Chapter 7: Romantic Swing Set

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*Dante's pov*

It was at least five o'clock. I had walked to the park with Kawaii~Chan... and other people I wish would disappear.

It looked like she totally had forgotten about our date. Why would you think that you may asked? She was only talking to Aphmau and Katelyn the whole movie. I mean it was the first date, but still. She payed no attention to me what so ever. It's not like we are going to have a kid in fifteen years! Or something like that...

I looked over at Garroth and Laurence. They hadn't been talking much and are behind everyone else and slowly falling behind.

"So... Garroth and Laurence, why you too hanging out?" I asked. "I mean.. Why were you at the movies?" I saw them when I walked in. They were freaking holding hands! But of course I wouldn't tell them I saw. Kawaii~Chan was in the bathroom while I was buying popcorn. Beside if I told her she would go all gasp! 'KAWAII~CHAN KNEW SOMETHING WAS HAPPENING BETWEEN GARROTH~KUN AND LAURENCE~KUN!!!!' Then she would make all the fanart and make an like room where she would pray her otp would come closer. Or something like that...

"Lucinda asked if we wanted to see a movie and that was it." Laurence said still looking down. I wonder what was going through his Laurence mind. Probably Aphmau, like always. Something was off. I wanted to know! Stupid curiosity!

"No, you two were at the movies before Lucinda and Emmalyn." I said.

"We got there early." Garroth said.

"So why were you crossing you fingers when you told Kateyln you were on a date with Lucinda?" I asked. He was really annoyed at my questions.

"Because I don't want to sit next to Aphmau. I wanted to next to-" Garroth said before he could finish his sentence Laurence hit him with his elbow. "Ow!"

"I think you should shut up Garroth." Laurence said in a threatening way. They kinda look cute together. I laughed and turned back around and I shrugged. I only did that so I could trick them into thinking I wasn't on to them. It was something Gene had taught me. Before he disappeared. I had looked up and saw the entering to the park.

"Central park!" Aphmau shouted as she grabbed Kateyln by the arms and ran. Emmalyn and Lucinda had walked off. Which was weird since Lucinda was on a date with Garroth. Or was she?

"Laurence, follow me I want to show you something!" Garroth said and grabbed Laurence's hand as Laurence blushed. Wait, HE WAS BLUSHING!!!!! Then they ran off.

"Kawaii~Chan you saw that too? Right?!" I shouted/asked her.

"Um.. Kawaii~Chan didn't saw what Dante~Kun saw." She asked. She put her head down. I hugged her.

"Hey, let's so into the park. It's a nice day for the date." I said. She looked up and smiled. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Let's go Dante~Kun!!!" She grabbed my hand as we enter the park and official started the date.


We were just walking around. Talking about our hopes and dreams. Our childhood.

"Kawaii~Chan never really went to parks. Kawaii~Chan never had a normal childhood because she is Me'wfa. Kawaii~Chan only had one friend. She than found out that she was just using her. So Kawaii~Chan ran away and moved her with Aphmau~Senpai. Aphmau~Senpai is a real friend to Kawaii~Chan." Kawaii~Chan said and sighed. I felt bad for her.

"Well my childhood wasn't peachy either. I had a brother named G-G-G- I can't say his name." She frowned.

"Why not Dante~Kun?" She asked me.

"It's like a forbidden word." She put her head on my shoulder. I continued, "Do you remember the kids that went missing a few years ago? At a camp during a dance?" She nodded her head.

"Kawaii~Chan was so scared for them. The police never found the bodies? Right Dante~Kun?" She asked. I looked into her eyes. Instead of happiness it was replaced with fear.

"They never found the bodies. One of those kids was my brother." I shed a tear.

"Kawaii~Chan is so sorry. Sometimes Kawaii~Chan forgets about other people's feelings." She smiled.

"Hey, Kawaii~Chan, do you want to see the one part of my childhood that isn't ruined?" I asked.

"Kawaii~Chan would love to see." She smiled. I went to the other side of the park. Passed the basketball court were I met Laurence, he was hit Garroth with a basketball and he cried as Zane laughed, pass the tennis court were Aphmau once dare us to play as mermaids the whole time once when we were nine, and one play that would always stand out to me the most, my childhood..

