||| Chapter 10 |||

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[ Zander's POV ]

'What the fuck did I just do?' I think to myself as I lay in my bed

'I just hit my own sister, not even once' I think to myself again, hearing the rain and thunder from outside

I made Hailey bleed... 

When I was hitting her I felt like I was my father, the man I promised to never become...

Yet why did hitting her feel so... good? So freeing, like freeing myself from stress. Bringing out my own pain onto someone else (who didn't deserve it, mind you)

And at the same time it felt so bad, did wrong, terrible. I wanted to hug them more than I wanted to hurt them. How would mom feel when she found out? She would probably be afraid of me, a living resemblance of my own stupid father

I held the bed sheets tighter, tears welling in my eyes. Hailey probably would never trust me... never trust me again

Yet, because of this I want to go back in the room and just hit her mo- Zander! No Zander! That's bad, hitting your sister is bad!

I exhale heavily, my breath shaky. What the heck is happening to me? Why do I want to do this?

'Well, maybe if she broke up with that douche I wouldn't be doing this!' I think with a snarl

It's probably that douches fault I'm like this...

[ Hailey's POV ]

Blood runs down my face, I can barely stand without tripping over myself, my legs have bruises and scratches ran over them and I'm exhausted- and my body fucking aches!

I didn't even know Zander was that strong... why did he even hit me?! They're was not a reason to resort to violence, besides... why would I break up with Jake? That's just stupid

I wish Zander was like his past self, before the drama, snarky, mature... now he's acting so rude, I don't even know why! Why can't he just support- or at least respect- me and Jake's relationship? It would've made things way easier!

I stagger to my bed, tripping over myself repeatedly before I just decide to crawl to my bed. It still hurts but at least I'm not tripping

Once I manage to crawl onto my bed I start crying, Jake, I miss him so goddamn much! I want him with me by my side! Zander, acting so rude and unsupportive- what did Jake even do?! I get that he bullied us, but it's in the past, all has been forgiven?

Thoughts repeatedly thunder in my head as I finally cry myself to sleep

[ Daisy's POV ]

I will admit, I did feel a bit bad for rejecting Jake.. but I did see Jake confess to Hailey on my way to the student council so that confirmed that he didn't like me in the first place, I could tell he didn't like me- or maybe he did and was good at hiding it.. but I doubt that

The midnights breeze flows through my white hair, my light blue eyes concentrated at the stars in the sky, it's beautiful. It also reminds me of the time Sean sang when I was crying that one time

Me and him have been talking to each other a lot, I don't even know what this emotion is whenever I talk to him, my heart starts to flutter and my cheeks turn a rose pink

I don't stutter, my moms taught me never to stutter when talking to someone in a conversation, so I've gotten used to that one

Suddenly, I see three people I hadn't expected to be here

Jake, Milly and...


My heart starts beating faster as I make my way towards them, Sean is the first one to see me

"Hey Daisy!" Sean greets me when I stand in front of them

"Hey you three! What are you guys doing here?" I ask them with a smile

"Oh! Just talking! What about you?" Milly asks me

"Oh, my mom thought it would be good for me to take a walk so I'm heading back home now!" I tell them

"Well..." Jake starts uneasily, looking over at Sean and Milly "we better head back to our houses now too... it's really late!" Jake says, forcing out a laugh as Sean and Milly start nodding in agreement

"Oh! We'll see you three tomorrow if I can!" I say happily, noticing that there is a few bandages on Jake 

As we all walk away from each other, I can tell there was more they could've said. Something that I needed to know, thankfully Jake's house going that path takes a longer time to get too, the path I'm on should lead me to Jake's house so maybe I can ask his sister, Julie, what's going on and try to help

'I hope it works...' I think to myself as I start heading to Jake's house

* A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, there wasn't supposed to be much drama here and my phone is at 13% sooo see ya next chapter? *

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