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(You can play the song now)

-1 year later-

Dear Garroth,

When you get this letter it has officially been a year since that summer we spent together.

Then the next....

We spent a whole year just avoiding each other. Then I just left without a trace, I just couldn't bare to handle anything anymore. Everything just seemed to gotten to me. I'm still alive so you don't need to worry about that.

The true of the matter is, that I still love you. No mater how bad we broke it off. I never got to tell you how your smiles lit me up inside.

How, sometimes I wished, somewhere deep inside me I've always wanted to be some type of cliche love story where we were both happy. Where we never had to break up the way we did.

Yet life doesn't work that way and instead kicks you in the balls, makes you fall over, whisper in your ear all the pressure and worries you'll have to deal with the rest of your life.

Along with how much I missed you...

I never got the chance to apologize, I never got the chance to tell you where I was going or where I went. I never got to be that spoiled little, or the over protective boyfriend. I...

I honestly think that the two of us breaking up was stupid, and the way we get together was even stupider. (We kissed once because of a stupid dare an immediately fall in love like come on!)

It just felt so unnatural. Everything, and how it all just happened. Though, I loved every single second. I never thought you were probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Best friend or boyfriend.

Then, that moment I saw you just fade away from me.

I got scared...

I'm sorry it took so long to write this to you Garroth.

I'm sorry that we never got to tell anybody about us. About how we just bottled up our feelings up so much until we exploded. I always felt warmth in your arms in that one moment in summer when you and I were a thing.

I'm sorry we never got to be that cliche love story.

I missed you...

Maybe one day we should meet up again.

Signed Laurance.

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