"The swing set." I said. I stopped holding Kawaii~Chan's hand and ran. It was some what hidden behind a few trees and bushes. I looked behind and saw something that I can never forget...

Garroth and Laurence....


Goodbye childhood...

The one piece that wasn't ruined or tainted....

We had a good run...

"Dante~Kun? Are you alright?" Kawaii~Chan asked. I snapped back into reality. I turned around with a blank face. What would I tell her?!

"Yes, just a... bee sting!" I lied. She shrugged it off. "Okay! Kawaii~Chan! Let. us. go. to. the. swing sets! Hoping. we. find. no. one. kissing. or anything! At all!!" I shouted hoping they got the message. We walked on the trail. I saw Garroth and Laurence pretending to act normal. Well mostly Garroth failing at actually causal. Like always as Laurence facepalmed.

"Oh, hey guys!" Laurence said trying his hardest not to blush, which he was failing at.

"So you don't mind if me and Kawaii~Chan sit here. Do you?" I asked.

"N-no n-not at all." Garroth said stuttering. There was the stutter king! I sat down on a swing as Kawaii~Chan hesitated to sit down.

"Kawaii~Chan just sit down. It's fun." She nodded. She still hesitated to sit down but slowly did. She laugh once she sat down.

"Do you want me to push you?" I asked. Fear over came her.

"W-why would Dante~Kun do that?!" She shouted in confusion.

"It's want normal people do. It feels like your flying." Laurence explained. She nodded. I stood up and walk over to her.

"Kawaii~Chan just hold on tight to the chains. Everytime you go up put your legs out. Everytime you go down you put you legs back in. Okay, so now back up." She back up. "Okay so relax and close your eyes if you feels scared." She nodded. "Now let just let go."

"Dante... I trust you..." I was surprised she just said my name.. normally?! She looked at me and smiled. Softy. Next thing you know I am pushing her. She giggled and I noticed one minute her eyes are closed, then next they are wide open. She was beautiful.


Oreo: Oh! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! *continues singing Jingle bells*
Laurence: I really do not want to do this..
Oreo: Grinch!
Garroth: Laurence, when were done making cookies you are not getting nun!
Laurence: Awww man! It's not like I ate 1/4th of your cookie dough when you weren't looking. *gasp and sits back down on the couch*
Kawaii~Chan: Laurence~Kun!! Kawaii~Chan is not happy about this! She just wanted to do something nice for her friends for Christmas! *pouts*
Oreo: *whispers to Kawaii~Chan* Don't worry, we can murder him with my Shovel.... after Christmas.
Garroth: The cookies are almost done!
Oreo: Something is going to go wrong I know it.
Laurence: Why?
Oreo: Cause am here.
Garroth: And?
Oreo: And, I have never used a oven in my life so I feel like something is going to explode. In three, two, one- *ducks and hides behind counter*
Kawaii~Chan: Oreo~Chan, nothing happened...
Oreo: That's what the government WANTS you to think.... *peeks and takes a bit of frost and licks it and goes back down to hide*
Laurence: You have weird thoughts...
Oreo: Tell that to Tumblr.
Garroth: Okay..? *hears something* The cookies are done!
Garroth: Want one? Kawaii~Chan helped us make some Christmas cookies.
Garroth: This is off the market... Am dating Oven~Senpai now. You should have loved me when you had the chance.
Oreo: *burst out laughing* Not this again!
Laurence: HEY!!! You stole my line!!!
Garroth: What? My love? *trying his best not to laugh*
Oreo: Oh gawd!! There is two of him now!!! *still laughing*
Aphmau: Old cassnova Vs. New timer cassnova... *starts laughing* GO!!!
Laurence: No one is a better cassnova than me!
Oreo: Laurence I don't think that's good thing.
Kawaii~Chan: They are not being serious.... right Aphmau~Senpai?
Garroth: Please, we don't have to fight my love... Cookie? *tries his hardest not to laugh*
Laurence: Don't you dare my love me! I did that way before you knew me! *getting angry*
Garroth: Oven~Senpai is still mine though...
Laurence: What?
Garroth: I getting married to Oven~Senpai.
Oreo: W-what?
Laurence: I quit... Oven~Senpai doesn't notice me anymore.....
Oven~Senpai: Am out. *walks away*
Everyone: O-O ?!?!
Oreo: Am high on sugar I swear! *faints*

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