Chapter 1

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Grace POV

I was sitting in the meeting room of CADMUS, the main facility I was told, where me, my family, the JL, Avengers and other members of Legion Academy. I hummed as Waller came in with a massive folder in her hands. I stayed quiet, as she laid the folder down and turned on the projector in the back, there she showed...his face...Specters

He's chocolate colored skin, his once blue eyes shined so pure and that aura he held...I shiver a bit as I tucked some of my hair behind my head. Back in the day, he was always the looker, even with the amputated leg and white eyes. It even made me a little turned on, man I need to get my hormones in checked.

"This is Subject RX-7, also know as Specter," Waller said as she clicked the remote

Soon it showed his current looks and dear god he looked 10 times more hotter. I fanned myself as my brother just looked at weirdly at me, making me blush as I looked at the screen

"Specter was a part of Project "Ghost"," Waller explained as she handed out folders,"a program to produce enhanced soldiers."

"In other words, super soldiers," Henry asked her

"Correct, they were supposed to be a deterrent against Powered individuals that standard forces couldn't handle it. CADMUS green lite it in hopes of protecting the world from villains, vigilantes that were less then good and-."

"Heros," dad said as he and the others looked at her

"Heros who were mind controlled or turn evil," Waller said, cold and detached,"not all of us trust you completely, there's always the fear a Hero can do much harm then good. I did it to be prepared, though I should have taken better care of it, made sure it didn't go crazy as it did."

"What do you mean," Cecil asked her

"The project was handled by Joseph Keller, a man of high regard and such. He was given a specific time, materials and personal, and the resources to test a new compound meant for the project. But he went off the rails at the very start, he was supposed to use convicts and dearth row inmates for it...he used Powered children for the first batch."

"Children," Ivy Browning asked her

"He used kids for his sick experiments," Rachel asked, furious

"...," Joshua stayed silent as he shook a bit

"Yes he did," Waller said, with a tad bit of anger,"he kept it off record, fooling me and the others for years, trust me, I didn't like it either."

"So was Specter a part of the Powered children," Alice asked her

"No, he was a part of the second batch, when all the first batch died."

"Second batch, you allowed them to continue," Bruce Banner asked, a little pissed

"Hell no, I ordered the project ceased and scrubbed, even I don't tolerate dead kids Mr. Banner!

This made up flinch a bit, Waller only yelled when things didn't go as she planned or expected. She stopped as she collected herself, then rubbed a bracelet on her right wrist, huh I never noticed that. Must be special if the Amada Waller has it and rubbed it, but hey, I have things to remember Specter by before we separated after the facility was destroyed by him

Such as the yellow crystal around my neck, it was the last thing I had from him

"So the second batch, what was different about them," Robot asked her

"The second batch was Powerless children," she said, making some stiff and seethe,"they were taken off the streets, orphanages and...bought."

"Wait your telling me that parents sold their children to them," John(GL) asked her, clearly upset

"You wouldn't believe the amount of people willing to sell a 'useless, worthless and disposable' child to strangers who don't ask questions."

"...," Superman said nothing, but I clearly hear his heart beating in rage

"How many," Saber asked her, angry but controlled

"200, out of that only 6 have been confirmed alive," Waller said as she listed them off,"RX-68, RX-71, RX-112, RX-145, RX-17 and RX-7. So far we have RX-17 and RX-7 listed as alive and active, the rest are MIA."

"Okay so we know RX-7 is the killer," Question said,"but where is RX-17? If he's heading after those who tortured and experimented on him, no doubt he'll want to kill the surviving subjects to make sure they cause no harm."

"Oh don't worry, she's more closer then you know," Waller said as she looked at me

"Grace, whats she talking about," Ethan asked me

I sighed as I stood up and lowered my shirt collar, showing off the letters and number, showing I was RX-17. The others flinched and gasped in shock, some blushed a bit and looked away, as Ethan and dad glared at them if they even dared to stare to long. I sighed as I covered it up as dad marched up to Waller and got in her face

"My little Ghost was tortured by your group, to make some stupid super soldiers," he asked pissed off

"No I didn't," she said sternly,"Keller went off the books when I declared the program ceased. He transferred everything to Sector 9, a black ops program not even I knew what they were doing half the time. They continued the experiments on the children, using a new compound that made the killer you see today."

