Chapter 25 - "Were you waiting for us?"

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Carter lay completely still, her mind blank, her thoughts kept at bay by a numbness. A numbness had settled everywhere except for the pain in her chest. Her father's footsteps echoed through the apartment as he moved about, and a second later her door squeaked open.

"Time to get up, Sarge," he said.

Carter made no sign that she had heard him.

"Sarge?" he said, peering down at her.

"I heard you," she said, her voice flat.

Her father waited for her to move, but she didn't. A concerned frown entered his expression, but he said nothing.

"I'll have something for you to eat when you get out of the shower," he said.


The wood was cool under her bare feet, but she barely noticed it. Blindly grabbing her uniform, she headed to the bathroom. The scalding water woke up her body and pushed at the numbness that clung to her.

When she stepped into the living room, her father looked up from his phone. He sat at the dining table, dressed in a black suit, his arm still in its sling. Carter's damp hair hung loose over her shoulders and darkened the navy blue of her blazer. She settled in a seat across from him, a plate of steaming eggs and toast before her.

"We don't eat breakfast," she said. "Unless it's in liquid form."

Her father shrugged and leaned back in his chair. She picked up her fork and started eating. When half the contents on the plate were gone, he spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

At the question, Carter looked up at him, feeling her words of confusion, anger and pain rise into her throat. But they were never voiced. Behind the hint of concern on his face, she noticed the burdened, weary look in her father's eyes. She swallowed the words, forcing them to the back of her mind. She pursed her lips and shook her head, covering up any emotion her expression might show.

"No," she said. "There's nothing to talk about."

Her father shifted forward and Carter read the insistence in his face before he could say it. She rose, cutting off anything he would say.

"We should get going," she said. "Thanks for breakfast."

In silence, they left the apartment and climbed into the car. Neither spoke as they drove, their minds preoccupied with their own troubled thoughts. The voices of the newscasters kept them company as they drove, but neither of the car's occupant heard a word.

Her father stopped the car a few feet from the stone steps of the school. Only a few other cars lined the drive, the hour still early. He turned to Carter and she met his gaze. Behind their eyes they could read the thoughts that neither of them knew how to voice.

"Have a good day," Carter said. "Try not to get shot again. I hear offices can be dangerous places."

The joke lacked heart as did her father's chuckle.

"You too," he said. "Stay out of trouble. I love you, Sarge."

"I love you too, Captain."

Deciding against entering the school, Carter stopped at the low stone wall beside the front doors, she hoisted herself up and sat, her legs dangling, the scent of coffee drifted through the air as students passed her, steaming cups in hand. Blaring music was cut off as engines were stopped and keys pulled from ignitions. The sky was dotted with bleak looking clouds that heralded rain.

A silver Bentley swerved into an open space and Lucas stepped from the driver's seat. His roaming gaze landed on Carter perched on the wall and a smirk cut across his face. A group of guys moved over to him and he greeted them with a nod. Carter remained unfazed by Lucas's entrance, not feeling the need to intimidate him today, her eyes searching for one car only.

The black Mercedes appeared a moment later, making a low purr as it settled into a space, the closed windows muffling the music. Donovan stepped from the driver's side, his face blank as he shouldered his bag and surveyed the surrounding collection of students. His gaze landed on Carter. Even from a distance she could see him scrutinizing her.

Lucas and his group left the parking lot in front of Link and Donovan, their voices growing in volume as they approached Carter. Lucas broke away and leaned on the wall, looking up at her. Behind them, Donovan quickened his pace, as if knowing he would be needed to stop a fight.

"You know Owens," Lucas said, "it doesn't matter how long you stare at the cars, you're never going to be able to afford one."

Carter made no sign that she even heard him, her posture and face unchanged.

"Did you hear me, Owens?" Lucas asked.

Every inch of her felt numb, the words bouncing off. Besides the dull pain in her chest, she felt nothing. Donovan and Link approached, but no one took notice of them.

"Mind moving aside?" Donovan asked, his deep voice cutting through.

Receiving no response from Carter, Lucas turned back, glad to have a new target. When his gaze met Donovan's unyielding one, his mocking reply was trapped in his throat. He flexed his jaw, the bruise from Donovan's right hook still clear.

"Not like there's anything here we care about," he said, as he and his friends moved toward the entrance.

Carter remained unmoving, unhearing. Link and Donovan approached her; in one easy movement, Donovan swung his legs over the wall, settling beside her, Link awkwardly scrambling up behind.

For a long moment they sat in silence, the rumble of car engines and voices their only companions.

"Were you waiting for us?" Link asked, looking over at her.

"Would you believe me if I said 'no'?"

"No," Donovan said.

She made no reply since none was needed.

The bell rang, emptying the parking lot. As the last of the students walked passed, none of the trio gave any indication of moving. Silence settled over them as Carter fought for something to say. Donovan looked at her.

