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(Any and all Pictures, Videos, Songs and GIFs used in this story is not mine, they belong to their original owners and deserve the credit)

Legion City, 3rd POV

In the glowing city of Legion, in a small suburb neighborhood, a man was seen helping his daughter get ready for a sleepover. While his wife got ready for a girls night out, so he would finally have the house to himself. He was man in his early 30's, with salty cooper brown hair and blue eyes, he wore slacks, blue jeans and a blue long sleeve button.

"Okay then, extra clothes," he asked his daughter

"Check," she said




"CHECK," she yelled as she waved some bags

The man laughed as he held her pack everything in her backpack, as the mans wife walked to the doorway smiling at the two. The man, who was a researcher at Star Labs after he was fried from his old one, but he managed to settle in nice and well. Their daughter giggled as she puts her backpack on and ran to the front door, waiting for her mother to take her to the house

"You gonna be okay without us," Jane asked her her husband Sam

"Yes, I have food in the microwave and a six pack of beer," Sam said to her, hugging her,"besides its one night, I have a night off work and you and Delilah deserve some fun. Besides I know you get turned off on my ramblings."

"Hmm turn, but who knows, maybe I'll be ready for some run when I get back~."

"I'm looking forward to it~."

They kissed as Delilah yelled for her mom to her hurry up and get going. The two chuckled as they kissed and they went in front were the girls grabbed their belongings, waving and saying goodbye to the man, who waved back as he popped his back and looked at the clock, it was 5 o'clock so he had time to cook and catch up on his show

"Okay lets get cracking," he said

As time went on, he ate some steamed beans and grilled steak, enjoying the peace and quiet. He catches up on his favorite scientific shows, readied up on recent scientific studies to help him with his work. He smiled as he looked at his house, glad it have something after the disaster from his last involvement of a project, he frowned as he remembered what he and the others did that day, he would never forgive himself

He sighed as he closed his book and placed it back on his bookshelf, but suddenly he heard the neighbors bog Ice barking. He looked out the back patio glass-doors and saw the golden retriever barking at his house. He was confused as to why, Ice never barked this hard before, one time was cause of a stray cat

'He never barked at this time of night, he was such a sweet boy, must be another cat,' he thought and put it aside

He was about to walk to the living room and catch up on more episodes, but suddenly the upper floor creaked, making him stop. He looked up as he went wide eyed as he ran upstairs to his study, where he found multiple cupboards opened and emptied. He shook as he knew what these cupboards held, information he kept in case his old employers needed it

He ran to his room and pulled his nightstand cupboard open and found the small safe he had to hold a gun, a scientist with a gun huh? He tapped the code in and it popped open, there he found his Glock 17 and pulled it out. He stood up as he aimed around the room, shaking as he looked for anything that may be there. He breathed as has suddenly a strange force pulled the gun out of his hands

He looked where it went and saw it fly into a dark corner of the room, when suddenly a light stand turned on. There he saw an armored individual sitting in an armchair

???: (imagine the eyes are solid white and doesn't have the sword)

Sam panted as he stood there in fear, his heart beating a million miles an hour as sweat drenched his clothes. He shook in place, in fear of what this person might do to him, as he knew who this was and he was terrified beyond belief. He would rather have Homelander invade his home then this kid, as he knew what he will do to him to get what he wants

It was worse cause he knew who it was, the white eyes and the left amputated leg gave it away

"Specter," he said as he backed up

Suddenly the gun was at Sam's head, cocked and ready to fire into his face, making him stand completely still. He gulped as he looked at Specter, who hardly moved a single inch, staring at him with his cold and deathless white eyes. Sam held his hands up in fear, showing he completely surrendered to him

"Okay I give," he said,"w-what do you want? It's been 6 years since the fire, how did you find me?"

"...," Specter said nothing

"So you killed Riley huh, I thought his death was to suspicious. Though he did have a habit of eating to much red meat, but triggering a heart attack in him, pretty impressive there."


"Told them we shouldn't have made that group chat, guess we fucked up on our part. Okay, what do you want, all those files you took won't show much. Just the standard procedures and such, it won't show you anything you don't already know."


"RX-17? Thats why your hunting us? Sorry, but I don't know where she is, we lost track of the two of you after the explosion that created the fire, which I have no doubt you caused it."

The figure nodded, showing that it indeed it was him who caused the explosion

"Lots of people died, some where my friends and the rest were kids," Sam said,"though I don't blame you, what we did...Elijah was never the same after it."

Specter looked down as bit and shook his head, but looked upon

"So what now," Sam said,"kill me and they'll hunt you down, you won't be able to escape!"