"Dad its fine," I said as I got up,"besides I wasn't hurt that much...not compared to what they did to Specter."

"What do you mean," Jeanne D'Arc asked me

I sighed as I walked up to projector and touched his face, missing the feel and warmth of his skin. I breathed in as I closed my eyes and flashes of our time together, me in his bed, his chest beating hard like a bear, his touch made me feel alive. I exhaled as I pocketed my hands and turned to the others, who stared at me as I walked up beside Waller, who looked at me softly

"Mind if I take over for a bit," I asked her

"Floors all yours sweety," she said as she sat in my chair

Dad and Ethan looked at me as I stand up at the front, trembling a bit as those memories came back. The pain, the agony and rage I felt during those days, made me wish I was just as deadly as he was, to make them stop the pain and help the I washed so weak back then. But then HE came into my mind, Specter, his hand on mine

I smiled as I remembered him saving me from being sexually assaulted by that perv, made me feel so safe in his arms when he covered me with his body. I smiled as I traced my fingers on the table, trying to form words about him. How can I, he was...everything to me, my savior, my protector and my guardian angel, he protected me from everything during that day

He was...special to me

"Little Ghost," dad said

"Hmm sorry dad," I said as I collected my thoughts,"Specter is a skilled person, he was basically their top subject in the project. He was trained harder, better and beaten more then the others, some say he was gonna be the best soldier out of the others."

"So he was treated better then the rest," Cyborg

"Oh no, he was treated like shit. He was made to kill the other kids, they called it the Gauntlet, where they had to kill each other to survive...he always won, not matter how much the odds were stacked up against him."

"How many," Desmond Ross/ Uranium asked

"Hmm around...100 I believe, it's been years."

"He was made to kill 100 kids," Atom Eve asked

"By God," Cu said

"Trust me, he didn't kill just them, he killed multiple guards turning his time there," I said,"one was a dick who poured his soup over his head, next thing the guard screamed so loudly you thought he was dying. Suddenly his head exploded and he fell to the floor, thats what he called one of his abilities Psionic Lash."

"How powers does he have," Belfast asked

I hummed as I wrote down and showed it

"These are the ones I know of, sense he told me," I said,"I have the same abilities, but not Psionic Lash, to much power is required."

Astral projection
Mind blast
Mind control
Psionic lash
Psionic shadow
Psionic shield
Psionic shock
Psionic sight
Psionic speed
Psychic attack
Quiet voice
Remote viewing
Sense psionics

I looked at everyone and saw the looks of everyone, seeing the shocked and surprised looks, I swear I saw some with their jaws dropped on the floor. I giggled as I rubbed the crystal, feeling close to Specter again. Ethan looked looked like he saw the list

"HE'S FUCKING OP," Alice yelled

"HOT DAMN," Rexplode yelled

"YOU HAVE THE SAME POWERS," Luke Cage yelled

"No sadly," I said,"I don't have X-factor, Mind Blast, Consumption, Voodoo, Pyrokinesis, or Psionic Lash. I didn't have the Phase 2 injections like Specter did, though what it did to him...were both a blessing and a curse."

"What do you mean," Ivy asked

"...," I stayed silent as I closed my eyes, the screams still fresh in my mind

"Sis," Ethan said

"He...he screamed so loudly everyone got major headaches and some even vomited," I said, grimacing,"it hurt. It hurt do badly that Specter begged for it to stop, his leg mutated and had to amputated. He lost his leg...and his voice."

"Was it that bad," Henry asked

"I threw up for 10 minutes, it was that bad."

