Welcome Home

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Chapter 2- Welcome Home

Bruce sighed as he slipped out of his suit jacket and loosened his tie. 

He picked up his suitcase and looked up to start walking, only to see two reporters, his two girls, and Alfred. 

"Hello, I see you made it here just fine." Bruce smiled. 

"Hello, Mr. Wayne!" Cierra smiled back, holding her hand up to shake.

"Oh no, it's Bruce. Mr. Wayne was my father." Bruce said, shaking her hand. 

"Well, Bruce, thank you for allowing us to do this. I'm sure many people are curious about your life." Cierra said. 

Bruce gave a snort, "Curious you say?" 

"When this idea was presented, almost everyone on the board agreed." Cierra said. 

"Really?" Bruce asked, undoing the rest of his tie. 

"Yep! I've never seen so many hands go up so fast!" Charlie laughed. 

Bruce laughed along with them, "I tend to do that, in the room or not." 

"Master Bruce, while I hate to break up this conversation, I do need to inform you that they have already been to their guest rooms, luggage has been taken care of, and they have already met Master Jason and Mistresses Stephanie and Cassandra." Alfred said. 

"Oh? Excellent! Thank you, Alfred." Bruce nodded to him. 

Alfred nodded back before walking away.

"Yes, we met Jason Todd. Who's supposed to be dead." Cierra glared at Bruce. 

Bruce sighed, " Jason has been alive for a while now. I made it his decision on whether to come back or not. He chose not to, however, I made him with this live-stream." Bruce said. 

"Why wouldn't he want to come back?" Cierra asked. 

"That's for him to know and for you to see if you have the guts to ask him. He's a little...unstable. But he was with Joker for who knows how long. I don't blame him for being a bit off." Bruce grimaced. 

"He said that 'Dickhead' sent him to Arkham?" Cierra asked. 

"Again, it's his story to tell, not mine." Bruce said, "Dickhead is also Jason's nickname for Dick."  

"Dick?" Charlie asked.

"Richard Grayson, my eldest. Get your head out of the gutter." Bruce shook his head and walked away. 

"I bet that isn't the first time he's told someone that." Cierra said. 

"The nickname part or the head in the gutter part?" Charlie asked. 

"Both." Cierra deadpanned. 

"He has several children, I'm sure it's not the first time." Charlie smirked. 

Cierra sighed. 

They followed the girls into the living room. 

"For people who are supposed to be following Father around, you are quite terrible at your jobs." a young boy said, walking into the living room. 

"Excuse me?" Cierra asked, bewildered. 

"Oh? You are hard of hearing too?" the boy asked. 

"No! And we're doing our jobs just fine!" Cierra said. 

"You said when you came in here that you were here to follow Father around. To record his life. I do not see him within the camera's range. Unless you have planted other cameras around." the boy looked them in the eyes. 

"We haven't. And we were going to talk to Steph and Cass, however, you showed up." Cierra said. 

"Of course. Blame it on me." the boy said and walked away. 

"Who was that?" Cierra asked as soon as he left the room.

"Damian Wayne. Bruce's only biological son. And he makes sure to say that every time he's around us. Or at least make it painfully noticeable. He's a brat. We call him Demon Brat because he's horrible. He's tried to kill us all at least once. Except Dick. Not sure what happened there. He barely listens to Bruce half the time. He only listens to Dick when he's around. They have some sort of...connection." Steph explained. 

"Don't you find that strange?" Charlie asked. 

"Nope. Dick connects to most people. Not really a surprise he connected to Damian. I mean he did bring Bruce out of his shell years ago." Steph said. 

No one said anything against that. 

"Okay, I'm back. Sorry about that. I had to put my suitcase up and change. Those professional suits are a tad bit itchy after wearing them all day." Bruce flashed a smile. 

Bruce was now in a dark blue polo shirt, black jeans, and dark blue socks. 

"How was school you two?" Bruce asked the girls. 

"Good." Cass said, nodding. 

"Great! We had pizza for lunch and I passed my math test that I thought I'd flunk, but I didn't! And then my painting in art class is coming along nicely! OH! We also had a fire drill today and I met one of the janitors!" Steph started talking about her day. 

"Which one?" Bruce asked, sitting down on the big couch.

"Mr. Tormbla." Steph said. (Tor-m-blah)

"Hum. He was there when I went to school." Bruce said. 

"How old is he then?" Jason asked, coming into the room. 

"He's 55 now, I believe." Bruce said. 

"Yesh. I thought you were old." Jason smirked. 

"Jason!" Bruce yelled, grabbing him around the waist and pulling onto the couch. 

Jason quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at Bruce's face while laughing. 

He jumped up and sped away yelling, "Catch me, old man!"

"I'll show you old man!" Bruce started running after Jason. 

Alfred came in with a tray of drinks as the two of them rushed past him. 

He put the tray on the table. 

"Welcome to Wayne Manor."  

Wow! A lot of you liked this idea! XD 

Also, my last name game is too strong XD 

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