Chapter 12: Stay Secret

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*Aphmau's pov*

I woke up. Feeling horrible, I thought that if I kissed him all my emotions would magical go away. Then I remembered, this wasn't a dream, no fantasy I can escape. No, it was a cruel harsh game of chess. One wrong move and you can be gone. It has been forever since I have seen Garroth or Laurence, and I feel like living poop.

"Kawaii~Chan is here and has made some pancakes for Aphmau~Senpai." Kawaii~Chan enter my room. "Aphmau~Senpai, you have been in that bed all day since Saturday. What is wrong?"

"I kissed Garroth..." I whispered into my pillow while I was hugging it. Sure it was summer but I didn't care.

"Aphmau~Senpai did?!?" Kawaii~Chan shouted in shock. I forgot since she was a cat girl she could hear better than normal humans could.

"It was a mistake. I feel horrible. Both Garroth and Laurence have stopped liking my Instagram photos, texting me, Snapchatting me, and even not answering my calls or voice mail." (*rolls eyes* Ugh, basic teenage girl problems these days... I swear this generation!)

"Really? Maybe you should invite them over here to talk." Kawaii~Chan suggested. I looked at her and her pancakes she made for me. I grabbed one and put in my mouth. I shrugged. Why not. I grabbed my phone and texted them both to come over to my house. I heard the door bell ring.

"That was quick. Kawaii~Chan stay in my room am uh go get the door." I got up from my bed and put my bunny slippers on. I walked to the door thinking it was Kateyln back from her morning run, but it was someone else.

"L-Laurence?!" I closed the door. I was panicking so much. How was he here so fast? I opened the door again. "Sorry, I just didn't think you would be here so fast." I explained.

"Huh? I came over because I need to talk to you." He entered. I noticed he was still in his pajamas too but with a sweater on. Even though it was summer. Gosh how do we not feel this heat on us? Great, and now am sweating. I focused back on Laurance.

"Talk about what? How you basically disappeared after two to three days? You like fell off the face of the Earth. No body has seen you. Where were you?" I asked as he sat down on the couch, he seemed completely out of it.

"I know you kissed Garroth Aphmau." He just said. He said it in a tone of anger, sadness and just bluntness. I was confused.

"What? You saw me kiss Garroth?" I asked in confusion, because that was my overall emotion. Did Laurence still like me? (UGH!!!! She is so full of her self like 'gurl really?') "Why would you care?" I asked him.

"I can't believe am saying this but-" Laurence said as he got up fron the couch. I turned my head because I heard the door bell ring. I ran to go get it.

"Garroth?!" Laurence shouted in question. He seemed so anger right now. Like if he could take a different form when he was anger he would be in that form right now.

"L-Laurence..?" Garroth seemed completely surprised.

"We need to talk now!" Laurence came and walked over to me and Garroth and than grabbed Garroth hand.

He seemed so mad, like a elephant stroming off. Something was different, something had changed dramatically between them. I saw the way Garroth looked at Laurence. It had definitely changed. Yet what?

*Laurence's pov*

I grabbed Garroth's hand and dragged him outside into Aphmau's back yard. I wanted to scream at him. Though I knew better than to do that. I had to find out why he did it, calmly, not aggressively.

"Laurence, how come you haven't texted me? Or call me? Or even-" Garroth was talking and I cut him off.

"I saw you and Aphmau kiss in the park on Saturday." I said not even looking at him or even showing any emotions. "That's why I stopped talking to you and disappeared for the past few days. I was heartbroken." I crossed my arms and my anger turned to sadness. I wanted to cry for help. I needed help.

"Y-you did? Laurence, Aphmau kissed me. I ran away once she did. I couldn't love her..." He paused and grabbed my chin and lightly made me look up. I looked into his eyes. Worried, guilt, sadness was all over his face. Mostly his eyes, thoze beautiful eyes I get lost in. I looked away. I couldn't face him anymore.

"How do I know your not lying?" I questioned. It was a dumb question. I felt hurt. I turned to him and he couldn't even believe me right now.

"Laurance how could you even say that? I-I-I love you." He confessed. He was the one who couldn't look me in the eyes.

"Garroth, I think after this moment. You know what am about to say. It just can't keep going on like this." I looked away.

"Like what?" He questioned. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Us. I love you but, I don't want anything like this to be a secret. Specially behind our own friends trust. Aphmau is hurting, am hurting, your hurting. Who else is going to get hurt? This isn't some fairy tale were dream come true. People hurt no matter what you or I do. We are only hurting ourselves." I paused. That just came out of nowhere. I guess the truth of what I just said hurt me the most.

"Laurance please don't say that." I could heard him trying hold back the tears.

"I love you all but-" Garroth cut me off. I looked him in the eyes. I wanted to slowly start crying. I don't know what is going to happen next but I know it's nothing happy.

"You don't love me enough to stay with me? Is it because am a guy and not some girl like everyone, or should I say girl you've dated." He sounded heart broken. I was too. He started to walk away.

"So I guess this is it than? Isn't it?" I wondered. Garroth stopped.

"I guess so." Garroth whispered. He nodded his head lightly. He walked back inside and closed the door. I fell on my knees and started crying.

Life is not some fairy tale, with a happy ending.

Where the prince gets his princess.

What ever happened to the other knight  in shining armor?

I guess some loves, will always stay secret......


Oreo: Okay how many people generally hate me right now? I just want to go die in a hole and cry and cringe on how bad this book is. I also kind of what to make this the last chapter just to get it over with.
Garroth: *some what crying* WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!
Oreo: D-do what?
Laurance: Don't pretend you don't know! You just wrote this emotional scene like it was nothing! W-WHO DOES THAT?!?!
Oreo: I actually don't know what you are talking about. I have a lot going on my mind these days.
Zane: What could possibly go through, your mind?
Oreo: Meh birthday, Gaurence, one year anniversary of being on Wattpad, failing school, yaoi, animoo, Laurance possibly being brain washed by Gene in Mcd theory, Mcd in general and it's sister series, spring break, testing, friends, the future, future stories, Gaurence, Zanmau, um..... There is also real life, and YouTube and drawing and I can't forget about the Gaurence!
Laurance: What did you say about me being what in what?
Oreo: That sounds so wrong out of context. Hehe! *think about Gaurence*
Garroth: Uh, she doing that weird thing again.
Oreo: *thinking aloud* So, how would that work though? I want him to like be all distance but at the same time ughhhh- Back to rewriting this whole story over. AGAIN!!! I also have to work on- *being blocked out*
Zane: What just-?
Laurance: I have no idea.
Garroth: Let's just leave... *slowly leaves*
Oreo: I generally stop trying to make this funny and don't know what to do I just want to post this so.... BLOOP!!  *clicks publish button*

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