Ryker- Five Days Before to Day One

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Ryker seemed to be prepared for everything but this. Seeing as he was the scout master in his troop, and the scout motto was be prepared, he should "be prepared" for everything. But no matter how long he searches his scout book, he couldn't find anything that explained what do do when your parents told you that they were getting divorced.When they broke the news to him, Mrs. Scott was wearing her blue blouse and red heals, Ryker new his mom only wore this outfit when something bad was about to happen. Mr. Scott wore his work attire, a navy suit and his brown slip on shoes.They sat him down on their leather couch and broke the news to him."Son," said his dad in his low tuned voice, " your mother and I have decided to break up." At first Ryker was confused, he though that breaking up was a boyfriend and girlfriend thing, or a Jonas Brothers thing. He never thought that two married people could spilt up. But it didn't stop there, it turned out that his mom was moving to Alaska, and after that Friday (the last day of school) he would go out and live with her for the summer."What!" He exclaimed, "What about my friends, what about football?""We will figure out the detailes when we get there, for now we need to focus on the big stuff." Said his mom quietly."Oh so my problems aren't BIG enough for you!" Ryker fumed."Ryker we-" His dad called after him, but it was too late, Ryker was already his his room, with his door locked, and a tear stricken pillow.

(Day 1) It was Rykers first time on a plane. Well that's not technically true because he flew from Boston to LA when he was moving there, but he was only two, so he doesn't even remember that. That's probably why he was so bad at packing. Ryker carried with him two suitcases. One packed with coats and warm clothes, and the other filled with scout stuff, football stuff, and other cloths. Also had a carry-on, it held his phone, his notebook and his scout book. He also had a book about Alaska. He arrived at the airport an hour and a half early, he figured he'd get through security and grab a bite to eat before the plane left, but it didn't go according to plan. He was walking through the security line and put his bag there. Unfortunately, since he had never been on a plane, he forgot to take his belt and shoes off. He walked through the metal detector and the alarm went off. At first he was startled. 'Is there a fire?' he thought. Suddenly from behind him, Ryker heard heavy footsteps. Ryker had always had a talent for identifying who was coming by the sound of the shoes, he could tell this man was sophisticated and probably tall based on the mystery man's heavy foot fall.  He turned to find a tall, black police officer wearing jeans and a blue collared shirt. Ryker new it was the police because of the badge on the side of the man's shirt. The badge read officer Willis, Commander of Troop 18. Ryker's eyes drifted away from the badge and towards the officers dark brown eyes that could easily pass a black."Son, you can't keep your shoes and belt on, I'm in have to pat you down," the mans voice was surprisingly high for man of his stature, "Stick your arms out and don't resist."Ryker obliged, the pat took nearly 3 minutes because the man had a pat down Ryker's coat as well."You free to go, make sure to take your belt and shoes off next time," Officer Willis said.  Ryker nodded but was no longer paying attention.  Instead he was looking past the officer and at a skinny kid with blue glasses.  Enzo Neilson, Towns High's biggest nerd. Ryker gave a small smirk- it was time to have some fun.

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