||| Chapter 12 |||

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[ Lia's POV ~ Lunchtime ]

I see Jake quickly run out of the cafeteria, leaving Drew and his other 'friends' behind.

How am I supposed to explain to him why I sent the recording? He won't even talk to me, and whenever I do he pushes me away... I need to explain to him why I sent the recording, even if it makes him hate me more

I stand up quickly, running out of the cafeteria to try and attempt to talk to him, thankfully, he doesn't see me

He zones out, he doesn't hear my heels clicking against the marble floor

I tap his shoulder and he whips his head towards me in surprise, I start to talk

"J-Jake- I-I wanna explain w-why I sent the audio..." I manage to stutter out while he crosses his arms

"Yeah! Sure you can!" Jake laughs out, his statement followed by a snarl

"I was jealous! Okay?" I managed to yell out, without stuttering

"Jealous of what? Hailey?" Jake hisses, rolling his eyes in annoyance

"N-no!" I scream out "I was jealous of you!"

"You- you liked Hailey?" Jake gasps in shock, as he wavers his hand over the bandages on his face and holds his head in his hands

"Y-yes..." I muttered, caressing my arm lightly

Just as Jake was about to say something the bell rang and I scurried quickly to my next class, without looking back even though Jake was calling for me

I made it to my science class, on time and went to sit next to my least favorite person, Zoey. She and her friends have been bullying me for days now, and I hate it to the core. As the teacher talks Zoey passes me various notes that have almost no effect on me

I keep passing her back the notes while concentrating on the board, basically showing Zoey that I had no interest in her stupid clown games

It barely effected me,


[ Hailey's POV ~ The Next Day ]

The cheerful, yellow lockers are the opposite of my mood today. Thankfully I can walk (which is a good thing) and secondly, I managed to cover up all my scars.

I walk to my locker and unlock it, my turquoise hair put neatly in its ponytail that cascades down my back, a note falls out of my locker and I manage to catch it before it falls to the ground

'What the hell is this?' I think, opening the letter, the paper brushes against my fingertips

To: Hailey Austin

Hello! Me and my friend were wanting to know if you wanted to meet us behind the school? Like today? After school? Y'know, y'know! Uh- yeah you'll see who we are later! Oh- you said you'll go hurrah! See you there bye. (P.S. it's behind the school)

After I'm finished reading the letter I'm left absolutely confused, what the hell did I just read again? Who even left me the letter?

After school... behind the school

Who even sent me this letter was unwilling to reveal themselves, why though?

Well, I'm sure any place is better than being locked in my bedroom with Zander... I'm sure I can go... what could possibly go wrong? Besides, any place was better than my bedroom at the moment. Yet, my gut told me that I should just stay in the bedroom, and that the bedroom was better than going behind the school.

I brushed this off as me being cautious, shut my locker and went to class.

My gut was right.

[ Jake's POV ~ After School ]

Lia was in love with Hailey?

Are we talking about the same Hailey? Is there some other Hailey in the school?

So that's why she sent the recording, because she loved Hailey and was jealous of me? Huh, that's new.

Yesterday, I had told Sean about what had happened, he said he understood and that he was fine with me and Hailey's relationship..

Well, that was good right?

I continued walking to my house, completely zoning out as I walked on the sidewalk, tugging my, lovely and amazing jacket continuously

I wondered how Hailey was doing, I noticed Hailey was tripping over herself and she looked like she was in pain every single moment I looked at her, she looked fine but I could tell she really wasn't.

I was confused on why Hailey may have been feeling this way, was she okay?

It was official: we sucked at keeping our relationship a secret. Heck, so bad that we had to tell Milly, Sean and Luke

I still couldn't keep it off my mind, the hope that Hailey was okay, the hope that I would get to even touch Hailey's delicate skin again... it almost seemed impossible at this point, but I was desperate...

I had to keep trying

[ Hailey's POV ~ Behind the school, After School ]

My gut kept trying me to turn back, every step I took sent a message to my brain, turn back, but I refused to listen and kept walking on the mushy, overgrown grass

I stopped in my tracks and leaned against the harsh, brick wall to wait for the mysterious 'people'

I prayed that this wasn't a joke, and that I wouldn't start wishing that it was actually a joke later.. oh boy, did I indeed wish it was a joke later

As I waited patiently, my mind wandered off to Jake. I wanted to see him again, hug him, kiss him, I don't care what just anything. I wished Zander could support us, heck- I even wished the jomies supported our relationship

Ever so suddenly, while I was thinking about Jake, I felt something hard hit my head, causing me to fall over on the grass

I tried to scream, but I could practically see stars in my eyes, someone covered my eyes with a black cloth and covered my mouth to carry me

"I'm sorry, Hailey..." I heard a familiar voice say to me sadly. Then everything went back

[ Hailey's POV ]

My heart beated steadily against my chest, everything slowly came back to me as my eyes started to flutter open. I tried to move just to realize I was tied to a wooden chair, with ropes tied around my waist, hands and legs

"Wha-what the hell..." I muttered, my eyes widening realizing that there was no turning back from this

"Hello Hailey." A familiar voice said, I could recognize the voice yet I couldn't pinpoint who's voice it was exactly

"W-who are you?!" I yelled in fear "Where am I?!"

"Your in my basement if you would want to call it that.." the voice said

"What are you going to do to me?!" I screamed, trying to wiggle my way out of the ropes in an attempt to get out

"You'll see Hailey..." The voice said as it cocked a gun

Suddenly, the strange person walked out of the shadows and I recognized him immediately, his magenta hair, his chocolate brown eyes that I grew to hate. His black hoodie, his dark skin


"Don't kill me please!" I screeched, my eyes widening as I concentrated on the gun in his hand

"Oh don't worry Hailey..." Drew said darkly, walking towards me slowly

"I'll make you beg for me to kill you."

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