Specter stared at him as Sam suddenly started feeling hot, not like the sweating he was expiring. But he felt like all the liquids in his body was boiling, burning inside him as he gaged a bit. He stumbled back as he slammed against the nightstand and lamp, making it fall over as he held his throat as he looked at Specter, begging with his with his eyes

"PLEASE! STOP, I HAVE A FAMILY, I'LL DO ANYTHING, STOP," he yelled as he teared up

Specter just stared at Sam as he stood straight up and suddenly busted into flames, his screams filled the air. He stumbled to Specter, but his skin and hair burnt off as he turned into a walking black bag of crumbling flesh, falling onto the floor as what little blood he had spewed out of his body. Now in the once clean and spotless room, now laid a charred dead corpse

Specter still sat there as he stared at the dead body of Samuel R. Smith, former CADMUS and Star Labs Researcher. He hardly spoke as he stood up and walked off as he left the gun on the floor, not bothering taking it cause he didn't need it. He walked out, limping due to the prosthetic leg, going to the first floor and went out the front door, then walked off into the night

Next Morning

"Grace walk up," Ethan Kennedy said said as he knocked on the door

Inside the room, there many posters and such of bands and other things a teenage girl her age likes. On the bed, a pile of blankets moved as the covers went up as a girl around 18, with tanned skin with brownish-red hair and golden eyes, and a impressive rack many girls would kill for. She wore a black t-shirt that stopped below the belly button and red shorts.

Grace Kalder:

"I'm up Bro," she said as she got dressed

She got up, groaning as she went to the bathroom, showering and brushing her teeth, then went to get dressed. She puts on a tight black shirt, next was one of her favorite blue jeans, and a brown leather jacket. Her causal attire before put her Hero suit on, she usually changes at base with the others. She sighed as she walked out of her room and to the kitchen and dining room

There she saw her family, well adopted family really but she loved them like her real one. Ethan Kennedy, a year older than her, was taken in by Martin Kennedy at a young age at an orphanage, since his brith father was a villain. Grace was taken in when they found her trying to find food in a dinners dumpster, she almost bit off Martin's hand cause she said they looked like sausages

They took her to a hospital to get looked over, in that time Martin asked her where did she come from, where was her parents and such. She answered some but only a few, since she didn't trust them at first since she didn't trust many people at the time. They know was in an illegal experiment but wouldn't go into detail, to much pain was in her mind about it

So after a while, and looking over her for a year, Martin took her in and she became a member of their family. She cried for hours, finally having a family to be there for here. Though Grace did hold something back, she didn't tell them about the one person she knew back then...someone she wanted, no, needed to find.

"Morning bro," she said as she grabbed her coffee

"Hey sis," he said as he sipped his cup

"Where's dad? He's usually here cooking."

"Sadly not this morning, he was called in with the others to a murder scene, one we're going to in a minute."

"A murder?"

"Don't know much, just enough that it's bad."

She agreed as she grabbed a biscuit and the two walked to the car, which was a classic Dodge Challenger. They got in and Ethan drove, since had the address, to the location as Grace grabbed her phone to scroll thru social media, seeing the same stuff. Union being dumbasses, Homelander being a psycho and the JL, Coalition of Light and Avengers thinks in space

She hummed as she looked up and saw they reached the house, which was covered in cops and other Pros. Also there was some Semi-Pros, they were basically Hero students from Legion Academy, a college where Powered students came to train. So to gain experience, they came out with certain organizations to see what they'll experience in the real shit

"Hmm lot of Heros," Grace said as stepped out

"Yeah, seems something up," Ethan said as he closed the door

They walked up, showing their badges as Semi-Pros, and walked to the front door, there they saw their father talking with Batman. The two had a mutual relationship, they had the same goals, but they differ at they do it. But they can still work well together when it calls for it, so it was nice to see the two getting along, also with him was Shiro Emiya and Cleveland, more Semis

"Hey kids," Martin said as he rubbed their heads,"sorry for not making breakfast this morning again, I was told to rush here."

"Its fine dad," Ethan said

"Yeah, a murder," Grace asked,"yeah thats more important than making omelets and bacon and not letting us starve to death."

"...Sometimes I wonder if your being sarcastic or serious," Martian said with a sweatdrop

"Thats the fun, you never know!"

"Bravestorm, Ghost," Batman said, walking up,"good to see you."

"You as well Batman," Ethan said,"so how bad is it?"

"Follow me and you'll see."

The two nodded as they followed the two to the upper floor, but Grace stopped as she felt an almost a suffocating aura. But an aura that was almost familiar, she wanted to guess it was his but she needed to play it safe.

So she walked in behind the other and saw the wife and daughter, crying as they no doubt saw the body. She frowned as she used her powers to ease them down, then she followed the others up. She looked and saw study and the mess, she waited to use her abilities to see what she can find out. But the aura in the air just kept getting stronger by the second

Soon she walked in the bedroom where she saw the murder scene, a man badly burned his skin was falling off by the wind. She grimaced, but steeled herself as she walked in, again feeling the suffocating aura around her. She looked around as she saw a family photo of the Smith family, she sighed as she folds it down and stood there as they went over the scene

"Body was found reported last night," Batman said,"wife came in and smelt something burning, followed the smell to the bedroom."

