Chapter 3: Lies and Pirates

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*Laurence's pov*

I woke up. I see Garroth's arm around me. I carefully grab his arm and put it on the other side. I kiss him on the forehead while everyone else was sleeping. I get up. It was probably eight clock. I usually wake at that time. I walk over to the kitchen.

"You know Garroth was hugging you in his sleep." I looked up and saw Aphmau eating oatmeal.

"I hug my pillow all the all time thinking it was you. It was probably an accident." I say and I grab the milk and some cereal including a bowl. I know it probably wasn't an accident. But what Aphmau doesn't know shouldn't hurt her right?

"Where is overacting Laurence? Huh? Did he disappear? Or has he changed? You usual freak out when his happens like at the carnival last year!" Aphmau said jokingly. Honestly it was real to me. The moment in the carnival. Nothing was fake, well to me at least. I did have feelings for Garroth just not as much to the point were I would kiss him. More like cuddle with him or hold his hand nothing more. I didn't really think much of it, I fooled him, but I wonder if he fooled me. I went back to Aphmau's question.

"He found a lover that actually loves him back." I grab a spoon. Of course I was taking about Garroth but Aphmau doesn't know that. I frowned. If she can't return her feeling for me I move on. One secret of life.

"Oh sorry, did he also get a new life?" She questioned. Okay rude on soooooooo many levels.

"Probably." I pour the milk inside the bowl. I still better love life I would ever have with you. (OHHHHHHHH!!!!) Telling me my feelings are stupid! (He is talking about my Laurmau fanfiction)

"What happened last night? When you and Garroth were on the front porch." Oh gosh what do I say?! Do I say the truth? Or lie? I looked at her. Wonder full in her eyes still questioning me.

"We talked." I said as I poured the cereal into the bowl. Okay that is true. So am not lying to her. Technical.

"About me?" She laughed, I laughed too.

"No, about relationships." I said putting the milk and cereal away. Just relationship, total not kissing Garroth if you were wondering. Hehe.

"So about me?" She asked again she laughed and so did I. She can't stop can she?

"We actually didn't talk about you once. I moved on and so did Garroth." I went back to my cereal. We moved on and kissed each other. Totally normal. Nothing special. Wink wink nudge nudge.

"Oh, I actually liked Garroth. I was going to tell him before. I tried cuddling with him last night and he was totally different last night. No wonder he was acting weird. He moved on." She sighed. So NOW she has feelings for me and or Garroth! You is too late gurl! Too be honest I felt bad. I took Aphmau's crush away without knowing. "I guess I was already too late to make a move." No really? Gurl I thought yous had all the time in thr wurld! Let me back off and you two can get married. Please, in another universe where you try to kill Garroth. (WHO TOLD HIM MY PLOT TWIST FOR MY GARMAU FANFIC?!?!?!)

"Aphmau can I ask you something?" No, I was going to reget it.

"Not now. Later. The morning cartoons are on!" She ran and jumped on the couch. Then turned on the TV. I grabbed my cereal and walked over to her. I heard someone else waking up.

"You guys are so loud!" Dante shouted and threw a pillow at the back of my head and my cereal fell on the hard cold wooden floor.

"MY CEREAL!!!!" I shouted. (All I can imagine is Ross going 'MY Blah blah blah!!!' but just yelling at the cereal)

"You cereal killer!" Aphmau shouted at Dante as he went back to sleep.

"Whatever!" He said and put a pillow on his head.


It was about eleven clock. Me and Aphmau finished cleaning the wooden floor a few hours ago and then put on our normal clothing. We were just watching some cartoons as other people started to change into there normal clothing.

"Am going to the bathroom." Kateyln said and ran to the bathroom. Kawaii~Chan and Dante were siting next to each other. Dante wouldn't stop blushing.

