Chapter 2: Acting Normal

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*Garroth's pov*

I smiled at Laurence and he smiled at me. I confessed my love for him. I didn't think he would have love me back. I opened the door.

"Pizza is here!" I shouted. Smiling. I just couldn't stop. It was like some type odd disease. I put the pizza on the kitchen counter. Everyone walked over a took a slice.

"Why were you outside?" Nicole asked and bit into her pizza. I looked at Laurence. He was blushing and so was I.

"Yeah why?" Dante asked. I had a blank face. Yep. Now my smile disappeared.

"We were just talking." Laurence said normally and grabbed a slice of pizza. "Nothing strange about that right?" He asked. No, it was strange because we kissed and both said we were in love. Also we kissed three times. Plus pizza girl saw us do it too! Nothing normal about that Laurence!

"Yeah. Just talking and being normal." I grabbed a slice of pizza. Everyone was looking at me and Laurence.

"Gaurence!" Kateyln shouted as if it was her scientific discovery. We all looked at her in confusion.

"Huh?" Kemur asked basically talking for everyone.

"What? It is my new otp. It just feels right." Kateyln said. Really. This is not some fanfic where you can ship people Kateyln! (Hehehehe) Did someone just laugh? (Um- It is in your imagination!) Okay their is a voice inside my head. I am going crazy. (SKITTLEZ!!! HE IS ON TO US!!!! *runs*) Huh?

"Kawaii~Chan feels it too. Like the balance of the one true pairing has shifted!" Kawaii~Chan said. I honestly felt like Kateyln and Kawaii~Chan watched us kiss outside. Like there was no such thing as a Otp shift. That sounds crazy.

"What does Gaurence mean?" Dante asked.

"Garroth and Laurence. Duh. It's there ship name." I was surprised. They came up with a ship name that fast? Interesting and also insane.

"What?" Laurence asked. He has pizza in his mouth. He was just so cute. I really want to kiss him now. Probably when no one is around.

"Why would we be a good couple?" I asked. Looking some what annoyed. Of course I was acting. Which to me I usually be blushing red, but something was different. Like I changed.

"I don't know. Probably because you too kissed earlier. You guys just looked so cute together." Kateyln said. She ate her pizza and walked over to the couch. The thought came over and over again. You guys looked so cute together.


"What movie should we watch?" Aphmau asked. "Frozen. The one about being gay." Activate confused mode.

"Huh?" I asked. She just not just say that.

"I said Frozen. The one about being supportive with each other." She said. I sighed in relief. "Or how about The Gay Mermaid?"

"What?!" I questioned again.

"I said The Little Mermaid. Is something wrong with your ears Garroth? Or something your not telling us?" Aphmau asked crossing her arms.

"Nope. Continue on." I said.

"Okay, or how Roomates! The one about gay friends!" Aphmau said. My eyes widened. She was joking. Something was going on here. I wasn't going to over react. They probably wanted to prove something.

"I get it! Am gay! Let's move on!" Dante shouted. Everyone was a bit shocked. It was kinda shocking. Dante was gay? Next thing you know Kemur is gay too! If that is what rocks their boat?

"Wait. That prank was supposed to be for Garroth and or Laurence!" Nicole shouted. She was furious and she crossed her arms.

"AH HA! So you were playing around with me!" I shouted and stood up and pointed at Nicole.

"Garroth they made me." Aphmau laughed. I sat down again. I looked at Laurence. He shrugged and whispered into my ear, 'don't worry about it.'


"That movie was great." Laurence said, I had to agree with him.

"The ending was sad." Kateyln said.

"He erased all the other dimensions and saved this friends." Kemur said while cuddling Emmalyn. I wish I could do that with Laurence.

"It was a nice movie. Even for a talking Narwhal taking over dimensions." Nicole said getting closer to Dante as Dante backed away into Kawaii~Chan.

"Should we watch other movie or go hit the hay?" Aphmau asked trying to cuddle with me. I was just backing away. Kateyln took notes on this. I was trying to act normal but my feelings for Aphmau disappeared. Now it was just awkward for me.

"Garroth? You are acting a bit different." Kateyln said. WHAT DO I DO?!?! Panic mode activated.

