Chapter 8: Photos and Deletes

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*Aphmau's pov*

Click. I took a picture of the little pond. It was a small little part of the park but it was great. Kateyln rolled her eyes. She just doesn't understand. One day, this will all be gone.

"I don't understand! Why pictures? Of all things!" Kateyln shouted. She groaned. I took my Polaroid camera and took another picture. This time of Kateyln. I grabbed the photo and showed her.

"One day, all of this things won't be here. If nobody is going to capture the moment, I will." She still wasn't impressed.

"Aphmau, do you think Garroth and Laurence like each other?" She asked. I stared at her.

"No way, their like bros-"

"They hang out, there like brothers, they fool around, they share secret. I don't buy it. The night of the sleepover, something changed. You can see it in the way they looked at each other. It's not the same." She explained. I still think everything was the same. Maybe Garroth doesn't have feelings for me, so.. nothing changed. Maybe it was just her.

"Kateyln, not everyone is on the Gaurence train, maybe it's just you wanting your ship to sail." I grabbed the camera and put it in my sassy purse. It was quiet for a moment.

"Are you sure Aphmau? How do you know, am still new to this love thing, the closest thing I had to love was... J-Jeffory." She sighed. "Can we just go?"

"Sure Kateyln."


*Garroth's pov*

There was my two friends. Guy and girl, having the best moment of there lives. I was happy for them. Though I now understand what Laurence was saying.

We can't do normal couple stuff. We can just sit and watch as we see them have fun. I don't think anything was going to change that. Maybe one day, but that one day is not today.

"Hehehe! Dante~Kun was right! It was amazing!" Kawaii~Chan cheered. Dante was still pushing her. He had that twinkle in his eye. Like Kawaii~Chan. They both had it. It was their memory, forever, that moment when they realized they were meant for each other. It happens all the times in Phoenix Drop. It was like a magical place. 

I wish that moment that moment can happen with me and Laurence. I love him...


"Got it!" Aphmau walked forward as Katelyn followed behind her and groaned.

"Got what exactly?" I asked and walked over to her. She seemed excited, I noticed she had a camera. A photo was slolwy coming out.

"I took a picture of this beautiful moment." Aphmau said happily and gave it to me so I could see. It was a boy and a girl. Having a romantic. Then two boys, in the background just being awkward.

"Well this was a funny day. Am going home. Garroth want to come over?" I looked up and looked at Laurence. I smiled and nodded my head. Why not?

"Sure." I smiled and he smiled. I looked over at Dante. He looked like he was about to barf.

"Gosh am going to be sick." Dante said and ran. I heard vomit. I wonder what his deal was. He actually seemed sick.

"Group photo?" Aphmau asked. She had those old-ish cameras in her. Everyone agreed. We all took a picture. I had notice Laurence quickly kissed me cheek when no one was looking after the flash. Though we shook so many photo for Aphmau I didn't think anyone was going to notice. I blushed. Kateyln looked up from the picture.

"Garroth why are you blushing?" Kateyln asked. My eyes widened. What was I going to say?

"If he wants to blush let him. Let's go girls." Aphmau said and walked away with Kawaii~Chan and Kateyln and after a while it was just me and Laurence on the swings.

"How long do you think we can keep this up Garroth?" Laurence asked. I shrugged.

"Probably until we break up. Though I don't want that to happen. I love you." I blushed. Laurence kissed me.

"I don't ever want to break up with you Garroth. I love you too much." Laurence said. I blushed harder.

"Haha... What do you think our parents will think?" I questioned.

"Stop worrying about that stuff. Let go to my house Garroth. Cadenza is out shopping until seven. Hayden is doing some business back in Meteli. So it just you and me in the house." He smirked. I knew where this was going.

"Laurence what are you saying?" I asked him. I smirked. Pelase say it! Please say it! I leaned closer.

"Maybe we could Netflix and chill?" (Me and my irl friends call it Netflex and burn. We are know we are weird) HE SAID IT!!! YASS!!! I just smiled. I was so glad that Laurence was just so straight forward. I would never have the strength to ask him.

"Maybe?" I smiled. (Oh gosh the cringeworthyness. Is that even a word? When I reread that part I could just.... All the lemons man. *shivers* Lemons.... Still getting use to it. Though this isn't even a lemon chapter. That just shows so much!) I grabbed Laurence's hand. I kissed him on the cheek. He got put and rolled his eyes. He laughed.

"Come follow me." Laurence said, he started running. I ran after. I smiled. I think my eyes twinkled.


*Kateyln's pov*

I hate when people keep secrets. I looked threw the photo that Aphmau took. They were pretty good. I looked at the group photo one. Oh gosh! There was me. I laughed. I grabbed the photos. Aphmau let me have them.

"What do we have here?" I saw a photo with Garroth blushing. I only saw him. I grabbed the picture. I saw something I didn't think I should have. My eyes widened.

I dropped the photo.

My mouth dropped.

I covered my mouth. I had to tell someone! I was walking back and forth in my room. Gosh. I just stared at my desk woth the pictures. I grabbed the photo and examined it.

Me acting silly to the far right. Kawaii~Chan being the seriously silly type, aka making fun of me. Aphmau and her arm taking the picture. Dante barfing in the background. Laurence and Garroth.

I shook my head.

It couldn't be. Though here was the photo proof. Laurence kissing Garroth on the cheek, and here was Garroth. He was blushing. I dropped the photo. I grabbed my phone. I took a picture. I am going to put it on Twitter.

Than I started thinking.

This was Garroth and Laurence's business. Nothing was mine. It was there choice to keep it secret. Not mine.

I was so close to posting it on Twitter. They would become a laughing stock. My fault. I clicked cancel. I deleted the photo from my phone. I grabbed the photo and put it in my box of secrets.

Cause there relationship was a secret.


Oreo: RAWR!!!
Garroth: My gosh!
Laurence: Please make no lemons happen.
Oreo: Who said lemons were happening? I keep it pg. I well just write the part AFTER the lemon. HEHEHEHE!!!!!
Garroth: Gosh.
Laurence: Why?
Boys: What?
Oreo: It new Gaurence book. Nuff said.
Garroth: Why did you say 2016?
Oreo: I said NUFF SAID!!!!! (Check my profile for more information)
Laurence: Gosh it was a question. Now what do we have to do today? I swear Oreo if you say Christmas shopping I will kill you.
Oreo: No. THOUGH THAT IS A GOOD IDEA!!!! I was going to say we were going to the moon but....
Boys: *says sarcastically* Christmas shopping!
Oreo: NO!!!
Boys: What?
Oreo: I want to go to Hawaii (Ha-we-we)
Laurence: You said it wrong...
Oreo: No I didn't Laurence. Now OFF TO HAWAII!!!!! (Ha-we-we)

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