Chapter 4: Tears and Secrets

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*Aphmau's pov*

Laurence had just walked outside for some random reason. I got up and walked outside. I saw him on the stairs. Was he crying?

"I am so stupid! Why do I continue doing this? It is only been like one day and I want to just give up. The sparks I felt meant nothing! Nothing!" Laurence shouted.

"Laurence are you okay?" He turned around his eyes widened then he wiped his tears.

"Oh, totally, fine." He lied. I could tell because of his eyes. They yelled am not fine!

"Laurence what is it?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"Love, stupid love okay? I am perfectly fine with hiding my love for this special someone but I want to show the world who I love but... I can't."


"Normal couples next cuddle, normal couples can kiss with out being judge that much, normal couples can do anything romantic, while I can't because... because..."

"Because of what?"

"Because I love... someone as the same gender as me." My eyes widened. Was he gay? No maybe he was bi. He took notice. "Maybe you should leave. I want to be alone." I did what he said. He was crying even more. I stood up and walked back inside with a frown.

"What's wrong Aphmau~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan asked. I looked up.

"Laurence is- sad and want to be left alone." I kept his little secret between me and him. It was the least I could do.

"Am going to go talk to him." Garroth said as he got up I blocked him.

"Garroth, Laurence wants to be alone." I said and he some what pushed me. "What has gotten into you? You been completely different! You care alot more about Laurence than you would have two to three days ago! Plus you stopped having a crush on me, and you have had a crush on me since second grade Garroth! You don't think I noticed these types of things!?"

"W-what?! You knew?!" He shouted at me.

"Oh course I knew Garroth! Am not an idiot!" I shouted at him.

"Well why didn't you tell me you knew!?"


"The drama is real!" Dante said. Nicole kicked him in the leg.

"I-I think you should go." I said.

"Fine." He walked over to his backpack and straight up left through the door.

"Okay, I am just going to go into my room. You guys can do what you guys whatever you want." I walked into my room and cried. What had I just done? (Wait until she finds out that Garroth and Laurence are a thing XD I am so rude...)

*Garroth's pov*

I walked outside. Aphmau knew the whole time and she even had feelings for me but doesn't tell me after I kissed Laurence like two thousands time! The nerve! I saw Laurence. He was crying.

"Laurence?" I dropped my backpack and walked into the back yard.

"What Garroth?!?" He shouted.

"Laurence what is wrong?" I asked him.

"Us Garroth!" He shouted at me. He was crying, basically he was making a ocean.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"We can't be a normal couple Garroth! I want to kiss you, I want to hold your hand, I want to embrace you, but society today thinks that being gay is wrong." He grabbed my hands and I felt tears coming down my face. He was afraid of coming out. I can't judge him. I was too.

"Laurence we are going through this together." I said.

"So what?" He said.

"Does it matter? Tell me does it matter. We can do this in secret as long as we need to!" He hugged me. We continued hugging, I kissed his forehead. I looked into his blue eyes as he looked into mine.

"You guys are so cute together." I turned around. It was the pizza girl. AGAIN! I swear she is a stalker. I let go of Laurence.

"Okay, first of all what are you doing here? Second of all how much did you see?" Laurence asked the girl.

"Plus who the heck are you?!" I asked.

"One, I was going to apologize for what I did last night. I was fangirling, I couldn't control myself. Two, I saw the part were the brunette over here was complaining on how you guys can't be a normal couple and the rest. Also my name is Lucinda." The pizza girl- I mean Lucinda said.

"Are you going to keep this a secret?" Laurence asked.

"Um.. Let me think, two of the most popular guys in school are dating in secret, they don't what anyone else to find out... and I also took pictures on my phone that show you two kissing. Surprisingly I am going to keep your secret." Me and Laurence sighed.

"Thank goodness!" Laurence said but of course there was going to be a catch. There always is.

"Am not done. You guy have to regularly go on dates out in public, and I have to know where you guy are going on a date. Because the fangirl side can't get enough Gaurence." I stared at Lucinda with confusion.

"What?" Laurence asked.

"It's your ship name. Kateyln was tweeting it last night on Twitter. So kawaii! I sound like Kawaii~Chan." Lucinda laughed. "Any ways I should get going." Lucinda said and then ran off.

"Okay?" I questioned.

"We should get going." Laurence said as he blushed.

"Agreed." I kissed him on the cheek as I grabbed my backpack and walk back to house.


Oreo: So...
Laurence: Yeah?
Ross: ROSS TIME!!!!
Oreo: Yes! Just yes!!!
Garroth: *confused look*
Oreo: STORY TIME!!!! Okay so this story takes place in DIDNEY WURLD!!!!
Laurence: It's Disney World.
Aphmau: Shut up Laurence!
Oreo: So Aphmau and Garroth and Casanova Laurence were there. With Kawaii~Chan, Dante, other people I am to lazy to remember their names... Yeah.. So Aphmau and Garroth were walking. Laurence was being a stalker and following them so Garmaa doesn't happen. Anyway.. Garroth was all likes 'Aphmau I loves you.' Aphmau was all like 'I loves you too Garroth!' And they were about to kiss. Then Laurence went all like 'Oh no you don't!' And went all shadow mode and threw Aphmau into a fountain. Garmau fans were like 'NOOOOO!!!!' Laurmau fans were like 'YESSSS!!!! Wait what?' Aarmoo fans was like 'WHERE THE HECK IS AARON!?!?!' Laurence was still shadow mode and kissed Garroth. His lip smashed into Garroth's lip like smashed potatoes! Garroth was all like *kisses noises* and Laurence was all like *making kisses noises too!* Then became normal Laurence. Gaurence fans were like 'YESSSS!!!!' Garmau and Laurmau fans were like 'NOOOO!!!!' Aarmau fans was like 'AARMAU CAN STILL HAPPEN!!!!' Then Aaron kisses Dante. Aarmau fans was then like 'WHY!?!?!' Kawaii~Chan was all like 'AARON~KUN IS DEAD!!!!!!!' And more Gaurence happened. Da end. Or you wants a part too?
Aphmau: *claps*
Garroth: That gave me lemons. *holds up actual lemons, NOT HIS BIGGLES BIT!!! YOU DIRTY PEOPLE!!!!*
Laurence: What happened in that story? What is Aarmau? What is Garmau? What is Laurmau?
Oreo: Sugar Honey Ice Tea!
Aphmau: RUN!!!! *grabs Oreo and runs*
Garroth: *shouts* You still didn't explain anything!

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