||| Chapter 9 |||

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[ Jake's POV ]

"Jake! Are you okay?!" My friend, Milly asks me, concerned. As I look at her in confusion

"Wha- what?" I mutter, attempting to sit up but my body, which aches, forces me to lay back down on the muddy grass

"I found you here unconscious! And your bleeding!" Milly yelps, poking at me

Suddenly, everything comes back to me- what happened before I got knocked out by Drew

"Drew." I croak, my body getting more strength to sit up

"Did Drew knock you out? If he did I'll knock him out! See how he likes that!" Milly says, wavering her arms into the air

"Yes... Drew did knock me out" I mutter, Milly looks like she's about to murder someone. "But leave Drew to me, I'm fine."

"Jake, your bleeding! And you say that your fine?!" She yells at me

I see her face light up suddenly "I saw Elliot! He told me that you got a rose from the garden but it wasn't for Daisy- who was it for? Did they say yes? Who are they?" Milly pounds me with questions, her eyes lighting up

"I thought it would be obvious... especially since Zander is so mad at me.." I mumble, looking away from her

"Your dating Hailey?!" Milly gasps "oh my gosh! My ship! EEK!" She squeals, jumping up and down energetically

"Mhm..." I say, balling my fist up in an attempt to not cry, I miss Hailey, I want to just hug her and kiss her all over her face to let her know that I love the fuck out of her no matter what happens, sadly, there are a few problems

"You said Zander's mad at you? Wh- oh.." Milly starts, realizing why Zander would be mad at me

"What happened?" She asked me, I look up at her and suck in my breath,

"Well..." I start to explain to her

When I'm done explaining to her everything that had happened Milly just sits there in silence and shock at what has been happening

"Sean definitely needs to know about this!" Milly screams

"I- fine okay."

The bell suddenly rings for next period

"Well, see you after school with Sean, I've already skipped two periods!" Milly laughs "I think you should go to the nurses though" she says to me, pointing at my scars

"Yeah... yeah I should" I state, getting up, I start to trip over but Milly catches me

"Yeahhh... I'll just bring you over there myself..." Milly says, as we walk to the nurses office together

[ Lia's POV ~ Lia's House ]

Ever since Zoey figured out I was lesbian she's been making my life a living hell, her and her friends have been sending me death threats, spreading disgusting rumors about me and have started picking on me, basically taking my stuff.

I wrap the black jacket around my shoulders, looking at my phone and ignoring the death threats Zoey and her friends are devoting their time to make and send

I have already been through this, in middle school when I had been friends with Hailey... and hadn't decided to become friends with Zoey yet

Now that I'm thinking of Hailey, I wish I could help her, even if we still became friends after I would've been fine with it because me and Hailey lost touch (other than me and Zoey picking on her) after I became friends with Zoey.

One mistake I can never take back.

I turn off my phone, setting it down. A certain thought running through my mind

I basically started this mess by sending the recording to Zander.

[ Hailey's POV ~ After School ]

I wonder why Jake didn't show up to practice today, is he okay? Did something happen? Did Zander threaten him?

I rub my arm softly as more thoughts of why Jake didn't show up to practice today ponder in my head... I want to get out of here-

Wait... I'm dumb... I could've just called my parents!

I grab my phone and quickly unlock it to call Shannon or my dad,

After awhile of searching for their contacts I realize that Zander must've deleted theirs too... I search a bit more for their contacts in desperation

'No no no no... NO!!!' I scream in my head when I realize it's real, Zander deleted their contacts.

Dang it...

I groan, lying back onto my bed, wrapping myself up in the pink sheets. Ever since Luke came over a few days ago to convince Zander to at least let me out of the bedroom Zander doesn't let him stay over after school, he also asked Luke before then if he could take care of Bethany...

So hopefully Bethany is okay.

As I bring my head under the covers I hear the lock on my door click open. I whip the covers over my head to see my ridiculously, stupid grape-headed step-brother, Zander standing at the door. His hair is a mess, his suit is wrinkled and he looks almost psychotic... almost

"Hailey.." Zander mumbles "I- I want to talk to you.."

"What? What do you want to say?" I snarl

An awkward tension fills the room, covering it in silence as me and Zander just glare at each other, Zander shatters the silence

"I- I don't really support your relationship with Jake..." Zander says, looking away

"You don't think I've noticed?" I tell him, waving my arms vigorously in the air

"I want you to break up with him." Zander finish's, crossing him arms as my eyes widen

"Excuse me?" I snarl

"You heard me."

"I'm not breaking up with him because your stupid ass told me too!" I scream, standing up from my bed and taking a few steps towards my step-brother who has a grape for a head

"Yes, you are!" Zander stomps, walking towards me while balling his fist

"And what's going to make me do that?!" I scream

Zander raises his hand to hit me and I ball up my fist to strike him back

"This will!" Zander yells in anger as he strikes me across the face

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