Chapter 5: Plan and Kisses

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*Emmalyn's pov*

I logged in into Aphmau's computer as Kateyln and Kawaii~Chan checked on Aphmau. I typed in articles about gay people. Kemur walked over and looked on the screen.

"Emmalyn, are you gay?" Kemur asked. My eyes widened. Why would he think that. I was only researching to understand a bit more of what Garroth and Laurence were going through.

"W-what? No! I'am only research these stuff because I have a friend that is gay." I said. Kemur looked at me weird.

"What is his or her name?" He asked. My eyes widened. I couldn't tell him that Laurence and Garroth were gay! Or bi, if that is what floats their boats!

"I-I can't say! I promise them-"

"So there is more then one person!" Kemur interrupted me.

"Kemur!" I smacked him up the head.

"Is it someone I know." He asked. My eyes widened again. Kemur told noticed. "So it is someone I know?!" My heart was racing. I was ready to just run. I as breathing heavily.

"Kemur I don't want to talk about it! I promised Gar-" I covered my mouth.

"So it's- wait, GARROTH?!?" Everyone was looking at us. I grabbed the nearest item which a note book and slapped Kemur repeatedly hit him with the note book.

"Ow! Stop! Stop!" I ingored him and repeatedly hit him with the note book harder and harder. Nicole took her phone out and started filming us.

"Never!" I shouted and continued hitting him with a note book. I laughed and Kemur laughed too.

He ran into the kitchen as I got up from my chair and followed him and continued to hitting him with the book. I then tipped on air like the idiot I was and ended up into Kemur's arms. He leaned in and kissed me.

"Nicole." Dante whispered as he took his phone out and started taking pictures. Kemur stopped kissing me.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Did you take pictures?" Dante asked. She shook her head.

"I filmed it!" She squealed in happiness. I blushed as I got out of Kemur's arms. I saw Kateyln with her phone out runing out of Aphmau's room.

"WHO KISSED?!?!" She shouted as Kawaii~Chan followed. "I SMELL NEW OTP ON THE RISE!!!!!!!"

"Emmalyn and Kemur." Dante answered.

"Aww man! I missed it!" Kateyln wines. She walks over to Nicole as Nicole plays the video again. It was horrible. Like I was some made up character they can just ship me. I walked outside. Kemur followed me.

"I-I was just caught up in the moment. It felt like the right thing to do." Kemur said.

"I-it's okay. Your not the one who is shipping me and you together like a some book characters or video game characters." I sighed.

"S-so Garroth is gay." I looked at him and chuckled. I punched him in the arm playfully. He was really bringing this up again. I smiled. He was just cute. C-U-T-E. A four letter word that can change the way you see someone. Word are just so powerful. They can say word can never hurt you but they are wrong

"No, he is bi." I corrected him. Like I said words are powerful. I didn't want Kemur to describe a friend without using the right term. "I think."

"Why did he tell you?" He asked. He looked at me. He was questioning why. He wanted to know. Human nature, alway curious. It will one day get us killed.

"He didn't. I saw him kiss- another guy." I answered carefully. Leaving out Laurence's name.

"I guess your probably not going to tell who he kissed, huh?" Kemur said. I shook my head.

"I made a promise. Promises are meant to be kept." I said and looked into his eyes. The rare brown eyes of the century! I looked down at the ground. "Kemur, Garroth and- unknown guy that Garroth kissed, I made a promise and I half broke it."

"You didn't tell me. I found out by my self. You're still a great person, and even a better friend." I hugged him. He understood me.

"Thanks, for having my back." I got a text from my phone. I looked at it.

Lucinda: Hey, Emmalyn. Meet me at the Phoenix Drop mall. I need to tell you something. BIG!

Emmalyn: What? Can't you tell me over text messages?

Lucinda: No, because you can screen shot the message. I will buy lunch. Deal?

Emmalyn: Deal!

"I have to go." I said to Kemur. I went back inside and grabbed my stuff and rode my bike to the mall.


I put my bike on the bike rack and walked inside the mall. It was a Saturday so of course it was full. I walked over to the Food Court because I knew Lucinda would be there. Heck she worked there!

"Emmalyn!" She hugged me. She was dress in her normal clothing. I think she wasn't working. I noticed a lot of people were here.

"What was the big thing you needed to tell me?" She gave me a drink. I started drinking. It was Coke. I didn't really like the taste but I was tried so whatever. It was my little way of being a rebel.

"Okay, Laurence and Garroth are a thing!" I spit out my Coke. She looked at me in shock. Did Kemur tell her? No, he didn't have his phone out when I was telling him. Actually he had a flip phone so that didn't make sense.

"I didn't tell anyone! How do you know?!" I shouted drawing some unwanted attention. I didn't mean to be loud, I was just shock.

"I saw them kiss on the porch. I also them making out earlier today as well." She whispered. I relaxed a bit more. Knowing she found out her self and wasn't my big mouth.

"I saw them make out in the middle of the night yesterday." I wishpered. I felt bad. Like I was spreading rumors. I wasn't like that. Even though I knew it was true.

"Emmalyn you look uncomfortable. Do want to sit down? Or something?" Lucinda offered. I shook my head, she was right about me being uncomfortable though. Rumors make me sick. Literally.

"Okay so why else did you want me here?" I asked her.

"We are going to trick Garroth and Laurence to go on a date." I stared at her.

"Lucinda. Did you use you witch powers?" I asked kinda of whispering.

"Yes, but before you get mad-" She paused so I could yell at her. Honestly I didn't feel like it. I remember when Lucinda first discovered her powers. It was Wednesday so I brought Lucinda to the library. She told me it gave her a bad vibe. I ingored her and I started looking at cooking book for the bake sale.

She followed me and a book fell on her. It was a spell book. She took it home and practice some spell and they worked but when I tried nothing happened. I always got mad at Lucinda for using magic because we are in a Era where magiks are more popular. So I told her to keep it secret but she doesn't usually listens.

"So you not going to yell? That's a first." Lucinda said surprised. I shrugged.

"What's the plan?" I asked getting my game face on.


Oreo: TIS the season to be jolly fa fa fa fa la la la *get mouth covered by Garroth*
Garroth: No.
Oreo: Yes
Garroth: No
Oreo: Yes
Garroth: NOO!!
Oreo: Garroth you can't escape the jolly rangers...
Garroth: Wut?
Oreo: *throws bags of Jolly Rangers on Garroth until he falls*
Laurence: Christmas shopping?
Oreo: Christmas shopping!!
Both: Ugh!
Oreo: YAY!!!!! Wait- we need a special guest!
Jacob: Hey-
Oreo: YOUR DEAD TO ME!!!!! *grabs shovel and knocks him out*
Garroth: Dang...
Laurence: Remind me never to get on your bad side....
Oreo: Gurl like I have one! *sassy hair flip* CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both: *groan*
Laurence: I swear it's like were taking care of a two year old on coke cola.
Kateyln: Tell me about it. *points to Aphmau making snow angel on the ground with no snow on it*
Garroth: Switch?
Oreo: I am not Pokemon card! You can't just trade me a- *sees Aphmau* SNOW ANGELS!!!!! *does the same thing Aph is doing*
Laurence: I swear-
Kateyln: There like children.
Oreo: *realizes something* Omg! *whispers* I now ship Kateyln and Laurence for no reason it just feels right now. I can just imagine the fanart- oh no wait it still Gaurence with Lemons. It so hawt.....
Aphmau: KATEYLN!!!!!! Oreo is talking to her self!
Oreo: I felt like breaking the fourth wall but it's too far!

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