"Nicole in the house!" Nicole jumped right between Kawaii~Chan and Dante. She was trying to get closer to Dante while Dante wanted to get closer with Kawaii~Chan. (Too clear things up Dante is not gay, he just said he was so Aphmau would stop saying movie tittles but replacing the some words with gay because it reminds him of Gene because of what he did tp Zenix)

"What time is it?" Garroth asked as he stood up. He was one of the last people to wake up.

"About eleven." Emmalyn said. "You slept late? Didn't you?"

"I went to sleep the same time as you!" Garroth shouted.

"Really?" Kemur asked.

"Well, Laurence and Garroth were- um.. talking, later at night but still!" Emmalyn said. I swear if she tells someone I will personal get a car and drive over to her house and slap her. She has such a big mouth.

"You sound like Zoey." Aphmau complained. Zoey was Aphmau aunt who lived with her since both of her parents died.

"Laurence and Garroth were doing what late at night?" Kateyln asked as she walked into the room. She was wearing a different outfit. She walked over to us.

"Talking, nothing else." Garroth said as he walked over the the couch and sat on the far end of the couch while I was on the opposite side.

"You two have been 'talking' alot lately." Nicole said facing me. So, that didn't mean anything. We could planning a birthday for all you know.

"Can't two bro just talk for no reason?" I asked. Yeah stupid question. I should have stuck with the birthday one. Nicole looked at me saying no. I shrugged it off. But the fangirls weren't done.

"What were you two talking about?" Nicole asked Garroth. He was blushing.... hard.

"J-Just a-about- um.. pirates... with beards." Garroth made up a horrible excuse. I face palmed. The girls looked at him if something was wrong with him. Which something was.

"Laurence told me you guys were talking about relationships." Aphmau said confused.

"Pirates in relationships." Garroth said. Garroth and his horrible lying skills. Like really dude? The best you could think of was pirates? "Nobody ever thinks about that." Garroth pointed out. I would punch him in the face if he wasn't so cute! Someone had rang the door bell. I ran to get it.

"Hello, you can have this back." A girl with orange hair said. She definitely wasn't Cadenza. She was the pizza girl. She gave me the ten dollars back from last night. "I don't deserve the money. I told like ten million people about it. I also took pictures and I now ship you guys. So yeah- bye." She left. This was going to be hard to explain.

"Who is she?" Dante asked.

"Who does she ship?!" Aphmau questioned.

"I have no idea." I answered ignoring Aph.

"She was the pizza girl. Remember she gave us pizza and saw us- taking about pirates. She said she was a pirate too on the weekends. We called her Pirate Redhead." Garroth said. I looked at him like really bruh. I sighed. Just stop. Do me a favor and just stop.

"Oh yeah Kawaii~Chan has seen her act as a pirate once at a kids puppet show." Kawaii~Chan said. I looked at her. I couldn't tell if she was telling the truth or not.

"How? You guys are-? What? I thought you were lying! Ugh!!!" Nicole shouted and went back to the TV shows. She was furious. Like always.

I sat down back at the couch wishing I could just kiss Garroth without fangirls freaking out. Like how Emmalyn and Kemur could. I mean of course Aphmau and Kateyln would squeal but more silent and wouldn't be there to judge me. It got me thinking. Maybe that is something I can never have. I walk outside in the back yard and sit down on the stairs.

"Something we can never have." I said quietly say and cry one single tear...


Oreo: I have a wifu.
Key: That is me.
Garroth: You two got married?!?
Oreo: On Friday! You missed it.
Laurence: Um... why would we be at a Gay wedding?
Oreo: Funny you say that Laurence.
Laurence: Why?
Garroth: Do you have something planned?
Oreo: No. *evily laughs*
Key: Why did I marry you?
Little: CAUSE HASHTAG OREYY!!! 4 DA WIN!!!!! *jumps on Laurence's back*
Laurence: Ugh...
Little: You know the drill.
Laurence: I do. FREE TRANSPORTATION!!!!!!!!! *walks around with Little on his back*
Oreo: YEA!!!

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