"Sheesh this kid sounds like a monster," Tony Stark said

Suddenly he shook as he gripped his head, as I glared at him. I may not have Specters Lash, but this works just as well, helps get me information from targets

"Call him a monster again and I will fry your fucking brains," I growled him,"Specter isn't a monster you asshole! He is a tortured soul who had to do what he did to survive in that fucking hell! He saved me from being raped, being defiled and protected me when that fucker tried to separate us and killed those dicks to protect me!"

"YOU WERE ALMOST WHAT," Dad and Ethan yelled

"Sheesh kid I was just saying," Tony said as he rubbed his head

"Maybe stop and think before you speak," Black Widow deadpan

"You care for him a lot don't you," Rachel said as she rubbed my shoulder

"...We were close back then...very close."

"How close we talking here," Nova asked me

I went red as the others grew confused, Dad and Ethan's leaned to me

"Ghost/Sis," they asked

"...We were...VERY we..."

I made the sex gesture with my hands, then chaos unfolded. Dad and Ethan short circuited, both falling down in shock, the girls squealed and the dudes all blushed deeply and some saluted...something, must be a guy thing. Rachel and Alice were around me, patting my back and saying comforting words, as I sat there with a blushing face.



"I'M GONNA RIP HIS DICK OFF," Ethan yelled


"Okay let's all calm down," Wonder Woman said,"Grace, since you know Specter the most, do you know how we can stop him?"

"Thats the won't stop fact you can't stop him at all."

"He's a single individual, we can work on apprehending him so he doesn't kill again," Captain America said


They flinched at my outburst, as I shaked as I looked at the others

"You don't know him."


Specter was seen doing chin up as he looked at a wall filled with pictures of those who tormented him and Grace. He glared at it as he lifted himself, sweating as it fell down his body, showing off his 12 pack abs and build up muscles. He huffed as he lifted up one more time and fell down, making his prosthetic leg squeak as he wiped the sweat off

"Specter is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will."

He walked to the broad and found his next target, Matthew Burns, a hematologist working for Vought corporation. Seems they needed him to study the blood of Supes to see of their blood held anything of use. He started at the photo as he sneered and used his telekinesis to make a knife fly at him and he stabbed it on Burns head, then went to get dressed

"He won't sleep for months, will eat only bread to survive and even hunt his target down for years to study them to know his prey."

Specter was now seen at a hotel, fancy and classy, all for the rich elites and snobs. He stared at the very top of the hotel, where he saw multiple guards on the roof, with snipers and drones. He simple stared at it with his white eyes and looked at his burner phone, which he called and soon he got a voice

"I took care of the drones, it's all on you."

He hanged up, snapped the phone in two and tossed it aside. He smiled a bit as he walked off to hunt

"He won't stop, he won't quit and he let anyone get in his way."

Specter slits the throat of the last guard on the roof, taking a pistol for backup and soon he waited. He waited till someone came up to check, since dead bodies don't answer radio calls

"Cause Specter made a promise to me...he will end those who harmed us...and we'll be together again."

Back at the meeting

I sighed as I held my crystal, feeling the memories of his touch and felt his lips on mine. I smiled as I see the others, all shook up by this tale, and I can't tell if they were impressed or terrified by this. I sighed as I sat down, feeling relief as I didn't have to speak again, I already unloaded everything on them

"I still don't believe one single kid can kill all of them," Hawkeye said

"He killed 100 people in 2 days," Waller said to them

"...Looks like he one upped you brother," Thor said to Loki


"Anyway," Fury said,"do we know where he'll strike next?"

Suddenly one of the troops came running in and spoke into Wallers ear. She flinched and nodded, then spoke a bit to the trooper, who nodded and ran back out, making all of look at her

"What happened," I asked

"Seems your husband struck again," she said to me



3rd POV, 30 minutes ago

"CHECK AGAIN," Burns yelled at The Deep

"Geez chill chill," Deep said as he got up,"I'll go check on the guards, just chill, The Deep got it!"

"Yeah yeah, just go!"

