||| Our Secret |||

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[ Jake's POV ]

Don't get me wrong, I've lied to the jomies and the music club before.

But this lie, isn't like the other ones

Firstly, me liking Daisy is one of them. I loved her, yes, but I lost feelings for her recently... and my feelings moved onto someone else. And I love them even more than I loved Daisy.

Secondly, I lied about being rejected by Daisy. A few days ago, the jomies wouldn't stop bothering me about confessing to her- I had lost feelings for her already- so I had. She rejected me, but I told the jomies "she's thinking about it"

To be honest, I do want to tell the jomies who my crush is and how I don't have feelings for Daisy anymore. But how would I? 

"Hey guys! Even though I've liked Daisy for about 3 years now, I don't like her anymore! Oh and, I think I like the girl we bullied ever since freshman year!"

I can already see the awkward and disapproving looks they would give me- but I can't blame them, if my friend said something like that too me out of the blue I would be weirded out.

But for now, I have to keep it a secr-

"Jake!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I whip my head around to look dead in the eyes with Drew's dark brown eyes. He taps his fingers on the table while expecting me to say something

"O-oh! What was that Drew?" I choke out

Drew rolls his eyes and scowls, "I said, isn't it time for your 'freak clubs' practice?"

"Oh! Yeah! Shoot! I'll see you later guys!" I lie, grabbing the boring blue tray and run out of the cafeteria after dumping it into the trash

Correction, we don't have practice today. But, I did ask Hailey to meet me in the music room in a ten minutes, so I have time

I walk over to my locker, when I open it I see the blood-red rose that I was planning to give Hailey

'It's now or never' I think, as I grab the rose and walk over to the music room

[ Hailey's POV ]

Jake asked me to meet him in the music room in about ten minutes, but me, being the early bird I am, came early.

I wonder what he wants to ask me, perhaps it's something about the competition. What if he calls me that blistering annoying nickname that I love the heck out of again?

Alright, I'm just going to say it, I've had a crush on Jake for awhile now. He's so flirty and cocky all of the time, but I love to see him smile. And I love seeing him just saying the truth. I want to know more about him and his past, he's already told me that he was bullied in middle school, but I could tell there was more. But I decided not to push him to tell me.

I would've told someone else about my crush in the club, but Sean would just tease me about it silently (nudging me and stuff), Milly would expose me in the span of a day and tease me about it relentlessly, Luke would tell Zander because he couldn't hide much from his "Honeybun", and Zander...

Well, Zander wouldn't even support the idea, give me a lecture about why Jake (or douchebag, according to Zander) wasn't worthy enough to me. He would kill Jake. And he wouldn't let Jake near me or leave me and Jake alone in the same room with each other.

I sigh as I look at the time, he should be here by now, but we all know how late Jake could be

"Sorry I'm late princess!" I hear a peach haired boy as he walks through the door and shuts it behind him

"It's fine, and also, I told you to stop calling me that!" I say, even though I love when he calls me that annoying nickname

He walks up to me, his hands behind his back as he stares into my eyes. I look back into his enchanting wood brown eyes, his cheeks are dusted lightly with blush, his peach colored hair is slightly messy like it always is. God why did he have to be so hot?

He snaps back to reality suddenly and starts to speak

"I- Hailey- well, first I wanted to give you this!" He squeaks, as he reveals a blood-red rose from behind his back, he extends his hand and generously gives me the flower

'Okay, this is definitely not a way to start a question about the competition' I think as my cheeks start growing hotter

"Okay- thanks?" I question, fiddling with the rose in my hand as I glance back at him, only to feel my cheeks get hotter

"S-secondly," Jake starts with a stutter as he looks back at the ground, his face is practically red now as he continues to talk. "I-I like-"

I don't know if I'm correct about what he's going to say next, but I hope he is. It's probably not Hailey! Stop getting your hopes up! 

"-you" he finishes, he looks over at me again, at this point I'm redder than him

"I understand if you don't like me back bu-" Jake starts once again, but I pull him in for a kiss

Seconds later we pull away, both of us are blushing messes. We look at each other, I'm practically squeezing the rose. But, one question is left unsaid: how would our friends feel about this?

"W-what are we now?" I stutter. Brushing a strand of my turquoise colored hair behind my ear shyly

Jake takes a second before answering, "I think we're dating?" He chuckles nervously

The silence yet again returns, but its much shorter

"M-maybe we should keep... us a secret?" Jake requests. "I don't think the jomies would approve if I told them we were dating..." He mumbles quietly.

I nod my head in agreement, "I don't think Zander would approve either, you still haven't gained all his trust- don't get me wrong, he trusts you... just not that much" I tell him, looking up into his brown eyes

"A secret relationship" Jake says. I nod, and then he pulls me into a passionate kiss.

Our secret.

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