets Laurence's pant on fire*
Laurence: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

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