||| Chapter 1 |||

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[ Jake's POV ]

It's been only one day since I confessed to Hailey, now that I think about it, it's hard to keep it a secret from the club and the jomies

But me and Hailey love each other, and nothing is going to change that. Nothing.

I honestly don't care about my fangirls, the only girls I have fallen heads-over-heels in love with was Hailey and Daisy. Daisy first and then Hailey. 

Hailey's delicate turquoise hair, her stormy grey eyes, her leathery pink coat and then her smile that seemingly, somehow, lights up the whole room...

I could say so much more, but thing is.. I can't.

Because right now, I'm in the music room. I'm good at hiding blush, but when it comes to thinking so much good things about my crush it gets to the point where I can't hide it.

Seriously, Milly is staring at me, I can't risk blushing over Hailey

I can tell from the mischievous glint in her eye and smirk plastered on her face she wants to ask about Daisy, tease me even.

This happens a lot, I already know to think about Hailey when Milly asks me about Daisy because it makes me blush

Before lunch and practice officially ends, Milly walks up to me, and asks the most usual question ever.

"Have you confessed to Daisy yet?" Milly asks with a smirk, I start thinking about Hailey. And as usual, it works, my face starts heating up to the point where I almost look like a tomato.

"N-no" I stutter and lie.

"Chicken!" Milly spits out, and starts making chicken noises

"I am not a chicken!" I protest, I managed to confess to Daisy last month (it felt like a few days, turns out it wasn't) and confessed to Hailey? I can't tell Milly that though, and besides, the only chicken I see here is Milly.

Something new happens though,

"Then why don't you go confess to her~?" Milly says, acting dramatic while wiggling her eyebrows

"W-what! N-no!" I protest, my eyes widen as even more blush creeps onto my face, because now I'm thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Ugh, fine" Milly says as the bell rings to signal the end of lunch.

While everybody walks out, Hailey looks at me quickly.

"See you after school, princess~" I whisper to her with a wink. I see her face turn red.

"You too dork" she says whilst rolling her eyes as I leave the room

I look around before me and Hailey leave, nobody is around looking at us...

I kiss her cheek quickly before walking out, seeing her face turn even more redder than before.

[ Time Skip ~ After School ]

Today, we don't have practice after school, it's just me and my princess working on a song together.

I open the door to the music room gently, peeping my head inside to see her gorgeous turquoise hair and stormy grey eyes concentrated on a brown notebook which has music notes on the front.

"Hey princess~" I flirt, walking into the music room as her lovely grey eyes look up at me

"Hey dork." Hailey says, with a shy smile

"Why do you call me dork? You could call me a another name?" I say, pulling out a chair from the desk and sitting on it

"Well, what do you have in mind?" She says, raising an eyebrow as she looks at me

"Mmm... Prince Charming?" I suggest, as I see her roll her eyes with a smirk

"How about this: derp or simp are your choices?" Hailey tells me while smiling

"I think dork is fine" I say

"Anyways, we better get working on the song." She says as she grabs her black pen and starts writing in the notebook

"Sure thing Princess~!" I tell her, scooting my chair closer to hers as we start thinking of ideas

[ 3:50 (10 minutes before they leave) ]

"I think that's enough for writing for today." Hailey says, finally looking up from her notebook

"Yep!" I smile.

I can tell Hailey wants to say something but she's not sure if it'll bother me or not

"Milly seems to be more..." Hailey starts to speak before biting her tongue

"More what?" I ask, even though I already know what she's going to say

"More wanting to have you ask Daisy out-" she says before I interrupt her

"You know I'm not. Besides, she'd say no to me again, and Milly and the others would probably spy on me. So I'm not." I say firmly, looking into her seemingly perfect grey eyes

She smiles at me as I grab her hand and squeeze it with a reassuring smile on my face

"Thanks Jake," Hailey says, scooting her chair closer to mine

"Anything for my Princess~" I say, bringing her hand up and pecking it as I see a light blush creep up on her face

She looks up at the clock as I set her hand back down on the table

"Oh it's four, we better get home!" She says, I let go of her hand as she grabs her notebook and rushes out of the room

I run out to the hallway "See you tomorrow Princess!" I call to her as she waves goodbye to me

God. What did I do to deserve such an angel?

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