"There she found her husband on the floor, burned to a crisp," Martin said,"want to know the weird part on this?"

"What is it," Ethan asked

"There are no signs of chemicals, or accelerants, used to set him on sit. Plus if they did use those, the damage would have a wider range of damage."

"So Pyro ability," Grace asked

"Yes, but sadly we haven't found particulates," Batman said

"Right, some Pyro and other users elements left signatures," Martin said,"showing who it belongs to and such."

"So how did he die," Ethan asked

"Grace, can you do it," Martin asked, making her nod

"But I need an object of his," she said

Batman handed her a gun, unloaded and empty, so she grabbed it and sighed as she used her psionics. This ability was called Psychometry, which allowed a person to obtain information by somewhat paranormal means through physical contact with an object of the victim. Think of it like seeing the past in a ghost like form, seeing what she can.

She opened her eyes as she saw the entire room black, with the objects, furniture and appliances were all white. Samuel R. Smith was blue, with a gun in hand, but she saw the gun get out of his hand and then looked to where he was looking at. She saw a red figure in the corner, sitting in the armchair and glared at Sam, again she felt the suffocating aura of the individual

But she saw the amputed leg, making her shock as she knew who it was. She panted as she looked at Sam, who talked hollow words and combusted into flames, making her gasp. Now knowing who he was and what he did, she gulped as she stopped the scene and panted. Her brother by her side, making sure she had room to breathe

"Well what did ya see little Ghost," Martin asked her

"Okay," she said as she stood up,"one hostile, clearly he was here for information. He used the gun to threaten Samuel here, he even used some mind trick to do so. Then he...I don't know how else to say it, but he made him combust into flames."

"Did he use a weapon," Batman asked

"No, I think he...he used his mind to do so."

"What, but that's impossible," Shiro said

"Not really, there are plenty of Powered individuals who can use their minds to kill people," Cleveland said to him

"Anything else you else you can tell us," Martin asked

"He has a prosthetic leg, on the left side," she said sighed,"though it looked like he was talking but the killers lips didn't move. I think he used telepathy, which means he's mute."

'I know its him now,' she thought

"How do you know its a him," Ethan asked

"Body structure was that of a male, best I can say. Thou do we know what the man took from the study?"

"Unknown," Martin said,"though I do believe it's some serious shit."

"Nice detective work Sherlock," Ethan said with a deadpan

"Don't let him hear you say that, he'll challenge your dad for that," Shiro said with a sweatdrop

"Okay," Batman said,"I'll speak to Gordon about any clues left, the rest survey the scene."

They nodded as Grace went to the back, where she saw a small mark on it. It was a symbol of a skull with the letters RX, making her gasp as she looked around and made sure she was clear. She knelt as she placed her hand on the symbol and suddenly she saw the figure making the mark with his knife. She teared up as she knew who did it

'Specter...I found you,' she thought

"I see you've recognized his signature," a female voice said

She turned around as she saw Amanda Waller, head of CADMUS, standing behind her. She certainly lost a lot of weight, she was still beautiful, she wore her famous light purple suit with the dress reached her knees. Grace narrowed her eyes at her, making Waller sighed, as she didn't blame her for being hateful to her. Waller walked up as she rubbed the symbol with her fingers

"You know its him," Grace asked him

"Yes, we've been tracking him since he started killing off the former researchers for Project "Ghost"," Waller said,"we were gonna handle this on our own, but he's a greater threat then we come to know.''

"No kidding, he set a man aflame by setting the spores in his body. I knew it was him by his aura, it was more powerful then before, I felt like I was being suffocated by it."

"Yes, we believe he's hunting the members of the project, and we think his looking-."

"Me, he's looking for."

"Yes, given the history of you two in the project."

She nodded as she looked at the RX, making her frown as she remembered the facility. The pain, agony and the screams she heard when they forced him to go through the Phase 2 injections, he screamed bloody murder. She and the others could feel what he felt on the table, he was in so much pain she cried for him that day. She promised, she would find him..

And protect him.

"What do you need," Grace asked her

"I'll assemble the others at a meeting to formulate a plan," Waller said,"we've tried to hunt him down ourselves, but it provided less then favorable results."

"As in?"

"We found one our teams in a broke down building and they looked they were ripped apart by a meat grinder and shit out a bull."

"Nasty, but I get it, he's to much even for you and your teams."

"Yes, so we were hoping you and the rest can help us stop him."

"...Just make sure I get a chance to help him."

"Is that your request," she asked her, seeing a girl with a determined look

"Yes, he use to protect its time I helped him."

'Specter...I'll save you, no matter what,' she thought as she rubbed the symbol again

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