"What happened?" he asked.

Carter lifted her gaze, but didn't see the parking lot. Images of the previous day's encounter sped through her mind: her mother's flawless appearance, her perfect pink nails, the shadow of an engagement ring.

She shrugged.

"Nothing. We talked, that was it," she said, her tone uncaring.

"Look at me," Donovan said. 

The request was so odd that Carter did as he said. His eyes narrowed as he studied her face.

"That's not it," he said.

She looked away. "There's nothing else."

Link looked between them, not seeing what Donovan saw but knowing to stay silent.

"You don't have to tell me," Donovan said, "but I would prefer it if you didn't lie to me."

She spun on him.

"Why do you even care? What makes you think that you understand what is even going on?"

Donovan kept his cool, his face impassive to the point of indifference.

"Because despite what you think, I do know what is going on. I thought I could help."

"Well, you can't! Okay? There is nothing you can do that would help."

Donovan dropped down from the wall. He straightened, his arms hanging loose by his side.

"There is one thing," he said. "Punch me."

Carter's frustration was forgotten for a moment. Link fought back a surprised laugh.

"What?" she said.

Donovan dropped his bag to the ground and slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Punch me," he said. "You feel like hitting something, right? Hit me."

Carter twisted around, but didn't climb off the wall. She scowled.

"I'm not going to hit you," she said.

"No, you're not going to get that close, but you can give it your best shot."

He smirked for good measure. Annoyance pushed Carter off the wall, her hands curling into fists. With a casualness that spoke volumes on his opinion of her abilities, he pulled his hands from his pockets.

Link climbed off the wall and appointed himself as lookout. Carter took a step forward and swung at Donovan's jaw. With a speed that surprised her, he ducked and her blow went over his head. When he straightened, she swung with her opposite fist. He blocked this shot with his forearm and caught her wrist with his other hand. She broke from his hold and swung again. Again he parried the blow.

Carter brought her knee up to his side. He took a single step back, avoiding the impact. A surge of frustration rose in her and she moved forward, her movements coming in quick succession. Every jab, strike, and punch she threw, he blocked, his counter moves swift and sure.

The second bell rang but neither of them heard. Carter's movements became more frantic and less coordinated, her thoughts pounded away in her head. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she struggled to move faster.

She clenched her teeth in frustration, images of her mother flashing in her mind, affecting her concentration. The pain in her chest expanded. Donovan blocked another one of her hits and her anger exploded.

"She's happy! Okay?" she yelled. "She's engaged and she's happy."

She sank to the ground, her back against the rough stone and buried her head in her hands. Donovan lowered himself beside her, his hands draped over his knees. Link sat across from them, sympathy filling his eyes.

"She is moving on with her life," Carter said. "Making a new family." She shook her head. "Why does she get to have happiness? She doesn't deserve it. She abandoned us. Where is our happy ending?"

She leaned her head back, the numbness that had been dragging on her finally gone. Before Donovan could say anything, they heard footsteps as a woman appeared and stopped before them, her mouth forming a tight line.

"The bell has rung," the woman said. "To class, all of you."

Link stood and shouldered his backpack. Donovan rose and held out a hand to Carter. She took it and he easily lifted her to her feet.

"Despite what you believe," Donovan said. "I do understand."

Carter stared at him, skepticism in her eyes. Donovan read the look and nodded at Link.

"He might not have gotten as close to hitting me as you did, but he tried just as hard."

Her gaze jumped to Link. Giving her a half smile, he shrugged.

"I get it, Carter." Donovan said,

"He really does," Link said.

Before she had the chance to respond, the woman cleared her throat.

"Class. Now," she commanded.

Carter grabbed her bag. As they all walked into school, she glanced at Donovan and he met her gaze.


Strawberry ice cream 🍓! (Enough said 😉)

So that just happened. Who secretly wishes Donovan just kissed her? (I know I do!)

What are our thoughts today? Story related or non-story related, I want to hear it! (Seriously, give me something unique!)

Do you think she should have talked to Captain?

Thoughts on the progress of the Darter ship?

Library or book store?

From a boy, smile or flirty wink?

Your native language?

Wakati wa maswali! (Swahili) This question is from the brilliant bookz20: Oceans or space?

Answer: Well, considering in the year 3000 we're suppose to live underwater, and we're still working on not getting killed from different lifeforms out in space, I'm going to say oceans. Besides it takes a lot shorter amount of time to get to the water. Space is SUCH a hassle. Jeez, it takes so long and there's the whole non-gravity thing you have to deal with. Ocean is clearly the smart choice.

Swim, dive, explore! (Random fact, I always wanted to be a mermaid.)

Super huge thanks to dragon_of_storybooks for making me this amazing drawing of Carter and Donovan!! Also I know everyone is looking forward to this moment, as am I!

Please comment and tell her how awesome it is!

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