Night 1

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"Why did you not tell us about the reporters, Father?" Damian asked Bruce when the chase was over. 

"I forgot." Bruce blushed into his cup of coffee. 

Jason grumbled into his cup of tea. 

"You forget a lot." Tim muttered under his breath. 

"I heard that, young man!" Bruce gave a soft glare at Tim. 

Tim eep'ed and ducked under the table. 

"Tt." Damian rolled his eyes. 

"Like you could hide stuff behind Bruce's back!" Jason glared at Damian. 

"I have been. I am better than you both after all." Damian smirked. 

"Yeah, you little shi-" Jason started. 

"JASON! Language!" Bruce yelled, like Captain America. (HA! Reference #1! XD)

"Yeah, yeah, old man." Jason wrote him off. 

Bruce glared at Jason. 

"Master Jason, I suggest you clean your tongue or I will." Alfred said, putting a cup of coffee in front of Bruce while looking directly at Jason. 

Jason immediately sat up straight, with wide eyes, and swallowed. 

He did NOT want a repeat of the last time he cussed in front of Alfred. 

Jason nodded frantically to Alfred.

Bruce sighed, "How come all my children listen to someone other than me?" 

"I listen!" Tim smiled. 

"Me too." Cass said. 

"I do too...sometimes.." Steph smiled.

"Tt." Damian looked into his cup of tea. 

"You listen to Barbra more than you listen to me. Even Selina has more ears then me." Bruce said. 

"That's because Selina and Barbra understand." Steph huffed. 

"Says the idiot." Damian said. 

Stephanie immediately turned to him and then turned away. 

"Are you ignoring him?" Jason asked. 

"I'm not going to play his games. He's a bratty 11 year-old. And he knows it. I'm not going to play into his hands." Steph said, crossing her arms. 

"Whatever, Fatgirl." Damian said. 

"Damian." Bruce warned. 

"She knows it though, don't you, Fatgirl?" Damian questioned. 

Bruce put his hand to his head. 

It was one of those days with Damian. 

"When isn't it?" Tim asked. 

Bruce realized that he talked out loud. 

"One of those days?" questioned Cierra. 

"A day where Damian doesn't listen to Bruce." Everyone but Damian said. 

"So, this happens often?" Charlie asked. 

"Yes." Again, everyone, but Damian, answered. 

"He only listens to Dick." Stephanie explained.

"It's a joy." Jason said sarcastically. 

"I am sorry to inform you all that I do not listen to idiots." Damian huffed.

Everyone was silent.

"Did you just call Bruce an idiot?" Steph asked.

"The better question; Did you complement Dickie?" Jason asked, bewildered.

Bruce sighed.

"As long as he gets along with someone." Bruce shook his head.

"Yeah, but it needs to extend into school." Tim muttered.

"Drake, mind your own business before I make you." Damian growled.

"Damian." Bruce warned, "That kindness needs to extend to family."

Damian huffed but didn't say anything more.

"Dinner will be served in 15 minutes." Alfred reminded them all.

"Let's go sit down then!" Bruce smiled.


"That was delicious, Alfred!" Cierra smiled.

"I could get used to this." Charlie ate another slice of Blueberry pie.

"Only for a month." Cierra reminded Charlie with a stern look.

"So, beside Richard being gone, this is the whole family?" Charlie asked.

"Well, we have more people who come and go. It's a big family." Bruce said.

"A big family means that it's always interesting." Charlie smirked.

"Interesting? Crazy is more like it." Jason said.

Bruce shrugged and nodded, "Crazy is accurate." 

"Can we watch a movie?" Tim asked.

"I have...things to do." Jason tried to get out of some family time.

"Nah uh! Jason, come watch a movie." Bruce caught him right away.

"I don't want to though!" Jason halfheartedly whined. 

He allowed himself to be dragged to the theater by Bruce.

Cierra and Charlie took their own seats while Bruce, Jason, and Tim shared a couch.

Steph and Cass took the love seat.

And Damian sat in the corner with his drawing pad.

Damian refused to be near anyone for the time being.


"Breakfast will be at 6 AM sharp." Alfred said as he handed Cierra and Charlie their schedules for tomorrow.

"Why so early?!" Charlie groaned.

Cierra hit him in the ribs with her elbow.

"Thank you, Alfred." Cierra smiled.

"One more thing. I suggest coming to breakfast in your day clothes. It is a bit of a ride to get the Masters and Mistresses to school and work." Alfred said.

"First day at Wayne Enterprises tomorrow. Big day!" Charlie smiled.

"Yes, it will be. I suggest you both get plenty of rest tonight." Alfred nodded before walking away.

"Well, this is Night 1 at Wayne Manor. We'll see you all tomorrow!" Cierra smiled.

"And I will be keeping you all company tonight." Charlie said, turning the camera to himself as Cierra left to go to her room.

"So, I'm in the same wing as the boys." Charlie said, looking from the camera as he went up the stairs.

"I wonder where Alfred sleeps." Charlie said, getting up the last few steps.

"And here we are! My room. Alfred said he brought- here they are!" Charlie pointed to his luggage.

"He's strong for an elderly gentleman." Charlie smiled.

"So, to recap today. We started our month at Wayne Manor. We found out that Jason Todd is alive. Alfred's food is heavenly! And we had a little family movie night! All in all, pretty good. Besides the fighting, but I remember my siblings and I fighting all the time. Sorry Mom and Dad!" Charlie rubbed the back of his head, grinning, a bit embarrassed. 

Charlie had moved from sitting on the couch at the end of the bed to sitting on the bed.

He fell back and practically melted into the bed.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" Charlie smiled, relaxed.

"I think this is going to be a very informal month though." Charlie nodded, convinced that it would be. 

"Let's look at the schedule for tomorrow!" Charlie said suddenly, grabbing it from the couch at the end of the bed.

"6 AM- Breakfast
7 AM- School
7:15 AM- Wayne Enterprises
11:30 AM- Lunch
12:30 PM- Wayne Enterprises
2:30 PM- School Pick-Up
4:45 PM- Wayne Enterprises Pick-Up
6:00 PM- Dinner
9:00 PM- Bedtime" Charlie read off.

"Well, it seems that we're with Bruce for the first half of the day and then with the kids for the last half of the day." Charlie said.

"A busy day tomorrow. I'm going to point you all to outside so you can enjoy the scenery while we sleep. See you tomorrow!" Charlie smiled, putting the camera on a tripod that pointed across the yard. 

He plugged in the camera so that it would charge.

The lights went out.

How is it so far?

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