"Sheesh that asshole is annoying," Katsuki Bakugo said as he followed Deep

"Yeah but hey he's willing to pay us all he has," Deep said,"besides if I do well, Homelander might praise me!"

"Sheesh keep you gay boner down, lets just go check, I want to be far away from him, him and his ghost stories."

Deep hummed as he and Bakugo came to the roof, where they came out to see it completely barren, no one and nothing was there. Deep hummed as he went to the edge where he saw a guard standing up. He walked to him and tapped his shoulder

"Hey dude, why haven't you-," he asked and gasped

Soon the soldier turned and suddenly his head fell down, making Deep jumped back in shock. He looked around as he see Bakugo standing there and shook, he slowly steeped over to him and suddenly Bakugo launched an explosion at him. He flinched and dodged from the attack, he looked as he saw Bakugos eyes were hollow and movements were sluggish

'Shit, a Mind control power,' he thought as he spinned his trident

(If you can even called it that)

(Agreed, Aquamans trident is better)

Deep swings it at Bakugo, going for either a knockout or...kill him...we don't know, but Bakugo ducked and fired more explosions at Deep. He grunted as he rolled over and ran at Bakugo, who kept dodging but it seemed slower. Deep hummed as he threw the trident at Bakugo and managed to stab his shoulder into the doorway, making him scream


"Hey you were under mind control asshole," he said as he stood up,"it was you or me, so obviously I chose me."

"Asshole, now get this thing...out"

"What, what's up-."

He didn't finish as he suddenly felt a blade pierce his neck, especially through his gills, making him gag desperately for air. He turned around as he saw a shadow standing there, all black as the only shining thing was his white eyes. Deep gasped as he tried to fight but he got upper cut into his stomach, making his ribs break and his spine snap, making him shit him

He fell to his knees, groaning as he looked up as the shadow looked down on him with his white eyes. He grabbed the blade and twisted it hard, making his neck make a sicking and nasty noise as his flesh and bones ripped and soon his head fell down on the floor. Bakugo watched as the Deeps head rolled to his feet, making Bakugo look at the figure

"W-What...what are you," he asked him

"...I am a specter," Specter said in his mind,"and you...nothing more...a...memory worm."

Bakugo was about to say something but a gun pointed at his head, and a flash.


5 minutes later

"WHERE ARE THEY, WHERE ARE THOSE IDIOTS," Burns yelled as padded the floor,"where are they, I paid those dicks to be protect me!"

As he grabbed some scotch, he heard something hit the window, groaning as he thought a bird heard hit it again. He groaned as he turned to see not a bird, but the bodies of the Deep and Bakugo, both being stringed up by rope. He shook as he dropped the glass and was about to run when he suddenly bumped into something solid and fell on his face


And instead of a guard, he saw..Specter. Burns screamed like a bitch as he tried to run, but Specter stomped on his ankle, making it break. He screamed again as he tried to punch, but Specter grabbed it and simply twisted it, making more crunch nosies


"Thats...point...fucker," Specter said,"now...sleep."

Specter punched him, making him blackout.

Timeskip, street level

"No Killer Queen," a boy said

"Joestar you prick," another said,"he has a better Stand!"

"It's all punches! Killer Queen can make shit explode, thats way better than punching the shit out of something! All Mights dumbass proves it with his bland and boring ass."

"Oh shut up, that ain't-!"


The two boys screamed and jumped back, seeing the car beside them have a hole in the rooftop. They got up and looked in, and both screamed in shock and nearly pissed themselves. More came and screams as well, as inside was a murder scene

In the now destroyed car, there lay Matthew Burns...or what was left of him. His hands and feet were chopped off, his scalp was cut off, his eyes were scooped out and his crouch was burnt. His arms and legs were bent in ways no body part was meant to bend, his tongue was severed and words were cut into his head

Specter...come for...Keller

Specter stood on top of the building as he stared down at the scene, smirking a bit as he walked off, then thought of something.

'Hmm...Killer...Queen...rules,' he thought as he walked into the night

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