||| Chapter 13 |||

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[ Zander's POV ~ At the Austin-Wickham's Household ]

Where the hell was she?

I haven't seen Hailey since last period, then she disappeared into the large crowd and I tried to find her but I couldn't

Things that could've happened run through my head faster than you can say 'grape juice'. None of these scenarios that are in my head are good ones though

I sighed deeply, running my fingers through my messy purple hair as I hoped that she would just walk through the door at any given moment and relieve my worries, yet that never happened- give or take I had locked her in her bedroom and hit her... more than a few times..

I felt sorry, I hadn't meant to hurt her- I just wanted to protect her from Jake, who would probably break her heart. But I could see the longing look in his eyes whenever his eyes were on Hailey

He truly did love her, but the overprotective brother in me refused to let it happen

I tapped my fingers against the table anxiously, where was she? Was she okay?

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, praying it was Hailey silently, I got up and walked over to the oak brown door

I placed my hand on the gold-colored door knob gently, took a deep breath and swung the door open, to see someone who was definitely not Hailey.

Daisy's white hair blew gently in the wind, as she gave me an angry glare with her sky blue eyes.

"Hi Daisy." I said simply, not a care in the world about why Daisy would be at my doorstep, more censored about where my sister was

"Do you know where Hailey is?" Daisy asked me

"Yes. Why?" I lied, my tone stern

"I want to talk to her," She blinked innocently, why did she want to talk to Hailey?

"How about no?" I said, crossing my arms and starting to shut the door

Daisy put her foot in the way of the door so it wouldn't close fully. Fuck.

"How about yes?" She said, raising her eyebrow

"Hell no. Why do you want to see her anyways?" I snarled, trying to get her foot out of the way so I could successfully shut the door

"That's none of your business." Daisy said softly

"Then you have no business being here then!" I spat rudely as she rolled her eyes and pouted

"Stop it!" She yelled at me as I kept trying to kick her foot, which was between the doorframe and door itself. "Your obviously bad at protecting her if she isn't happy!"

"And what makes you think that?" I screamed at her "I'm doing a fine job at protecting her! I don't need anyone telling me different!"

"Yes you do! Protecting also means keeping them happy, your failing miserably at it by making her unhappy!" Daisy said, trying to knock logical sense into my head

"Well, I guess we have two different opinions on what goes under the word 'protect'!" I yell, successfully getting her foot out of between the door and doorframe, and slamming the door. The lock clicking as I ignored how she was spamming the doorbell

"Idiot..." I muttered. Going back to worrying where my sister was

[ Lia's POV ~ Jake's House ]

"And how do you know all this?" Jake asked me

"I was there! Then- then I asked Henry where he took Hailey and he told me everything!" I yelped to Jake, who was in pure shock about the news I had just told him

"Oh my god..." he muttered "Drew's gone insane..."

I wouldn't say he was wrong, it was almost like Drew had lost his mind. Henry told me that Drew had threatened them to kidnap Hailey or Jake with a gun, they said he wasn't planning on killing Hailey- but they didn't know what he planned to do. Apparently, after they successfully, and regretfully, kidnapped Hailey, Drew didn't let the two into his house anymore

"He kinda has..." I agreed with a nod

"What do you mean 'kinda'?!" He jumped "He's gone bananas!"

"Okay, true..." I mumbled "but how are we supposed to get Hailey back- or even figure out what Drew is doing to her- when he's not letting Henry or Liam into his house?"

"Does he let Zoey in?" Jake asked me

"Probably! But she's too busy with her sugar daddies and bullying me to care about this!" I yell angrily

"True..." Jake says, giving me a look of pity. But I didn't need his pity, or anyone's.

"Well, I do know the landscape of his house, I used to go over to his house often, maybe we could break in?" He asks me, with a mischievous smile

"Are you insane?!" I comment

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But I've broken into his house before- he usually goes to sleep at-"

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" I stop him "you've broken into Drew's house?! And haven't been caught?!"

"Nope!" He says, more cheerful then somebody who broke into their old best friends house should be

"Uh... okay then? Your still insane though!" I yell,

"Okay then, I'll take that as a compliment!" He smirks

After that, we start working on our plan to get Hailey back.

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