Chapter 10: Seen Things

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*Laurence's pov*

I walking through the park. It was about four in the morning. I couldn't sleep. I walk downstairs and see Cadenza.

"Cadenza?" I asked as I walk over to her. It looked like she pouring milk into a cereal bowl.

"Am watching Avatar The Last Airbender marathon on Nicktoons so don't judge me!" She gave me a 'if tell anyone else I will kill you' look. It made sense she was a popular girl that belongs in the Hive mind.

Like those girls who always walk next to each other in the halls, always gossiping, and nobody has a mind of therr own. Like they were aliens from a video game but took place as a teenage girl. Creepy. At home Cadenza is one of the tomboy-ish girls but still had a good sense of fashion obviously.

"Alright, am just going on a walk, I need to clear my head on a few things." I said, Cadenza doesn't think much of it since just continues doing what she was doing. I open the door and walked outside.

All the anger inside me boils me up alive. Again. Why? Why did I get my emotions get the better of me? Ugh! I hate how Aphmau might have loved me! How she waited so long! How normal couples can and do everything together without getting judged! How Lucinda, 'pretended' to be Garroth's date! How Emmalyn found me and Garroth kissing! How people still judge gay people! How nobody still knows nothing about WHAT HAPPEN TO SASHA!!! I punched a tree. I realized I had walked into a park.

I was just so lost in my thoughts.

Then I heard a sound. It sounded like, kissing? Who would be kissing someone at around three o'clock in a park during the summer time? I looked around a bit more. I wish I didn't. It was my worse nightmare could true.

Garroth and Aphmau kissing...

It broke my heart so much. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I froze. It seemed to last forever. I ran even though I wanted to scream at him, I want to scream 'I HATE YOU!!!' Though I couldn't my mouth was silent, but my heart was a explosion.


I walked back inside my house. I closed the door. I sat down, and just cried. I cried, and cried. I couldn't help myself. I felt saw something on the kitchen counter move. I walked over and I saw a text from Garroth.

Senpai: Hey Laurence. What to go on a date later?

I look at my phone with anger and looked up. He really didn't just do that? Did he? I looked back down at my phone and texted:

Laurence: Why? I hate you!

I wanted to throw my phone at the sink. So this is what it feels like to be heartbroken? I hate every single moment of it.

Senapi: Why?

I didn't even hesitate to answer.

Laurence: You know what you did!

I put my phone back on the counter. Before I did I change Garroth's and Aphmau's name.

Baka~Chan, and Evil~Sama.


It has been three days since I saw Garroth and Aphmau kissing. I hated them both, but here I was eating ice cream while being locked in my bedroom. I was heartbroken, I turned on my laptop and went on YouTube. I clicked on a Skydoesgaming video.

"Hey guy, Sky here with... ThatguyBarney, House Owner, and Megan! Today with Gmod prop hunt!" Sky started the video out.

"Bong! Bong!" Barney shouted as he ran away as a lamp. Then only to be shout by Ross. I laughed, well not really, it was the closest thing to a laugh. A chuckle maybe but I didn't think I could laugh again. I heard a knock on my door and then I paused the video. I got up and opened it and saw not one other then Cadenza.

"Wow, you actually opened the door for once." She looked at me and gasped. "Laurence you look like a mess! Go clean yourself! We're going out, sibling boning time. You feel down so I feel down. Am the peppy one of the group, I can't be in a happy while your here being Mr. Emo." She gave me the puppy eyes and fold her hand together. Ugh..

"Fine, give me thirty minutes." I said and pointed at the clock on my phone. "Thirty minutes!"

"YAY!!!!!" She jumped around in happiness and I shut the door. "Hey!" I ingored her and chuckled.


"Come on let's go to Starbucks!!!!" Cadenza begged me over and over again. I sighed.

"Fine." I shouted. She ran to the oh so famous coffee shop. "Basic teenage girl." I walked forward and waited in line behind Cadenza. I looked around. People of different ages and social groups were here.

I saw Aphmau and Kateyln talking about something. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I was starting to get angry again. I stepped out of line and just waited outside. Then I noticed it was a pretty crowded. Then I saw the one face I didn't want to see.

"Garroth." I said and mentality cursed. I rolled my eyes as he walked forward. He saw I wasn't really pleased with him.

"Laurence. Where have you been?" Garroth asked stupidity.

"In reality and it's not very nice." I scoffed. Like he would care or understand. He freaking kissed Aphmau when I thought we had a thing going on!

"What?" (I REALLY want Laurence to go 'AM EMO NOW AND I DON'T CARE!!!' then make him do a emo hair flip. I like that version better! XD) I walked closer to him.

"You cheated on me." I wanted to push him. Shove him, make him fall, make him suffer heartbreak like I did. I couldn't cause it would cause people to want us to fight and peoplr would wonder why and short story short we get baned from the mall. "Am breaking up with you." I wishpered and ran away.


Oreo: Am evil....
Laurence: NO KIDDING!!
Garroth: You killed us!!!
Oreo: Hey! There is a respawn button!
Laurence: Thank Irene there was you-
Oreo: Don't finish, anyway I can be a mix in between.
Garroth: Like what?
Oreo: *smirks* Like s-s-s-s-sp-
Garroth: *hides in corner* Wait wha?
Oreo: So my the special guest for today is-
Travis: Hello their beautiful. I must have dropped down from heaven because you look like my angel!
Oreo: Okay one, no, two, am no angel, three, if you knew the Angel I knew you would rethink about the whole devil and angel thing......
Garroth: Yeah Oreo is no angel.
Oreo: Aww! Thanks!
Laurence: She has this power to make us have weird teenage emotions and make us do things and then write it done and put it on the Internet.
Oreo: Well there went the fourth wall..... You will be missed......
Travis: Okay? Anyway, Cookie is it? You like what you see?
Oreo: Yes. *smiles*
Travis: *gets hopes up*
Oreo: Just follow me.....

~24 hours later~

Travis: *comes out of the basement* AMM FREEE!!!!! *kisses the dirt*
Dante: What happened to Travis?
Travis: THAT GIRL IS INSANE!!! SHE HAS A TORTURE ROOM IN THE BASEMENT!!!! She-she-she *whispers* Made me a believer........
Guys: *burst out laughing*
Oreo: *walks by* Hey guys. Hey Travis.
Oreo: Oh you met Angel. Am so sorry but your soul is in a 'better' place. Yeah........ Well bye!

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