"Really? W-weird." I chuckled and started sweating. NAIL IT!!!

"Kawaii~Chan is tried. Kawaii~Chan is going to sleep in sleeping bag. Good night." Kawaii~Chan got up and rolled her sleeping bag out.

"Am going to sleep." Kateyln yawned and walked over to her sleeping bag. Everyone did the same thing. Me and Laurence were left on the couch. I was ready to cuddle.

"Let's go outside." Laurence whispered in my ear. I followed him outside the house and into the back yard.

"So how long are we going to keep this up?" I asked.

"As long as it takes." Laurence said.

"Laurence, there are friends! We can't keep lying. Kateyln, Kawaii~Chan, and Nicole think something is up!" I said trying to keep my voice low. (Which is weird because his voice is already so deep. Imagine him with a voice like that on a teen. XD) Some one is messing with me I know it!!! Plus there making fun of my voice!!! In my head. I am going insane.

"Garroth if they find out out who know what is going to happen?" Laurence said, I immediately thought of Sasha and Zenix, it was sixth grade camp, everyone was dancing the night away. Solo or not, either by yourself or with your crush or friends. Zenix was the youngest out of all of us. Zenix had finially went up to the dance floor and it happened.

Zenix was so close to asking Sasha out on the dance floor and Gene threaten to beat him up and tell everyone he was bi. Even Sasha. Zenix started crying and Sasha took notice, she went to Zenix and kissed him.

I remember when Zenix, Sasha, Gene, and Vlad were part of the group. Gene did something terrible no one ever spoke of him again, along with Sasha, Zenix and Vlad. It was like the forbidden word. They are now known as the Shadow kids. Their story was all over the news. All of them went missing the same night. Just because Zenix was bi. If that happened because they found out Zenix was bi. What would happen if they found out me and Laurence are dating?!

"Laurence, can we just make-out?" I asked. Laurence's eyes widened. I sometimes was scared for what happened to them. I just wanted to forget, even though it happened years ago. I snapped back into the nicer vision that reality gave me, standing right in front of mr.

"What happened to the Garroth I knew?" He said getting closer. I honestly don't know what happened.

"I think jsu got more confident." I got closer and kissed him. Snap! It sounded like a photo being taken.

"What was that?" Laurence stopped kissing me. I looked around nothing but darkness.

"I think someone took a photo of us." I said we walked inside. Everyone was asleep.

I turned around and saw Emmalyn out of bed with a phone in her hand hiding behind the kitchen counter. I grabbed Emmalyn's arm and took her outside as Laurence followed.

"Why did you take a picture?" Laurence asked.

"Were you spying on us?" I asked. Now did I think of it didn't sound like Emmalyn.

"Okay, I was going to the bathroom and heard you two talking. Then I heard the words 'make out' so I looked outside and saw you two kissing! I had to take a picture!" Emmalyn said. "I ship you two! You two make a good couple."

"Um..? Thanks?" Laurence scratch his head.

"You won't tell anyone right?" I questioned.

"Nope." She said popping the p. She went back inside. Laurence and I went back to kissing. Then went back inside and fell asleep...


Oreo: Do you guys want to hear more about the Shadow kids? I honestly feel like it is going to turn into a Fnaf fanfic. Mixed in with a Minecraft diaries fanfic?
Garroth: Fnaf was good and then the fan art was getting a bit more... revealing. Ugh! Chica. *shivers*
Oreo: Yeah no.
Laurence: So what now?
Nova: *breaks down a door gets off a motorcycle and smoke comes out and takes off her helmet like in movies in slow motion with a sassy hair flip*
Garroth and Laurence: *makes goo-goo eyes*
Oreo: Ugh. *rolls eyes*
Nova: Hey less hot twin sister. (Fraternal twins)
Oreo: Aren't you suppose to be a date with ugly face Zane?
Garroth: W-what?
Oreo: Can something else happen?
Little: *jumps on Laurence's back* FREE TRANSPORTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oreo: YEA!!! *steals Nova's motorcycle* SUCK ON THAT!!!!! SAM AND CAT BABY!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Garroth: She must be drunk.
Laurence: Hundred percent.
Oreo: I AM NOT DRUNK!!!!! My gosh! *slaps them both up the head*

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